A Shopping & Eating Guide to Non-GMO Foods

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Catherine J. Frompovich, Guest
Waking Times

A dear friend gifted me with a sweatshirt that said, “GMO OMG WTF Are We Eating?” I can’t tell you how much I really appreciated that thoughtful gift. I even wore it to the screening of a film about GMOs where I was a member of the panel discussion afterward. Almost everyone who saw the message gave a thumb’s up! However, once or twice I saw a different finger response, so I asked if they didn’t like the sweatshirt. Oh no, the sweatshirt was fine; they didn’t like being forced to eat foods not knowing which edibles had GMO ingredients since there is no mandatory labeling of GMOs in the USA.

Hopefully, this guide can make that easier and, certainly, more reliable. I’ve pulled together as comprehensive a guide as possible from various online sources to take into consideration as many relevant aspects and angles of the Non-GMO / GMO conundrum.
