Sekhmet ~ Solstice Celebration Exercise

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Sekhmet ~ Solstice Celebration Exercise
Ascension Energy Tools Teleconference 12-20-11


"Well Greetings Everybody! I trust you can all hear. Now we have a special focus. We shall be shining our Lights as we call in more, and why not? You know, Beloved Ones, this is the time of year when it is so much focused upon the giving of gifts, and we want to put some balance into that, and we want to talk about receiving, because you know it is really wondrous indeed to receive when you receive from the perspective of higher dimensionality, higher vibration - when you receive Love, and the Light of Love into your hearts, and into your beings, and it has become automatic, you might say, for you to just simply bring it in, and then beam it out.


"It's not that you bring it in and hold it, so that you have no - nothing radiating, shall we say. It is rather that you bring it in, and radiate it out simultaneously, and in this way you are giving, even as you receive. Now you can liken that to - let us say that you are in the presence of a young child, and it's time to open the gifts, the presents, you know. Makes no difference what type of occasion it is. Say there's a young child who is going to open presents, and you get to sit and watch. You may be -let's say that you're across the room, the farthest distance you can be away from the child, but you get to watch the child. And as the child opens gifts, and expresses great delight, do you not get a beam or two? Of course! The child's happiness just radiates and fills that room, and pretty soon everybody is just as happy, because the gift they're receiving is the Joy that that child is beaming to everyone. And they, too, are opening those gifts with great Joy!


"And so it's the same with the Light of Love. Now what that has to do with this is very simple. When the sun shines - and there are many, many, many, writings, and depictions in art, you know, pictures, dances, rituals, chants - it is a world-wide kind of a thing that Sun, or the Light of the Sun is equated, not only with warmth, but with Joy. 'Ah, the Sun is shining. Let's go outside and enjoy the sunshine. Let's bathe in its radiance. Let us be warmed inside!'


"You know, even if it's a bit chilly out, if the Sun is shining there is a special warmth. And you all know the beauty of, after the rain the Sun comes out, and there is the rainbow, and this Maui is a place where there are a lot of rainbows. And yes, that means there's a fair amount of rain here and there, but it never lasts long, and the rainbow always follows. How about seeing that as life?!


"So, if something comes up for you that is, humm, what you might call somewhat dampening to your Joy - like rain, although rain is delightful - but let us just say that you feel as though maybe a bucket of water got dumped on your head, or something, and your Joy is not all that you would like it to be. Remember, the Sun comes out, the rainbow shines forth, and whatever it was that may have seemed to be a bit of a dampener, or a darkener to you, the Sun will always shine again, and there are many, many, expressions that are similar to this.


"What is it that comes after the dark of night anyway, except the sunshine? And even if there are clouds in the sky it's no matter, the sky gets lighter, and that's the Sun. That is the Earth moving into the Sun, the Light of the Sun. You see the Earth is always drawn, it's kind of like magic, but not really. We aren't going into science here though - you can look it up if you want to, but as the Earth turns it always returns to the Sunlight, and this is the Truth of life, if you allow it.


"No matter what is happening, no matter what is coming up for you, no matter what is presenting itself, the Sun will always shine for you, because the Truth of it is the Sun doesn't turn off and on, like if you had a light switch or something. The Sun is always shining, and so you can call forth the Sun, and it's Light, it's warmth, it's radiance, and it's Joy, anytime day or night. And you already know that. You are so good at your meditations at night in your night-time when you sleep!


"And so it is that we are saying that everybody gets to welcome the special radiance of the Sun on this Solstice, a day to honor the Sun. And make no mistake, when we do this Exercise, wherever you are, you will be joining in to that exact moment in your time on your calendars that Solstice occurs where you are. You see we can do that. We can all do that. So we shall give our intention to do so, and so it shall be!


"And so it is to welcome this warmth, this golden glow. And what is more delightful than to realize that this golden glow is a part of the Golden Age? Now we know we've been talking about that for a while. Well, you've been very diligent and faithful in your assistance to bring it forth, and even though it has taken longer - because you know, there were those who wanted to keep the World in darkness - we are happy to say that the Sun is shining everywhere, because it's time.


