The SHIFT of Human Consciousness and The Metaphor of the Galactic Center

Lia's picture

On another blog site I posted a video and someone turned it into a wrath of negative. It angered me that anyone at this late day should be concerned about people going into fear by hearing the truth of the possible physical event results and their why. So I removed that Blog because I refuse to deal with negativity ""including my own"". It kept me up all night because this event we call the SHIFT is what I've spent lifetimes trying to help humanity understand is not physical, but about our spiritual evolution. This is not, nor is any of life, about the Physical. All things are energy and the Physical is only an illusion. This physical projection of Earth and Galactic Center meeting is like a visual metaphor. This physical event is only the illusion. The event is between the energy of human consciousness meeting the consciousness energy at the next Higher Octave Frequency Cycle we are moving into. When this so projection as a physical even takes place, IF the inner vibration of human consciousness has risen to where it can find harmonic balance in this new energy it survives. IF human consciousness has not risen up in vibration it can only be discordant and will not find harmonic balance. In the metaphoric physical view then it will be out of balance and Tilt on it's Axis, BUT If it has risen and is in a harmonic energy it remains up-right in Balance and there is no pole shift or tilt. This Astrological Transit WILL occur, how humanities energy reacts to it will be determined by it's vibrational frequency. There are LESS THAN 90 if the picture of what can happen puts some in Fear ~ so be it...there is only 3months projected physical linear time for the many who have not raised inner consciousness to do so. They have a chance to remove any and all fear by living life in Loving Unified Oneness from the heart so the consciousness unite can move in mass Harmonic Balance with the Galactic Center. I am part of this human consciousness - all other is part of me - I am taking responsibility for awakening other parts of myself and if it takes fear to do it that's what it takes...there is LESS THAN 90 DAYS... Below I've posted this video...hopefully you will see the physical event as the illusion it is and then relate to it being about the Human Consciousness Energy.




ydnartitcomb's picture

Hi, thanks for the sharing, My main concern is I don't trust NASA, which is too bad, as i'm sure some of their studies are told true, alot is lies. I choose not to beleive anything they say, and will just wait without fear and see what happens. If you will notice that anything in the film that is not known is automatically feared instead of wonderment. It is not a wonder that some view this as fear porn. It all depends on where a person is at in their developement, as to how they view such information. It does no good to fear something out of your control, just pay attension to your surroundings and go with what works for you.

Fear never accomplishes

Luana's picture

Fear never accomplishes anything good and it seems that your own fear is what is being reflected back to you in the form of negativity you are trying to get away from. Trust me I have tried to use fear of the "truth" to try and warn people of something "bad" (vaccines) it accomplished the opossite of what I wanted. What we fear we will experience, yes?

Where is Creator in all of

Sandra Rose's picture

Where is Creator in all of this...  Have we forgotton that it is Creator who is in charge here.  We are ALL his creations, and NO BODY will have the final say of what is exactly going to happen, and when but Creator!  Remember your Faith, never lose it ~<3~