Snow Sculpture Says 'I Love You' In American Sign Language (PHOTO)

MomT's picture

Huffington Post By Amy Marturana 

Posted:   |  Updated: 01/08/2013 2:26 pm EST


It's no wonder why kids love snow. Not only will a big storm give them a day off from school, but they can also find hours of entertainment playing in it.


But even adults can appreciate this impressive snow sculpture that Reddit user ChanceyGardener found in their neighbor's front yard.


We think this is such a unique display that anyone can enjoy, especially since most people who don't know sign language can at least recognize the hand gesture for "I love you." The builder does a wonderful job of turning this symbol into a really amazing piece of art. What a positive message to place in front of your home!

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Except it's not...

Kestrela's picture

The ASL sign for "I love you" has the thumb out at 90 degrees to the forefinger (forming the "L"). This is variously interpreted to be: A) The Rocker's sign; B) the Satanist sign; or C) the Illuminati sign.

Rock on.