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Special Ceremony of Healing-
Archangel Michael, John Lennon, Group Consciousness of the 3M's of Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron & The Mahatma
 21 March 2011 - 1:46am |  Presenter
"Special Ceremony of Healing"
Clarion Light Beings 911 & Beyond ~ March 14th, 2011
Hosts:  Archangel Michael, John Lennon,
Group Consciousness of the 3M's of Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron & The Mahatma
This week marked the 9th year anniversary of when the Clarion Light Beings 911 meditation group was started.  It is very poignant for Christine as she truly had no idea of the magnificence of this Temple in the beginning.  The Japanese souls were given a special dispensation to come to the Temple immediately through the efforts of Archangel Michael, John Lennon, Meleriessee and the host of Beings of the Spiritual Hierarchy.  This special opening of a doorway will continue from this point forward.  Everyone worked very diligently to have the souls ready to be in this Temple of 911 for the healing of their deepest Essence and remove all karmic ties to the terrible tragedy that occurred.
We thank everyone who has participated in the calls, read the material, and shared the message.
Namaste !
To listen & download the Recording

We are the Angels
We are the Angels of Light
We are with each of you and the souls that are with us
Allowing the frequencies to increase
Thank you for being here; thank you
Blessings, Blessings, Blessings
Good Evening,
This is Fred speaking.  Welcome; welcome to the Temple tonight.  There is a lot of emotion going on and the emotions are going to be coming through each of you.  We must understand that because as we in the Spirit World cannot release emotions so there is going to be quite a bit of healing happening,, and we thank each of you for being in this space.  Thank you, Christine, for bringing forth everyone this evening; with that being said, I am going to step aside and allow the energies to occur.  We are in a ceremony of healing this evening.  Thank you and Blessings.
Good Evening,
This is Archangel Michael speaking.  Thank you for being in the temple; I do not speak here very often because I am behind the scenes assisting the souls in coming into this space of healing that has been created.  First of all, I have to give gratitude for Christine.  She is the one that was the catalyzer for this temple to be created with her own healing that happened in the sweat lodge when her leg was burnt and she associated herself with the souls of 911.  Now we have many other souls that are coming into the Temple.  The Earth is changing and we need to expand this temple and each of you are a big asset to these energies that are occurring presently.
So I want each of you to take a deep breath ~ please know that each of your Hearts are being filled right now in the depth and the frequency with the healing that has been occurring.  As these souls were embodied on the Earth, they can fully bring forth their own acceptance in this evening. We have made a special dispensation and this dispensation is going to stay open as the Earth is going to be going through many changes.  To let you know that any souls that pass over can come to the Temple immediately with the assistance of myself, Christine, and some others that we are going to mention this evening which we have not shared previously.  They are here in a special section as they are still healing within themselves but we found that as we are bringing more souls into the Temple there is more of a camaraderie as it helps them realize they are not alone.  Do we have all the souls that have the left Earthplane the last few days?  No, not all of them because some are not ready to leave; but we have been working for diligently to assist them as much as possible to let them know that this is the temple they need to be to fully allow themselves to feel the totality of their Light Bodies and the Essence of their Soul.  We thank each of you for what you do every day; we thank each of you for each moment of being the Empaths, the Teachers, the Healers, and the Ones that are feeling these energies deeply within you.  Your bodies are taking on a lot so we are really hopeful this evening after we are finished that you are going to be feeling a whole lot better than you have previously.  As I know as been said in the Cosmic Oneness calls that it is very important to rejuvenate your energies so that you do not deplete your physical bodies as can happen in these situations.  So it is very important in the aspect of one’s inner being as Empaths and taking on the energies or doing Shamanic work that you fully accept yourself in this phase so that you don’t fully take on the debris.  That is very essentially important.  So I ask of you to ask each of us to assist you with these elements so you can be fully be cleared in each moment that they are occurring.  Tonight is a huge night.  It is an unbelievable amount of energies that are coming into the Temple.  This evening is a little bit different than you have experienced previously.  Instead of one teacher there are going to be several of us that are going to be speaking and assisting.  This is a healing of the Hearts so we want to heal everyone’s hearts including your hearts.  We want to heal the Heart of Gaia.  So we are going to center upon those energies.  I will speak again, but at this moment I would like to step aside while a couple other Beings would like to give their talk this evening and what their essence is about in which they are assisting the planet.
