~Sekhmet speaking at the “DeMystifying 2012” Weekend ~

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~Sekhmet speaking at the

“DeMystifying 2012” Weekend ~

on Saturday, October 29, 2011





“Well, I’m not exactly a pussycat, you understand. I’m extremely powerful! But it’s all about Love. I know, I got what you call a ‘bum rap’ in ancient Egypt, and everybody was afraid of me, except the ones who worked with me, the physicians, and some of them were priests in the temples. And they knew how to do things because I worked with them. And some of them – well, they’re all here today. I am, shall we say, reestablishing connections with everyone, and if you want to take that to mean you’ve taken a turn in ancient Egypt at sometime or other, please do. What they missed when they wrote the history/herstory of Planet Earth is that it’s about Love. Now if everybody kept that Love - unconditional Love - in their hearts and beamed it out as Ashtar says, well, the world would have missed a lot of real exciting adventures.


“So what we are doing now is, we are remembering who we really are. Oh, I know, I know, but we are coming to you to assist you in every way possible, because you have stood forth and said, ‘OK, let’s do it this time, let’s make it work, let’s get back to who we really are and live in that vibration of unconditional Love.’ And so you have called us forth, literally, and we have come, and we are so excited! Well, you can probably tell that. So what we have been doing is, through various messengers, including this one,* we’ve been sharing the wisdom, and it’s ancient. And yes, I, Sekhmet, have an Egyptian image, but to be very honest with you it goes back way farther than that. We’re talking Lemuria here. We’re talking about when you first came to Planet Earth during that time called Lemuria. We’re talking about what you brought with you. No, you didn’t bring your suitcases and had to be careful that you didn’t put too much in them.


"You came to be a part of the establishment of the energies of Love - unconditional Love - on Planet Earth. And then of course you allowed yourselves to come into a lower density which you call the human body. You came as light beings, star beings, and you came from places that you’ve all heard about, and many of you know what your particular home base - or home bases, because to be honest with you, you’ve heard that the term ‘melting pot’ applied to this United States of America, but the truth of it is, Planet Earth was a melting pot and still is, of beings from all over the galaxy and beyond!


"And so this is reunion time, everybody! Because you’ve all been here before, yes, and you’ve got some Lemurian past, and it’s these memories of the first time of Lemuria on Planet Earth that we’re here to support you and invite you to share. Wake up to it within your own beings and then share it!!!


"Now, to get down to some specifics, what I like to focus on is having a good time. Laugh, be joyful. When you are in a high vibration of joy, it is real hard for anything that you might call 'not so joyful' to stick to you. You don’t think about it - you’re in the now moment. You’re dancing inside - or outside - too. You’re singing, you’re happy, you’re smiling, and you’re opening your heart space and allowing even more of that unconditional Love of the universe, Mother/Father God, to come in and light you up even more!


"And in case you’re wondering why you’re all sitting here, it’s because we all have this mission to co-create, and the simplest truths are the ones which are proving to be the ancient wisdoms coming forward. It does not matter what language you speak or understand. There is a universal language. It has no barriers. It has no boundaries and it is all about One We Are, and of course, the language is called Love. And when you speak that language, you don’t have to use your voice if you don’t choose to. You can just simply smile, put a hand - put your paw - on the shoulder of somebody who could use that loving touch. Look into your mirrors. You all have mirrors of course, in your home spaces, yes? Look into your mirrors and greet the God/Goddess who dwells within – that’s your power! That’s Who You Are!!! And spread the word. Go inward – that’s what you do – it is to shine! It is to be One with your brothers and sisters. It is to use the teachings of the ancient ones. We’re real big on ‘Ho’oponopono’. You can google that if you’re not sure what it means, but it is ancient. It goes back as far as Lemuria, and it is coming forward now because it works – it’s powerful! And it’s grand indeed and it elevates you, just like ORMEs does, you know, the elements she** was speaking of.


“Your physical selves are changing, and this is fact. It is the scientists - even the ones who are not so versed in the quantum physics, but the scientists are waking up to it, and they are making discoveries everywhere – in genetics, in what you call the check-ups of the people, and so on and so on. The Crystal Ones are the children, the young children, and before them came the Indigos. You know about the marchers in the streets – the ones who are fired up for Freedom – their leaders are the Indigos. And the Crystals – look into the eye of the Crystal – see yourself and feel the Oneness and the wonder of divinity in body. And as we join with you on your path, as your bodies change, your physical bodies, your hearts are expanding, your attitudes are changing. You know, you can have the most empowered day of your life if you will spend that day, with every thought, word or action that comes your way, you say, 'Thank you! I am so glad to be here – I am alive – I am absolutely divine – Thank you, and I thank myself that I’m here!!!'


"If you have compassionate Love, you can help, you can reach out. It is not to go spinning down into the dumpies with that person that you are helping. It is rather to encourage them to get up and out of those dumpies. So it is that you help with compassionate unconditional Love at all times. Not easy to do. We know that. Now here’s the really big news – as you proceed on this path, you get to observe yourself. You’ve heard of the Compassionate Observer. That’s the attitude to develop. The Gratitude – oh, I was just about to send some anger to the person in line ahead of me. Catch yourself and say, 'Oh thank you, to the divine being I AM!' And then it’s like a light switch turning on and you can beam the person, but you’re not going to allow the person to stick to you, whatever is the attitude. You send them Love, you can send them some ‘Ho’oponopono’ if you wish, and let them be, whoever they are. It’s not up to you to create miracles for them, because then you start trying to define what those miracles are. That’s not your mission, Beloved Ones. Your mission is just to offer them that Love, that Light, and let them figure out what to do with it. And maybe they will turn and smile back at you and maybe they will not, but you’ve sent them an email of Love and they’ll open it when they’re ready.