"They have gone past their time as you measure it, and the Sun is shining everywhere in the World, as far as being the symbol, if you will, of the Golden Age, and we've talked about the Golden Age and what it means. And there will be a, shall we say, a balancing of the actual climate of Planet Earth, such that the Sun is going to shine in exactly the right temperature that shall be optimum for the Golden Age, and it shall be radiant, and radiating the entire Planet. You may have heard something about it. We've had some discussion of that ourselves on our Ashtar conference calls.


"Believe it! It's a whole new World that you're entering into, Beloved Ones, and the beginnings of it, or shall we say the beginnings of the Golden Age, have already begun! Now it may not seem so, but we shall just take a moment to shed some Light, if you will, upon things that might have seemed to be a bit dark, but the reality of it is, that the dark is literally being turned inside out, and guess what? It's the Sun that's shining everywhere, it's the Light that's coming and pouring forth.


"Humm! Let us discuss what is happening in the Human Kingdom for a moment. The Light is shining so bright, and into every place that has been dark, and so on, that everybody's getting to see for the first time, exactly what's been going on, and Truth is being revealed. The Light is shining in places where there has been, shall we say, environmental destruction, such that the Plant and the Animal Kingdoms - and yes let's not forget the Kingdom of the Minerals, the Crystals, because a lot of them have been disturbed, stolen, whatever you want to call it, but the Light is shining there too - and more and more, people are reaching out and sharing their own Lights and their own Love, to be in compassionate assistance to all of the Kingdoms - not just the Human - but all of the Kingdoms.


"And so even though there might be distress in the life, for instance, of any Kingdom member anywhere in this moment, the reality is that the Sunshine is streaming through, and so it is not to be in despair, Beloved Ones, it is to be in Joy. Whatever more the Sunlight, the Light of Truth has to reveal, it's going to all be over so fast. And here is another wondrous bit of information for you. Whatever you might be feeling in the way of distress, disharmony, disappointment, even hurt within your own individual beings Beloved Ones, as you join in the collective higher dimensionality, as you join in the Joy, you'll feel lighter, warmer, more radiant yourself, and you will welcome the Sun Beams, as you are the Sun Beams, you see. Because it is lightening up on the Planet even now!


"Those final moments of what you might call the recent dark age, mini dark age - not really, it's been going on for eons. But, there have been bright moments and there have been darker moments. It's ending, and the bright Light is about to burst forth everywhere! Now this is the Light of Love, this is Light of Truth. It can have different colors. The Sun is very happy to be the symbol for you. And we are going to suggest that you welcome the Sun as real and welcome this as reality, even while together we welcome the Sun in its glorious image into our beings. It's like, kind of like breathing in a mantra, but we shall be breathing in the Sunshine, which shall be all the more empowering.


"Now the Sun has been said to create a lot of damage. Well it's not the sun that's really done the damage, but that's all right. It's been the destruction to the protections which used to be in place, so that the Sun was not, or shall we say the rays, some of the rays that were coming to Planet Earth, were not so damaging, and it's really not entirely accurate to say that it's the Sun that has been causing damage. Let us look at the Sun as a source of beautiful, unlimited energy, constantly radiating, constantly being a bringer of Joy to the Planet. People have been made to be afraid of the Sun, and of course this has been a limitation. So let us welcome the Sun in all of its glory. Let us think about of all of the magnificent ways the Sun blesses the Planet. Without it, there would be no food, there would be no life on Planet Earth! Think about that!


"And yes, there is a lot of technology that is even available now, although it is somewhat primitive, certainly could be improved upon, where the energy of the Sun is being utilized for a much more natural form of power, and a much more harmonious way of obtaining, you know, the power to run things, than the digging for, the drilling, the disruptions for Mother Earth in Her body, you know, that are a part of this whole oil and related fuel corporate business.