Thank you deeply from my Heart to Yours with everything you are doing.  I am in gratitude in this moment.  I Am Archangel Michael at your service.
Greeting, Greetings it is my pleasure; my absolute pleasure to be in this space.  I Am John Lennon.
Many of you probably are very surprised and some of you are not surprised.  Christine and I have been working with the temple and beyond that for a very long time.  I am here to offer my assistance to each of you and each of the souls here.  I am a walker; I am a silent walker and I walk between dimensions to assist of these beings to come into this place of healing.  Some of you do this work on the Innerplane level and some of you do this work in your sleep state ~ you are already aligned with who I am.  Most of you are aligned with who I was but that is not who I am now; I am so much more than I was then.  I bring forth to you the ability to have Peace on this Earth, and it is a major component of my energies to allow these frequencies to assist as many souls as possible because without that continuation of the Light we cannot, we cannot continue; we cannot continue and allow. We cannot allow those energies to get in the way of the complete Oneness.  So my journey continues on this level on the work that I shared on the Earthplane and my music and my love at a time when it was inconceivable but possible that all these elements would be occurring upon the Earth.  I honor each of you in this moment and walk with each of you in this moment to let you know that I am here to assist as many souls as possible.  We have been very, very busy in the last few days, of course, trying to gather as many souls away from the Earthplane through the doorways.  I THANK YOU, those of you that are consciously working with me and those of you that may not even working with me; or maybe you have been listening to some of my music lately.
There is a reason why I am here, and there is a reason why I am reaching out my hand to each of you.  I also work with Archangel Michael, and I work with Christine.  I have been working with Christine for a very long time, but now it is time for me show that I am doing this work in this way as I am doing similar work with others.  It is an honor to be here in the Temple this evening as we bring forth these energies onto the new souls that have arrived.  They are in confusion but they feel the love.  This is exactly what we want to bring forward this evening is to feel the love that we all are.  I Love, Love being in this space and allowing those energies to fully frequent within me and within you as we share with one another.
Thank you, Archangel Michael, and thank you, dearest Christine Meleriessee for being here and allowing me to be part of these energies this evening.  I honor each of you and how can we not IMAGINE a world of LOVE and LIGHT.  I am honored.  I Am John Lennon at all of your service.  Namaste
Let us all take a deep breath and within that deep breath allow us to feel the Golden Flame that is being infiltrated within the Temple at this moment.  I am Lord Metatron; I am also representing the Hierarchy, the Mahatma, and Lord Melchizedek as we come forward as the ‘Three M’s” of Metatron, Mahatma, and Melchizedek.  We also represent the Creative Source of Oneness of All That Is; we represent the Divine Mother and Father God.  We represent all of you as you are part of Us.  As we look around the temple this evening we see so many souls here and allow us to take a deep breath as we bring forth the Golden Flame within each of our Beings.  I ask of you, those that are in body, that ones that are on this call in this moment and may be reading this material, to envision yourself right now by looking around the Temple as there are millions and millions of souls but there is one section to the right of you that are the souls that have just perished very recently from the Earth tragedy.  Some are quiet; some are comatose; some are vibrant; some are confused; but all are emotionally drained as each of you can become emotionally drained as each of you are embodying this within you in this moment in time. 
