~St. Germain and the Truth about the "Declaration of Independence"~

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~St. Germain and the Truth about the "Declaration of Independence"~




St Germain: Declaration of Independence for 2008 and Signing



"God bless America, land that I love,
Stand beside her and guide her
Through the night with the light from above,
From the mountains, to the prairies,
to the oceans white with foam,
God bless America, my home sweet home, 
God bless America, my home sweet home."
(Music and Lyrics by Irving Berlin)


St. Germain addressing the June 28, 2008 workshop at Bushwillows, Los Angeles, CA:

"Greetings Beloveds!  It is I St. Germain come, and honored to come, to this gathering with such Light and such Love.  I have a tale to tell you; it is Truth.  It is not something you find in your history/herstory books, but that is not the point of my telling it.  I AM setting the stage for what we shall be doing this afternoon.

"And so the story is this.  If you will take yourselves back, please to breathe and relax, if you will, take yourselves back to a hall.  And seated in that hall you will note as you look at the time, and the date, it was July the 4th of 1776.  Now take yourselves into the observer's place, perhaps in the balcony, perhaps standing behind those seated in that hall. 

"And there they are, these ones who came together to compose the document that would change the world forever, and they were seated there waiting.  They weren't even sure what they were going to do, but they were waiting, and I, St. Germain, and the Beloved Masters, and the Angels, and the representatives from the other dimensions and worlds were there.  And they felt a presence, but they knew not what it was.  They hoped it was God. 

"And we provided inspiration, that they could sit, and as a group come together and agree upon the words in that document.  Imagine now seeing all of the humans sitting there, and now see all of us there with them in spirit, in our spirit lightbodies.  And now see that the document is completed, and it sits upon the table, and it is time for signatures.  And feel the fear in that room.                                                                                 


"No one wanted to come and sign it, because this document would have been called treason by those who were the ruling government under King George.  So I, St. Germain entered that room in a most forceful and empowered fashion.  And I came into that room, and I said to them, 'You have your contracts to do this.  You are the ones to lead the way to light the way for the world.

"'What you do here will be felt around the world.  What you are doing here is to create a nation founded upon the principles of justice and freedom for all.  What you do here is to set an example for the world, and it is not for you to be in fear!  It is for you to look into your hearts, and to find the courage to sign this document, that it may be presented to the world. 

" 'Your concerns for your physical bodies, your physical wealth, are known, but it is for you to rise above your fears, and your concerns, and to find the courage in your hearts to come forward, and sign this document of freedom.'

"And with words such as those, I insisted that they come forward.  And you know who the first one was and he said, 'I shall be first, and I shall sign, and everyone shall sign after me.  I release freely all the fears that I have, and I come forward, and I shall indeed pledge my life, my fortune, and my sacred honor,' and all of the others came and signed.

"And you know that document as your Declaration of Independence, and it served not only the United States of America, it served all of the Americas and beyond.  It inspired the French to seek their own freedom, and whatever the actions were, and whatever the consequences were, it birthed a nation whose ideals and principles are found in that document.

"We are here today to rewrite, recreate, and restore the Declaration of Independence to the United States of America and to the World.  That is our mission, and that is what we shall do.  We shall empower it, and we shall ask each of you to come forward and sign it.  And we shall ask you to go to a website, which shall be made known to you, and to find it there, and it shall incorporate the Articles of Impeachment that were recently given into Congress by Beloved Dennis Kucinich.

"And we shall ask that you send it out from here, empowered with Love, empowered with Peace.  For all those of us, who have asked that our names be put on the document, it will not be done so publicly, so that those who are unaware of our work here will not be dissuaded from signing it.  We're asking that all who sign it, send it either in the mail, or via the email to their Congressional Representatives and U.S. Senators. 

"It's time Beloved Ones, it's time, and we asked for that song this morning.  It was to remind you, to inspire you, and to sow the seeds of Freedom and Peace and Love for all within your hearts.  And we are not just talking about the United States of America, we're talking about the beloved country of Canada, we're talking about the beloved country of Mexico.  We are talking about the Americas, and actually the world beyond.  It's time beloved ones, and we're asking you to lead the way. 

"And so we shall ask for assistance.  We have guided a bit of a rewrite, as it were, so as to bring this document forward for this date you've got coming on your calendars called July 4th.   And so in all appropriateness, we shall ask Beloved Elise to read what we have created here, and then we shall co-create with you the empowerment to do this mission...(The Declaration is read.)...

"The United States of America was birthed by this document, in what you call centuries ago, so it is to create a rebirth of Freedom and Peace on Earth.   It is paving the way for Lady Nesara to come.  And as you sign this document, it will go out in the consciousness to the entire World.  And there will be many who will know that the time for rebirth is here, the time for celebration of the Golden Age coming to the entire World.  It's time for acknowledgement, it's time for announcement, and it's time for Peace upon the Earth."

For the text of this Unanimous Declaration of Independence for the United States of America and the World, dated July 4, 2008, please go to www.wethepeopleforp eace.org . We hope that you will be inspired to sign it and send it on, as St Germain has requested.  All of the information you need is on the website.


Namaste, Susan, Fran, Elise and Tom

