Sound Beings ~ Go Within

Lia's picture

Sound Beings  December 12 2013

SoundBeing1“There is no other, no Guru; there is YOU . YOU are all there is, rather, ALL there is. It can sometimes be easy to confuse detachment with not caring; you are here to practice responsible detachment, and loving action. They are the Yin and YANG . For millenia beings upon this plane have not embraced their power, they have given responsibility and ownership to an outside being / an outside source/ something considered as separate to themselves; unloving deeds have been and continue to be committed in the name of another, some EXTERNAL and unconnected entity ; nothing external from you exists as we ARE ALL ONE.

Each one of you is ALL; each one of you is creator and destroyer. There is no harmony in acting from a place of non responsibility; whenever you say ” that person made me do this” or ” My ” master / my teacher / my god says I must / must not do this or that” you are not being harmonious UNLESS you FEEL within your heart that YOU are doing , that you are BEING the right thing. You must acknowledge ownership of your actions and feelings. You must be and act in harmony and love.

You can not remove yourselves from the consequences of actions by ” blaming another ‘ be that the person next to you or any being or belief system that you believe to be separate from yourself. What you are doing / thinking and being, either resonates with YOU or not, you are responsible for what you attach to. Each thought you think, each action you take, each feeling is yours and results in an effect. So you can not relinquish responsibility ever; you have though relinquished power, as many look outside themselves and do not act from an inner place, instead respond to outer stimuli, and instruction from others, seeking answers outside of themselves, and abdicating responsibility.

Feel what YOU feel is right, ACT from a LOVING place WITHIN , seek answers within not without. When you seek outside yourselves you become separate from awareness but not consequence. In truth there is no ” outside’ , but in the action of ‘ separating yourselves’ by thought word or deed you reduce your vibrational frequency and your manifestation energy.

You are all beings of divine light, the universe is within you as YOU are ALL. Nothing need stay as it is ; should you desire with all your heart from a love space for things to change, and act from a place of loving responsibility, then change they will. You have the power to create a new world on all levels, GO within and listen to YOUR truth. Your truth my be different from others, but as long as it is TRUTH the world will shape harmoniously. You are then conscious beings, being conscious”

Brought in meditation

