Sound Healing – We Are One – Aligned With Love And Light Delta/Theta Brainwave Relaxing Meditation – 21 August 2012

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Uploaded by HealingWithSound  on 7 April 2010

Full Length version:

If you enjoy this video, Please show your support and buy the full length version of this meditation! Thank you :)

This meditation track consists of theta and delta frequencies along with atmospheric sounds and melodies which will leave you feeling balanced, aligned, and provide a feeling of oneness with the earth and your own higher self.
The tones integrated into this meditation provide feelings of centering, calmness, and provide the realization that you are a pure vibrational being consisting of unconditional love and beautiful radiant light.
This video contains the first 10 minutes of the full 30 minute meditation track which can be downloaded here.
Listening with headphones is recommended for the full benefit of this meditation.
Relax and enjoy~

thanks Lucas