Snap Tarot Reading for March 26, 2013

yourgypsysoul's picture
Phew, I am certainly feeling the energy today. It's really ramping up - I personally am having difficulties breathing and staying centered. How are you all feeling today?

I was guided to draw a card after the first bout of energies hit me, and received the II of Wands. The card shows an image of a man, standing on a balcony or rooftop, peering out into the horizon. He's holding a globe in his hands. We hold the world in our hands now. What we do with it is up to us. If your path is still not clear take the time to meditate on it and allow the ideas come to you. Be inspired by everything that you see. The two of wands stands for your own creativity and strength, influenced by the Divine, brought on to Earth. Be yourself, and if you're still unsure then take the time to find yourself. Please. The new world depends on your -- yes YOU! -- personal power and what you do with it. It's time to connect with the Divine, unleash your creative forces and show the world what you're made of.
I'm getting the feeling that the VII of Wands is also important today. It flew out at me while I was shuffling, and was also in the unused portion of the 8 cards I draw for single readings. The man on this card looks angry, and we must not allow negative emotions to influence us because all they will do is keep us stuck on our path until we work through them and release them. You may feel like you are caught in a battle today, so take the time to determine if it is worth fighting -- some battles are!!!
