Soft and Powerless?

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Ida Lawrence, Contributor
Waking Times 

Are we intuitively led and guided despite the ego? Looking back, my life tells me that we certainly are: intuition, synchronicity, the magnetic pull of our yearning to understand why, and what is… these things slowly move us toward awareness of True Self and Spirit. I imagine it’s that way for all of us who haven’t lost the yearning. We are remembering or reawakening to what is forgotten, and we are helped.

It’s totally on point to say ‘despite the ego’, since the ego is the obstacle. When I think about some of my attempts at spiritual seeking or having ‘spiritual’ relationships, always so fraught with righteous emotion, ‘worthless me’, and sacrifice, I have to shake my head and smile. What a story: big ego invites serious ‘rearrangement’…
