Solidarity growing among Turkish protesters

Rain's picture - 6/30/13, Senada Sokollu, Istanbul / bk

Kurds marched to pay tribute to Medeni Yildirim, an 18-year-old young man who died during clashes between Kurdish protesters and Turkish soldiers on June 29, 2013, in Diyarbakir. Photo: MEHMET ENGIN/AFP/Getty Images

Turks, Kurds, Alawis, Sunnis - old sectarian distinctions are apparently being ignored. "That was never anyone's intention," one Kurdish demonstrator said. "All that happened in the past were provocations. It didn't matter how many divisive statements the politicians made. The people won't lose their solidarity, and that's the important thing."

"We're all brothers," another Kurd added. "We're all equal and free, and want to live equal and free in this country."