As we bring forth these frequencies within, allow yourself to just embrace the Golden Flame within the Heart, within the Thymus, within your Solar Plexus; breathe deeply and into the Crown. Allow us now to just feel the Crown, the Thymus, Solar Plexus, and the Heart as one beam of Light.  I ask each of you to now reflect those beams of Light out into the Temple to any souls that really need the presence of your Beingness in this moment.  The presence of your Light of the Light that you incorporate as it is coming through you as the Ones that are embodied – it is easier for You.  And let’s send it to the Ones that are hurting; let’s send it to the Ones that seem like they are asleep; let’s send it to the Ones that are unsure of where they are and allow the remembrance of their souls to be fully active in this moment.  As we link together in this moment, see lines of Golden Light in the form of laser beams from your Crown, from Your Heart, from your Thymus, from your Solar Plexus to go out into the middle of the Temple while at the same time, souls around the Temple are sending it out so there is a matrix – a web – of Golden Light going around the Temple and vibrating to everyone from all different directions.  Now sit and relax and feel these energies within you.  Allow yourself to just embrace these laser beams of light.  What is it that you are receiving?  Is it something that you need to transmute to someone else that may need assistance?  Are you a receiving a light frequency that you have never accepted before?
As we come into the Oneness within this temple, we are cellular structures that have been separate, but we are one embryo.  We bring forth that embryonic state and allow that to vibrate within us.  Feel that, feel that essence that we are and allow those light formations to create this web of Golden Flame between each of us.  Look to the souls to the right, the ones that have just perished.  See how they are re-vibrating now.  They are rejuvenated.  Some are opening their eyes.  They are allowing themselves to see as they have never seen previously.  I want everyone in this moment to remember and reflect upon what is happening in these circumstances in this temple at this moment.  We are sharing our love with each other as we bring forth the Golden Flame; as we are the Family of Light together so that there is no loss; so that they can fully move forward with your soul path as you can move forward with your soul path.  We ask now that every individual within this Temple whether they are in body or out of body, fully accelerate their soul path and allow the Golden beams of light that are filtering within the temple to allow the frequency to be fully within as we are not separate in this moment, we are together.  Whatever pain, frustration, or situation that is occurred or any of these souls, is now changed and transmuted into the Golden Flame of acceptance and purity of the Christ Consciousness of All That We Are together.  There are no changes; there are no feelings of lack; there are no lower energies; there is only acceptance of the family that we are.
Let’s breathe through that and feel that totally within our being as we accept the Divinity in each other.  Allow this Divinity to fully create the acceptance that each of us is looking for as we bring forth the family essence of each other in these moments.  We feel it in our Heart.  We feel that frequency allowing it to fully come into our Beingness.  We are in Acceptance and at this moment, you are connecting with all of these souls.  Many of them are very connected to you or they are Comrades of the Light that you all have met in this moment.  Feel that as the beams of Light now become more of a ball of Light.  The beams of light move into each other and we blend as one huge ball of Light.  Feel that frequency within as we feel the power of the protection and guidance along with the infiltration of the Christ within each of us as it centers through our entire structure from the top of our Soul Star to the bottom of our Earth Star.  As it is spinning through and around, allowing that frequency to be within.  Breathe deeply.
With our mind’s eye, let’s go with the ball of light we are traveling to Japan, to the areas that have been hit the hardest as we send this Golden Flame into that area and as we do that, we see in front of us with our palms together, the balls of Light are coming out of our Heart ~ this is the overage you do not need.  So as we take our palms together you have a ball of Light.  Now I want you to send it to these areas that are hurting.  These areas that can create more damage to the Earth.  Allow it to go to the victims, to the people that are hurting upon this Earth, to feel the Oneness that we all are; and as we very lightly send these balls of Light to these areas, we see the Light vibrating. We see the Light moving into a new frequency. We see the land masses and the water, the destruction, be cleared of all negative and all lower energies.  Environmental conditions are changing.  We bring that forth and then we expand it.  We expand it beyond the areas of Japan moving into the continents and then into the countries around the globe.  So the whole world is one huge ball of light.
