~ A Speed Demon at a Snail’s Pace ~
As I crawl around the place slower than a sea snail in a turbid ocean, I get to notice things some of which I’ve seen before, some of which not.
One is the importance of the breath for energy. Once when I had Hepatitis C travelling in India, I also lost the power to breathe and could not move my arms. Now I can breathe in only shallow ways because of the pain of the ribs and again I lose energy. Not complaining, just noticing.
We all of us will rejuvenate this next year coming up. I, apparently, have only had eight lives on Earth, not a great number compared to Ellie or most people I’ve spoken to. So if it wasn’t for this little accident, I might not have gotten the chance to experience what it may feel like at the end of life. It’s as if I’ve been given a crash course (no pun intended) in what the last period of life would have been like, which the onrush of Ascension energies would have prevented me from knowing.
It also gives me a chance to see the importance of certain muscle clusters. On other occasions I’ve had a problem with the back or knee, etc., and have seen how those muscles figure in overall locomotion. Now I see how the chest muscles figure. Especially when I lie down or get up, I have to experiment for up to a half hour to find a way to compensate for the lack of leverage. I swear this is more interesting than college biology – and the subject survives the experiment.
Also coming as it does at the planning stages of the Bridge Fund means that I cannot possibly overmanage people but have to allow them to plan their own participation. Given that AAM has said that he wants this project to operate in the new paradigm and to be a model for that new way of being, this event is timely. It utterly removes from my hands the levers of control and obliges me to submit to other’s role equality. Interesting timing.
But perhaps the greatest contribution of all is that it has forced a Type A speed demon to stop and go on faith, as AAM discussed in his angelic hour last night. I, who had precious few skills as it was in a lifetime lived perhaps entirely in seat-of-the-pants flying, am now in a position where I can only fall back on faith. And it is rising like a tidal surge. (When it sags, Dave fills my tank.)
I was so inspired yesterday to think that Jesus and the Divine Mother, among others, had joined the Company on the other side. I know there will be those who say “Phooey. You are dreaming. man.” But, if I have no background in handling a wrench or following the bond market, I do have a background in mediumship, the spiritual hierarchy, and the verities.
It’s their own loss if others can’t imagine that the things that Archangel Michael said could be true. It’s our turn to set the agenda. I don’t planned to be drawn into their reality. I’d rather be at the side of the heavenly host than “right” and deprived. Even if I’m wrong, I benefit.
And when I check out the way I feel, as Archangel Michael said last night, I have never felt better. Please send me another case of whatever it is I’ve been drinking. It must be homa or soma or amrit. And it will only get better. Three-hundred and twenty-nine days to go and counting. As I crawl about this place, I am ready.