I wanted to write a short message because I have noticed this so frequently lately. The only person you can heal is yourself!
So many people claim they are these special spiritual healers, when in fact it is impossible for one person to heal another. Now to clarify, helping another person heal is very different from healing them. I can build you a boat and hand you the oars, but you have to figure out how to row it on your own. While that's not the best analogy, I'm sure you get the point. Instead of having power over, we need to have power with. Part of that means understanding that we all have the power to heal our own selves, and while it may take longer without the help of others, it is still true. Being a "healer" or an "intuitive" or whatever other things people claim to be, is simply a label, which is what we are trying to steer away from. Labels give people a false sense of who they are, and distract them from truly being. Try just being you, instead of the label you give yourself. Remember, we are human BEings, not human DOings!
"You cannot push anyone up the ladder unless he is willing to climb." - Andrew Carnegie
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Thank you for this reminder. You are so right. And we tend to pick up unwanted karma by interfering with another's chosen path, even if they say "I agreed to what?" The best we can do is help make it better for each other and try not to interfere.