"And even though we shall be bringing additional forms of energy, and there are already forms of energy that are different from accessing the energy of the Sun, just be reminded that the Sun really runs all the living beings - think of that - it powers all living beings, and that's a pretty big job, don't you think? That's a pretty big inclusive, what do you call it call it - 'Job Description!' So let us bless the Sun for all that the Sun does, and let us welcome the Sun to do even more.


"And in this Solstice Celebration let us just know that the Sun will be shining even more, which will give all of us the opportunity to spread the beams even more, and that, Beloved Ones, is a most sacred - and joyful at the same time, joyful part of what we are here to do. We will be energizing ourselves, and honoring the Sun, and then sharing, and that's a pretty big thing to do, but we can do it, and we are. We are going to set this in motion, as it were.


"So, we who join with you - you can just call us the Spirit Body part of this group, this Family. We just want to thank you for your willingness to serve, for all that you have done, as you see it unfolded on your timelines, and for being here in this moment to co-create with this empowering welcoming of the Sun even more to shine even brighter, and to be even more a Light upon the Planet, to be in assistance in empowering the Light of Love, the Light of Truth, and the Light of Divinity to be welcomed, and to shine forth from all members of Mother Gaia's Kingdoms!!!


"Well we've given you a pretty big description, but it is to be in co-creation, and so when we are in the Exercise mode, it is for you to be in realization of the scope of this, so that you can get your intentions centered, so that you can fly high with this, and be joyful with it, from start to finish, of course. So now we shall just ask that you all be in your comfortable positions, in relaxation, in Love, within your own Divine selves, and of course to breathe, and pay special attention. You would find this easier if you would close your eyes.


"Pay special attention to what you're breathing in. See bright Light in your minds' eye, and we suggest that wherever you are, you simply focus upon that Light as it is entering into your energy fields, and then follow it. You will most likely feel that it goes in an upward direction, if you follow it back to it's Source. Even as it is beaming and streaming into you, follow it back up to its Source, and see that golden ball of Light.


"It makes no difference what time of day or night it is where you are, just see that golden ball of Light, streaming, beaming you, and we will say this, it makes no difference where you are, you're going to get more and more of that Light from the Sun streaming to you, and to the entire Planet, as we have expressed already. So there are those of you who are in the South. It is for you also to welcome even more this glorious Light of the Sunshine, this glorious Light of this Sun. Now you can go back further if you wish to trace this to Source, and you can feel the Light of Mother/Father God which created this great Sun, and you can feel that Light streaming to the Sun, and then streaming to you, to us. And as you do, let's make our circle around the Sun. Why not? We can do it. We can do this.


"And let us circle around the Sun, so that we're all getting beamed, and we're all getting the warmth, but we're also knowing that we are not so close as to get singed, but rather we are just at the perfect proximity to feel the warmth, and it feels so good! And as we circle around the Sun, we soak up the rays into the entirety of our beings.


Let it go to your past. Let it go anywhere you said, 'Oh, I miss the Sun. Oh, the Sun isn't shining bright enough for me today. Oh, will this night ever be over that the Sun will come and shine. Will the rain ever stop?' Yes, and for you there's a rainbow! See it. And instead take those moments from the past, and just welcome the Sun. You've been here for many Solstice events, and many Solstice Celebrations. And the Celebrations have been a joyful blending of customs around Planet Earth, and other places as well. But, let's talk about Planet Earth, and you have participated in solemn ceremonies - and ceremonies not so solemn - more laughter and Joy, Joy to the World. Ah hah! The Sun!


"And now it is to feel Joy. At the same time that you welcome the Sun, and you thank the Sun, because you recognize how Divine it is to let the Sun shine into your hearts. And now just help yourselves to even more, because it is to store. It will circle around. It is to feel that warmth, that Joy, that Love. Let it circle and circulate, and find places to store itself in your beautiful hearts, in your beautiful energy fields. And now here it is, it is to take in - picture it, however you choose to picture it, and take it in, not as a single beam, but as a totality, as the Sun in its entire glory, and bring this into your beings.


