The Simple Truth ~ How To Change The World ~

Lia's picture

 20 September 2012 Thank You to Lucas


By Nathanael Lark link to original article

(Lucas : Here in this cartoon is all that I and others have been talking about in simplefied form displayed, go within and the key is your heart as your new mind[Heart] and open the lock by using now and for ever unconditional love towards all and in all. Love and light is my wish for you all.)


Thank you for posting my cartoon!

Nathanael Lark's picture

Thank you for posting my cartoon! I'm the artist responsible for this. I created it right from my heart and it's really wonderful to see it resonating with people. If each of us takes a small courageous step, we truly can build the momentum to change the world. Thanks again for sharing my work.

Brilliant Thank You Nate

Lia's picture


Indeed You DID, Thank You for Your Brilliance! Please feel free to share here at the Press! We are truly Honored. All Our Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies

Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!