Update from October 8th 2013
it was one of those intense energy days, one of the most intense ever ~ heart palpitations, quickenings, audio tones ... even some dizziness ~ to the point, I asked Guidance ..."whoa dudes, what is happening here" (figure of speech ~ LOL) ... no sooner did I ASK ... the little alert tone went off on my phone ... from 3D and Spaceweather, simultaneously! see below!
CME IMPACT, GEOMAGNETIC STORM: An interplanetary shock wave, possibly the leading edge of a CME, hit Earth's magnetic field on October 8th at approximately 2015 UT (1:15 pm PDT). The impact has sparked a minor (G1-class) geomagnetic storm that could intensify in the hours ahead. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.

I felt the shock wave ~ so powerfully ... my head was spinning ~ literally ~ you might have felt it, too! ;o) I had to lay down for a short while to acclimate the impact. Just depends how each person acclimates and calibrates when we are in a shift and today there was a distinct and defined SHIFT! ;o)
What exactly does that mean for us? Depending on where you are vibrationally ... Your senses became much more magnified ... inclusive of any Feelings that you are currently processing or releasing ~
anytime we go through one of these powerful shifts, GREAT Changes are imminent. Given what is going on globally ... war, finances, collapsing governments ~ you are likely to see something paramount change in your spaces or someone you are connected with!
Most importantly, YOU are the Creator ... You have the will and the wherewithal to create the changes you are seeking ... now with that much more frequency surrounding you!
If we can just keep in mind that we have shifted and are in the midst of an extremely POWERFUL frequency ... perhaps it will help get through the riding of this wave! This is one of the MOST Powerful influxes ... humanity has experienced. When you feel the "shock wave" of the energy being thrusted through the cosmos almost instanstaneously ... no human words describe the intensity it is reverberating within spaces seen and unseen!
Do what makes YOU FEEL MORE PEACEFUL and CALM ~ ~ ~ connect with Earth Mother * Breathing exercises * hydration * live foods * meditation * music * balance ~ ~ ~ just be a little more compassionate with YOURSELF, right now! ;o) Our dreamstates will probably be very affected , too ~ ~ ~ lots of work happening there presently.
Remember ~ ~ ~ all is happening as it is meant to unfold and to be ...
LOVE Blessings!
yes intense indeed!
i notice a lot of people releasing negative energy and emotions...i had a hard time with it as i am extremely sensitive to others negative energies - also going to sleep was challenging as well