And we invite you to bring it into your third eye, and let it light up your pituitary and your pineal glands, and in through your crown chakra, and let it light up the totality of your glorious brains. Let it proceed through all of your bones, into all of your organs, and your glands, and the systems, as you call, them within your physical body. Let it light you up with a glow all through your beings.


"And now say to that glow, 'I welcome the Sun into my physical body. I welcome the Sun to assist me in my Ascension preparation of my physicality. I welcome the Sun to assist in my clearing and cleansing of whatever is remaining within my physicality to cleanse and clear. And even as it does this, I welcome it to expand out into my emotional body, my mental body, my chakras, my DNA that is outside of my physicality - my higher dimensional self, and the DNA that resides there.


" 'And I welcome the Light of the Sun to merge with my Spirit Being. And I cleanse and clear all of my energy fields from the past, and I invite the Sun to store within my fields, its energies of Love and Joy and empowerment. Now I look out at my timeline - mytime line - and I beam this Sun, and I invite the Sun to take permanent residence as well in what I call my future timeline, that my path may always be lit brilliantly - warm, glowing, with the Light of the Sun. May it always be clear and visible to me. No more shadows, no more doubts, no more fears, but bright, brilliant Sunshine, illuminating and radiating the entirety of who I Am in this now moment, and in all now moments upon my path, my timeline!


" 'And I thank this wondrous Sun for its wisdom, for its radiance, for its warmth, and for its empowering of me, but now it's time for me to share. So I call upon the Kingdoms of Mother Gaia - all of the Kingdoms - to stand ready, to open to receive, as I have received this wondrous, wondrous, inflow of the Sun's radiance, and the Joy that it brings. And I stand here for all members of all Kingdoms of Mother Gaia, to witness, and to see my radiance, and to know that it's coming now to them!


"'I declare that not one living being on Planet Earth is to be left out, no matter, no matter how much darkness may be within them, no matter how much darkness they may perceive to be in their own energy fields! I now send this great Light, this Love, this Compassion, this Forgiveness, and this Gratitude to all, all members of the Kingdoms of Mother Gaia, all upon Planet Earth.


" 'And it is a new day for them, that this Solstice may greet them, that they may be radiant - radiant in enjoyment of receiving their own gift of this Solstice - and that it may come to them as it comes to me in the exact moment as it is seen by the wise ones, who keep the calendars of such things. Solstice is Now, and I Am in honoring, I Am One with the Sun. I Am one with its radiant glow. And I have given intention and created that the Sun shines in me and through me, even more than ever before.'


"And now look around, and see the great brilliance We Are! We Are One in this Light, and we have empowered all of Planet Earth to be One with us, One Great Light, radiant beams of sunshine beaming together as One - indistinguishable, sacred, Divine Beings of Light!!! And this is a great gift, Beloved Ones, which we have created together, together as One -your receivership of this Light, and then your giving of this Light, and so it is that it is now in place!


"Feel it, and know that it will be felt, is being felt, and will continue to be felt long past the exact date and time of Solstice. For this is the Golden Age, the Light of the Golden Age, and it has been spread everywhere. And so it is that we fulfilled the intention of our being together in the sacred Oneness We Are! So we give this to the World, and we invite the World to join with us in the sacredness, in the bringing of the Light everywhere - more Light, more radiance, and more Love.


"So be in Joy, Beloved Ones, and know that all that you have been dreaming of, all you have envisioned, you have just lit it up more than ever! And it is with this great Light shining forth that you call to you even more, that which expresses your passions, your intentions, and your joyful missions. So let us be in rejoicing, and we thank you that you have given this great gift together with us. One We Are in the bright, beautiful, Golden Light, as we continue together with our paths radiantly lit and our songs of Joy for the entire Universe to hear. For we are literally singing in this high frequency of the Light of Love. Thank you, Beloved Family! We are complete! Well done! Namaste!"

Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh

Given through Susan Leland 12/20/11. © Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2011. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.