We connect to the energy of Gaia.  Allow this golden balls of light that each of you are projecting onto her to go into the core of the Earth and feel the Golden Ball of energy expand within the core of the Earth and then move outwards into her Etheric body, into her Emotional body, into her Mental body.  Breathe deeply with that and now send it back to yourself.  Feel your essence.  Hold your hands over your Heart and now incorporate the golden Light within you.  From the middle of the Temple you feel the overage of these Light Frequencies.  Breathe deeply and allow it to come into your Being so that you fully accept that you now need to be rejuvenated and recharged within you.  Breathe deeply through that.  This is an essential component.
As we look around the Temple, we  see so many souls vibrating with this Golden Light.  The new members of the Temple are feeling their essence that they did not even know that they had.  There is more of continuation of who they are.  They are allowing themselves to see their Divinity instead of the physical body that they left.  Let’s just all breathe into that as the entire structure of the Cosmic, Multi-Universal, Universal, Galactic, Solar, and Planetary are all growing together into the frequency of the Christ Consciousness ~ the consciousness of the Golden Flame.  As we embrace all these elements together within us and around us and breathe deeply through that, you allow yourself to expand in the knowingness and completeness that you are.  We are here as Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron and the Mahatma to assist you in this process because we are one family together of the frequencies of the 49 dimensional levels of the 352 initiations of God, of Mother and Father God themselves, and the Creative Source of Oneness, as we have this nucleus and this core together, we are One Complete Being of Light.
You call upon these energies as the changes are happening.  Remember the frequency that you are.  You are not alone ~ that you are fully incorporated with the Christ within you.  What you do for yourself, you will do for another.  Allow this to be your focus; allow this to be your guide; and you shall be able to fully transform yourself into a new space and continuum as each of these souls are transforming themselves also.  You are assisting so many at this time by being here in this presence of Light.  We thank you for allowing us to assist you in this process of Lord Melchizdek, Lord Metatron, and the Mahatma.  We Are One.
Greetings, this is Archangel Michael again.  We cannot do it without you, you cannot do it without us.  We must all work together.. We must realize the vibrancy of the continuum of who we are in the Creative Source of Oneness in the cellular and embryonic stage that we were in the beginning.  Yes, we are all different souls and we all have different pathways.  And we all have different avenues that we are working towards; but we have one common goal ~ Togetherness ~ and there is no other word that I can say more clearly.  We are here for you to assist you in this process as you share with others what you are receiving and what you are doing. We thank you for all of the prayers; we thank you for all the energies; we thank you for Being Whom You Are, but what we most thank you for, is taking care of YOURSELF in the process.  This is essentially important.
These changes are going to be continuing through the world.  You are the Ones that we have been waiting for.  So take your empowerment within you and share it in whatever way that you choose, because it is a powerful tool that you have just acquired ~ to know within you that there is so much more to your essence than yourself.  But within that essence, that is the totality of your strength that is going to guide you through these challenges and these changes.  And to remember the essence of your continuance of the Light, of whom you are and what you are doing in each Divine Moment.  When it feels uncomfortable, call upon us.  When it feels uncomfortable, do something about it.  Know that you are raising your vibrations to a new level of experience and as you rise into that new level of experience, there are others that are not going to understand.
There are others that will try and stop you. There are others that will accept you. These are the ones that you want to bring forth into your life.  Do not think that you can change everyone by your frequency, because you will get depleted in the process.  You can assist but then you must step back and allow the frequency to incorporate within them.  It is their choice at that point what you do with it.  Remember you cannot save the entire planet.  We will try but we cannot do it all. We can only do what we can do.  Use your guidance, use your intuitiveness.  Work with the frequencies to assist you in this process but most of all know, each of you is healing deeply so you can be better conduits of the Light.  Allow that frequency to be you.
