Speaking the Language of Your Body: What Food Cravings are Urgently Trying to Tell You

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HJ: Food cravings are your body very specifically trying to tell you what nutrients it needs, so it’s important you are able to decode what it is saying.  This brilliant article shows you how.  By understanding what your body wants and then giving it just that, you can radically improve your health and wellbeing.

- Truth

You Only Crave Foods For One Reason

By Natasha Longo | Prevent Disease


Cravings can inspire you or consume you. They can lead you down the path of ill health or encourage change in what and how you eat. Once we are tuned into all the the foods that jive with our intestinal, hormonal and physiological health, we can learn to and tweak our diet to satisfy something larger that our body requirements. Defeating recurring cravin...
