~Speak Truth and Stay Innocent~

Lia's picture
Submitted by Guest (unregistered) on Tue, 08/21/2012 - 02:17.

When you know the truth of love and heaven you know Mother Father God speak in truth and what they are presenting us with is just the way things are.  If they said anything else it would be a deceit.  3D has created so much hierarchy that we distort divine reality when it emerges.  Can you imagine if an angel arrived on your door step and said 'I am an angel and I serve God, I am here incarnated for the first time in millions of years and I can tell you the whole history of your universe' - would you say stop being arrogant and prove it?  It is possible to feel the love in this piece of writing because it is present all the way...   Pride, overconfidence, a desire for power have origin in something else and not the divine - be careful brothers and sisters ❤









Worried of things to

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Worried of things to come<?xml:namespace prefix = u1 /><?xml:namespace prefix = o />

I woke this morning with a ringing in my ears. A thought in my mind of a god present, my god a true loving god. I thought what work will I do to provide to my loved ones today and the rest of my life dear god. I got back from him that I already have a job careing for the ones who can not care for themselves. I thought how will I feed them and pay for their rent and all with the word changing as it is? And god gave me a thought of don't worry I will, if you are not able to feed them then they will be fed. I thought should I look for work and leave them so I can provide and god gave me a thought of don't worry I will provide for them you only need to care for them and be there for them. I thought I have a doubt that you will not provide and I should be looking for work even if it means to leave them in strangers hands. I got back don't doubt the lord as he has never let you down even when you thought he had. He will provide for them and for you if you only allow him to do so.

I say to all that read this. I am a disabled man with two disabled adult kids and a wife who is also disabled. I have to depended on you the public to help provide for our family to pay our bills and house myself, my disabled adult children and disabled wife since I became totally disabled and unable to work. I have done everything by the book and followed the rules since the children were declared disabled. I did manual labor and worked so hard trying my best until I was injured on the job and became disabled myself. I depend on you the public to ensure these angels are fed and housed because I was ensured by the state and federal governments that this is the way things work in America.

I now have a fear all of this is coming to an end and I have been asking God what do I do next and how will we make ends meet in the years to come? I received my answer this morning in the form of a ringing in my ears and thought in my mind. I understand now that we don't need to worry as things change in the world. As people who crave power and money change the way things are so they can gain more power and money for themselves I should let this happen and be greatful for what we have.

God has told me it will not last, that they will not be around for very long and that he will provide for us during the coming changes. That even if we have to beg for food on the streets with a sign that he will protect us and feed us like he has for the many years we have lived already. That not to worry as the time has come for them to have what they have been seeking all these many years. That it will not last for them.

I ask all of you when you see my disabled sons, my wife and myself asking for food to please not to laugh and scron them because we have been your responsiblity all along. I only cared for them and raised them to be where you see them now. They are your children too as you all housed them and feed them all these years. Please remember this when you see them looking to be fed and housed in the coming years. And also remember they will be protected by God, as they have always been, my God a true loving and caring God.

Thank you

Guest's picture

Thank you for sharing this. You are an amazingly brave and strong loving aspect of God. I will Send my love to you. I can't imagine the stress you must have been feeling. I am happy you found peace,as have I, in God. I love you!