Come to the Temple here anytime that you choose to regenerate yourself.  You are very much welcome to be here at any given time.  I am going to ask Christine to do something, once again, as we always ask to do things.  She will be prepare a visualization and provide it to others to come to the Temple of 911.  Utilize this visualization to connect with the frequency and share it with others.  It is important. We ask her to do these things because we know that she has the ability to bring forth the highest frequency with all these levels to assist people and to share with others.  It is no longer a time of holding back your wisdom and your knowledge.  She is a perfect example of this and you must do the same with others.  Do the bartering as much as possible; we are not asking you to suffer, we are just asking you to share.  In that sharing you will receive and she can tell you this herself of how much she has received.
Allow yourself to know that you are here to bring forth these frequencies and these light energies upon your own essence.  Within that essence it reverberates through the consciousness of the world and it will come back to you in 10 fold, 20-fold, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80. 90, 100-fold and embrace that within you now.  At this moment we ask every one of you that you are a powerhouse within your own being.  And we ask for you in this moment to receive this essence of completeness within you that is needed within this moment.  And this can change from moment-to-moment but in this moment, we ask for you to fully create within your being the acceptance that is needed for you to empower yourself more fully.  What is that acceptance that you need right now, and I want you to put your intention out into the Temple, this evening, in this moment. Breathe deeply and put it out there.  What is it that you need the most in this moment to assist you in this process.
We now reverberate to you within the Temple and bring it back to you.  Open up your arms, embrace the Golden Flame and hold onto exactly what you are receiving.  Allow this gift to be within you for the next few days.  Allow yourself to manifest it.  Believe it, Accept it and Embrace it.  It is yours.  It is yours because we are giving it to you right to assist you in the process of your Divinity as we are One.  We all will receive together and I ask in this moment to receive the beautiful actualization that each of you are empowering yourself more further than you were ~ before you listened to this call, before you read this material, or before these moments up to this point.
So Mote it Be , Let it be done.  Allow the Gift to be Received.
I Am Archangel at your service.  We want to thank John Lennon; we want to thank the Mahatma, Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron; we want to personally thank Christine for her unbiased diligence to continue this work, provide this call to you and the information for the last nine years of her life.
So Mote It Be In The Christ That We All Are, We Are One and feel that Oneness in this moment. Blessings are being bestowed upon you in this moment as I have received a wonderful blessing of sharing with each of you.  And thank you, Fred, for being with us also.
In the Light of the Christ that We Are, We Are One in All Frequencies
Good Evening, this is Fred.  Thank you, Archangel Michael, for your beautiful words; thank you for the Beings; thank you, John, for being here.  It’s wonderful to have you speak.  Thank you, Christine, what can I say.  Thank you, everyone who are on the calls.  I want to thank the people that I have personally met through Christine; I think I know who you are.  I would love to meet all of you and experience your energies; maybe someday we can all come together physically and meet in this manner.  I am honored to be the spokesperson and I am honored to see so many souls heal together.  I love each of you deeply and dearly.  Thank you for allowing me to be here in the Temple of 911 with so many in Oneness.
Holy God of Hosts that We Are
We are Seraphim, the Ophanium, the Cherubim, The Elohim God of Hosts
We love you, we love you for being the Angels of the Earth
We love you and walk with you
Blessings, Blessings on the Wings of Angels to the Wings of Your Heart
Clarion Light Beings 911 & Beyond
Connecting with the Souls in the Temple While Healing Mother Earth
Classes are being held via LIVE call every Monday
218.862.7200, 576094#
Accessible Via Skype
Rev. Christine Meleriessee Heliohah
~ Cosmic Messenger of Light ~
~ Ascension Coach & Teacher ~
~ Medical Intuitive/Shamanic Healer ~
If you are interested in utilizing SKYPE with no charge , email Christine so she can set it up on her end.
Utilizing the conferencing number will result in a charge to you.
Her Skype ID "catdmeler", Christine Meleriessee.
