~St. Germain on Sustainable Living and the 12+1~
~Galactic Love Reporter Kili Amma~
Dear ones, there are many shifts coming. Some that will be very uncomfortable and challenging. We don't like to emphasize the difficulties, but we do want you to be aware. The governments are shifting into a period of darkness, it is up to you to change this, through your thoughts, prayers, and actions. Now is the time to make the changes that are necessary in your ruing parties. This is the time for the way~showers to rise and start leading. The old ways are falling.
There must be a change in the way the world as a whole are living. Beloved Gaia cannot continue to be pillaged the way she has been. She cannot take the strain anymore. This can be seen in the rise of earth activity, earthquakes, flooding, etc. The people of the planet must switch to a more sustainable living in order to survive. There are many other solutions to powering your homes and cars. It is time for you to demand this from your governments. They have the technology, have been stealing the information from those we have provided it through, be it electricity, electric cars, water cars, homes, gardening, many, many other ways...the information has been provided and is being provided again through the Indigo and Crystal be~ings.
As you see these technologies come to light, it is important to begin implementing them. There are self sustainable homes that are built out of refuse, tires, glass bottles, plastic bottles, amongst other ingredients. In these homes, you can grow your own food year round, the plumbing is self contained, the electric source can be solar, wind or any other new “green” invention. These particular homes, usually referred to as earth ships are inexpensive to build and can run completely as you say “off~grid.” It is recommended that new homes are built in this fashion and as older homes deteriorate, their windows and other recyclable items are set aside for construction of these earth ships. We are not saying to go in and destroy your cities, we are saying that as time evolves, the cities a re rebuilt into these sustainable homes. We are recommending switching your current energy sources to the new ways, for the fossil fuels that are being used are not good for the environment, not to mention the fact that draining the planets blood is causing tectonic plate shifts that would not be happening otherwise. It truly is imperative that the oil addiction of this world is broken before harsher planetary shifts are set in motion.
Now is the time for the light workers communities to start forming. Many of you are meeting other light-workers that you were unaware of in your community. As you connect, you will begin to see the grand scheme of things. You will feel the strong connections and you will be activating. By activating, we mean you will be remembering your Divine Purpose, rediscovering your gifts and abilities and working together to create this new world. There are groups forming that we refer to as the 12+1.
The 12+1 is a group of light-workers that are going to be the light anchors. They will be working both as a group avatar and as individuals. These light-beings are here to assist the entire planet to ascend and make this shift as "easy" as possible. Many are just waking up, but are on such an accelerated path they are being led to these groups to assist, learn, and shake the dust off the ones who have become stagnate on their journey so they can shine their light brightly. As the groups come together they bring forth information from the 12 tribes, and share their knowledge, making their power stronger. Those in the group may not make their living thru metaphysics, they may be the organizers of the new tribal systems, farmers, etc. But these be~ings of light are the way~showers... They will activate others who are still sleeping, but it will be a quick activation, almost like turning on a switch. What St Germain is showing me is a map of the world with many single lights shining, being joined by others, and intensifying and spreading, filling the world with light.
Dear Ones, we are so proud of you for making it to this point! The shifts in consciousness that you have already initiated are phenomenal! We are so happy and excited to see you raising your vibrations and regaining the knowledge of Who You Are! Call on us for any assistance that you may need, no matter how insignificant you may feel it to be. We, the Ascended Masters, Archangels, Celestials of the Light, and even the elementals are here to assist you. Ask for help, ask for guidance. You are Loved and Supported All~ways!
Namaste ~
St Germain
channeled by Kili Amma
http://www.blogtalkradio.com/kili_amma/2011/12/14/channelings-from-... St Germain came in in the last few minutes and had much to say. Please do listen to the show as well, the Divine Mother had much pertinent information for us as well. Also, there is a new page on my web site "Ascension Helpers" these are suggestions from the Divine Mother and other masters to help ease ascension symptoms http://www.kiliamma.com/Ascension_Helpers.html