Karen Patrick suggests we wear a silver ribbon on World Disclosure Day, reminiscent of the silver weather balloon hoax surrounding the Roswell Crash in 1947.
Silver Solidarity Ribbon for World Disclosure Day
Show your support for World Disclosure Day by wearing a Silver Solidarity Ribbon! When folks ask you what your ribbon is all about, you can educate them on the Truth Embargo and articulate your motivations for supporting the movement for Disclosure.
The reason for the ribbon to be silver? World Disclosure day is July 8th, 2011 in commemoration of the start of the UFO cover-up. Stephen Bassett of Paradigm Research Group says in his PRESS RELEASE:
“On July 8, 1947 General Roger Ramey held a press event in which he changed the just released story of a captured flying saucer near Roswell, New Mexico to that of a retrieved Rawin weather balloon. This was the informal beginning of the now 64-year truth embargo regarding the extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. For this reason the date July 8 was chosen to emphasize the need to reverse that now inappropriate policy.”

So what do you say when somebody asks you about what your ribbon means?
Each person supporting Disclosure has their own deep convictions as to why this is important NOW, but here are some suggested talking points when in discourse with the Unaware:
- “It’s about the Energy, Stupid.” (borrowing this phrase for humor is by no means is an endorsement of name-calling) It’s obvious that our choices in energy policy has wrought disaster upon the planet in using Oil and Nuke technologies. It’s time to day-light technologies that are harmonious with life and nature before we achieve ecological collapse.
- “It’s about the Economy, Stupid Unaware Person.” Innovation and technology are wonderful catalysts for economic growth. Technologies that have been black-boxed by our governments need to be re-purposed towards utilization for the Greater Good . Our openly-known space program gave us all kinds of things that now have become industries with good paying jobs. Think of all the innovations in things like communications, micro-circuitry, industrial materials, etc. (Yay to Velcro and Tang :) Imagine what useful stuff, perhaps even more ecologically sustainable, is made possible by greater technological understandings. And also a catalyst for jobs, jobs, jobs.
- Of the People, By the People, and For the People. There is no real Democracy without Transparency. President Eisenhower warned us of the danger to our idea of government “by the People” from a Military Industrial Complex run amok. The People cannot collectively make decisions about their lives and future when essential information pertaining to that future is withheld from them. Personally, I’m not impressed with our leadership’s decision-making process. If we don’t have a “world that works for everyone” then they are not competent to the task. Unleashing Human Potential and the Wisdom of the Collective would have a great transformative effect.
- We Paid For It. We the People have been footing the bill and deserve to know what we paid for. If, for instance, many of the UFO’s are “ours” (back-engineered craft built by our governments) then we need to know that. Quit freaking us out with sightings and let us in on the secret. AND if some of the craft are “theirs” (Galactic Visitors) then you better let us know before They do or you stand to lose all credibility because you didn’t tell the truth. (For like, over 60 years, at least.) Also, it’s extremely Bad Karma to make us finance the elite-classes’ private toy collection without getting any benefit. It’s like selling everything you have to buy your boss a fancy car. Come on, it’s beyond obnoxious and insane how precious resources are wasted as “We the People” face a dwindling lifestyle and expectations.
So, I hope you will join me in wearing a Silver Solidarity Ribbon for World Disclosure Day and be bold and certain that this is a worthy cause.
Light, Life and Love to all Humanity.
Karen Christine Patrick