~Sep 8, 2011
Grandfather of the Maya Don Alejandro and Drunvalo Melchizedek~
Time to be... the world is changing now .. be part of the change 11:11 the love .. let go the fear ..... let go your attachment to the old world and embrace the new ... MUSIC is the answer is the Key ^_^ ♪ ♫
egypt ancient consciousness energy earth spirit truth light world history universe healing ufo physics ascension knowledge sacred quantum meditation reality prophecy human calendar awakening mind pyramid wisdom time secret alien mckenna life theory divine planet atlantis goddess nature dimension space astral cosmic future peace terence freedom enlightenment power awareness soul order age geometry alchemy metaphysics matrix galactic moors dream technology dimensions psychic native humanity body new psychology mystery babylon matter projection civilization shaman self cosmos aztec psychedelic hidden aliens transformation field shamanism vision isis cairo higher vortex