Credit: Keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk
By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness
The purpose of our existence, beyond realizing our eternal connection with the Almighty, is to serve others. We’re here to offer ourselves to the awakening of the masses in any way we see fit, and our perspective starts to shift when we realize we can no longer live solely for ourselves.
We can no longer satisfy our own material needs while so many people starve every day, and we have to find the willingness to look at the world’s condition and figure out how we can make a change.
We have to find compassion for the people around us, and until we can transcend selfishness and take a bigger look at our unbalanced society, we’ll continue to struggle without really understanding why.
We’re meant to work together to solve the issues we face – most of which are environmental and economic – but we’ve been kept too divided to become aware of the plight of people in poorer countries, much less to do anything about it.