"And so as your body grows more and more into the crystalline state, you are rising more and more in your own vibrations, and as you do that, people are starting to notice the difference. This is a magnificent time of empowerment. These days, as you measure days on your calendar, are so important, and this is such a wondrous time to get your act together! And to bring yourself into that totality, that oneness, that Love, and then apply it to everything that you do. And you will find that as you become more and more high-vibe, as they say, you become more and more enlightened, because you have that observer in you and that observer has come alive, awake so to speak. And that observer says, ‘Oh, let’s play, let’s have an inner child honoring day, and let’s let our day be so full of Love and Joy. By the way, Ego, we know you’re there, but it’s time for a big time-out. You deserve it and thank you, Ego, for taking such good care of me and warning me about so many dangers throughout all of my lifetimes, but we’re processing through. To be very honest with you, your job description has become obsolete, so let’s just stay in the high vibrations – oh, you come, come in the back seat, be real quiet, because I’m the Compassionate Observer now and I’m here with all of my divine being – integrated and totally in Oneness within myself - as within, and within the whole wide wonderful universe, so without!!!


"And when you are in that divine alignment, you don’t get the low vibes. You’re in the moment, you observe, and you take advantage within. And give yourself a little pat with your paws, say, 'Good job, Divine Being I AM. I observed compassionately, I didn’t take on anybody else’s stuff because I didn’t need to, and I used all of the tools that I have within myself, my gifts, and most of all, the Love I AM, and I made a big step forward!'


"Now you’re all going to make it if you want to. Don’t anybody ever get any kind of fear ideas that maybe you’re not going to make it, because everybody is – everybody’s going to raise their consciousness and live in Love – Lemuria, you know? Some of us are so fond of pointing out the advantages and benefits of living the Lemurian lifestyle, which is another way of saying the high dimensional lifestyle. There is Peace everywhere because you, Beloved Ones, have called it forth. Don’t dwell on where there isn’t Peace but rather send Peace to those places because you know you’re them. More and more are waking up, more and more are calling for Peace on Earth. Even world leaders are calling for Peace on Earth and they’re being listened to. How about that? They get the podium, they get the forums, and they talk of Love.


"There is a President in this country – you all know he is Obama, and he is an Ambassador from another place in the galaxy as well. And he is serving, and in the first time that he made his speech on the day that he was inaugurated, he spoke of Love. Now that’s phenomenal! And you see, that’s what we’re all here to do, whether you speak it out loud, or whether you simply beam it out. Unconditional Love, unconditional first and foremost towards yourselves. Compassionate Observation is the way, allowing yourselves to go into your heart and then express from there. That’s it -it’s that simple!


"And yes, we have some goodies*** and ways to help you, and understand too, that right at this time, because your physicality is changing – you’re moving into the crystalline body, the light body more- and you don’t have to die your physical body. You may have heard that this is it, that energies are coming in and this is the time to transmute your baggage on all levels of your being, including your physical. Why do you think your backaches, or your headaches or whatever, are perhaps becoming more severe? It’s because this is as bad as it’s going to get, because the energies and the technologies - oh yes, the Arcturians are here already and there are others who are healers! And you, Beloved Ones, merely have to take charge and step up and say, ‘OK, I am healed in this moment and in all moments forward. I create my future in this now moment and it is done!!!"


"Now that might seem like an oversimplification, but you’ve got lots of help, so call upon your healing teams and your guides. Call upon the divinity within and know that this is your future now. You don’t have aches and pains in higher dimensionality. You have the Christ Consciousness and aches and pains don’t exist, any more than depression, anger, hatred. There’s no war! The biggest, most ferocious wars that you have ever fought in all of your lifetimes here have been the wars within yourselves. You’ve really learned how to get in your own way in so many expressions. You did your jobs. You came here to experience and you’ve done it – beautifully – no matter how difficult it has been from your perspective!


“You are loved beyond words. You shine – and you are on that Homecoming path. Allow it. Welcome it, and thank yourselves for having the wisdom to come here at this time and be a part of this process. There is nothing mysterious about it when you greet Who You Really Are. There is only Joy to be had, dances to dance and songs to sing – and I love to dance, so I’m right there with you! And it’s time, it’s time - now. So look me up. We have these '101' classes. I call them '101' because I wanted to start right at the beginning. And they’re all there and you can listen to them**** or you can read them if you’re interested. We’re putting out a book. Well, I have to wait for the humans to catch up, but we shall have a book out, with all of the teachings and some that you haven’t heard before, and together we go on this path. And it’s a grand path indeed!


"And we only want you to know that, even though each one of you has an individual personality upon this Planet, we see you as One, and We Are One With You, and we say to you, thank you, Beloved Ones, for shining so bright, for being so committed, and for being part of this grand Family which is changing the world with Light and Love - Unconditional , Compassionate, and yes, Grateful.


"Well, I think that about wraps it up for the day. It’s been a grand gathering and we are so pleased you came, every one of you was called here to participate in this. Do you want to know why? It’s because we are co-creating something - an energy - that is so full of Love, so uplifting and so powerful that we are helping Mother Gaia and all of the Planet to make these changes, these shiftings as you call them, and that’s what we’re here to do – and we see it as already done!!!

"Thank you, Beloved Ones, for being with us – Mighty Co-Creators We Are! And so it is. Namaste!"


* Susan, "The Voice"

** Elise, speaking of the Ascension Energy Tools

*** Ascension Energy Tools

**** http://www.ascensionenergytools.com/sekhmet_yes_I_can_101.html


Given through Susan Leland, October 29, 2011.http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/

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