~StarGate Activation~ A Major Transformation For Everyone~

Lia's picture
We have received a major channel from the Agarthians via Shirley and Doug Morrison, students at the Last Mt Shasta workshop on April 27, and being asked to

It will be different aspects for different people. Those on the path will have a major boost, those not will get on their path: Major keys will be given to different people that are awake, aware and willing to do the work.

Keys means they will be given information to do more activation, at different locations and time, and certain things will be different like sound, fire, toning, water ceremony. The Agarthians will step up at the Arch ceremony and will be giving Reynolds more guidance. There will tremendous growth to those who chose to move forward. Many questions will be answer and knowledge will be shared. Its going to unfold as it goes along... and people will know where to go and what to do. The ones at the arch will have very strong awareness, like a beautiful awakening and gift of understanding. Its going to unfold , going to happen and be a gift to the world. It is a gift of awareness, and are giving more awareness. Reynolds at this time sees a vision of strong light from sky to earth. these gifts are for all. More for them to do as they awake and listen. Saying that some will chose to ignore, and continue in their old ways. But this is their choice and always there is freedom for each individual to do what they wish to?

At this time; An Agarthian Leader is seen by Reynolds wanting to share this following information to everyone. The Leader say this is the Agarthian way in having choice to all that is done. This will unfold as it should , and mankind will step into the light and into the newer vibration. Each human will receive with which he is willing to move forward with. For some it will be baby steps, for awake and aware, it will be a fountain of information that unfolds continuously . Use the gift wisely, and more will come your way. We invite you to step up to the challenge, for the evolution and growth of Planet Earth. Every step we take counts and every positive thought creates higher frequency. This move will unfold as the days move forward. Thank you for hearing us, and chosing to do the work and spread the informationa
According to Doug: This alignment corresponds with other dimensions, As far as time it wont happen until the next 26,000 years. People at the ceremony will see the benefits and the benefits down the road.


under the Gateway Arch in St Louis Event June 23rd
12 noon to 3 pm Come join us in a once in a lifetime Star Gate Activation to ascend and join your Galactic family. Nahoku, Reynolds Kamakawiwoole, Kahuna from Hawaii, is a Starkeeper of the sacred knowledge. You will be given a personal code that will activate you and allow you access to the sacred portal where your galactic family awaits contact with you. Linda Hostalek, D.O., healer, mystic, shaman, Starkeeper, will hold and clear space, and prepare you for your activation. This is a rare opportunity you will not want to miss. This activation will allow access to open up your luminous body to receive contact. Special information will be passed to you regarding the Agarthians of inner earth as well. You will not want to miss this very special event.

Please bring blanket or chair to sit on
water to drink, sunscreen and other personal necessities.
healings and readings may be available if time permits
donations gratefully accepted

for more information contact:
Reynolds Kamakawiwoole 808-937-3452
Linda Hostalek 618-727-4652

