~Starseed Starseed: Learning to Live in the Now Moment~ AN EXPERIENCE IN THE MISSOURI STORMS
If we could look in the Akashic Records, which we can’t, we might see that Starseed Starseed agreed, as a lightworker, to come here and have the roof of her house blown off over her head, to show us the kind of courage that lightworkers are asked to “demonstrate” during these times.
Notice that she felt protected during the experience and in fact appears to have been.
Notice as well the elevation in being and sense of mission she experienced.
Her experience and what she shares about it here takes “demonstrating” to a whole new level.
I’ve carried past reports from her of what the experience and its aftermath was like. (Links to those articles appear at the bottom.) Now here she is two and a half months later, putting her life back together and describing it to you.
Although Starseed did not ask me to say so, you’re welcome to contribute to her and her Mom, although please don’t feel obliged to. Her Mom’s PayPal account is Pattiz2005@yahoo.com
Thanks to those who have and also to those who’ve contributed to Ellie (Paypal = elliemiser@aol.com).
Learning to Live in the Now Moment![Smithville 2](http://stevebeckow.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Smithville-2.jpg)
For weeks I have attempted to write an update regarding my post EF-5 tornado experiences in the Mid-South USA. Some of you read about this when Steve posted an email I sent to him approximately 24 hours after experiencing a “direct hit” by the storm of April 27, 2011 in our small rural town in Mississippi.
Your outpouring of Love, Light and Violet Flame to me and my 80 y.o. mom was immense and felt across time and space. Gratitude and huge “Thank You’s” to all who contributed with donations, thoughts, intentions, prayers of recovery. (I attempted to send a personal note to all who donated and hopefully you have received those via email.)
My attempts at writing an update have been met with resistance as I have felt that such a quantum leap was made during those eight to ten seconds of being in the path of the storm. It is as if my Higher Self/Multidimensional Selves and Higher Dimensional guides have emphasized a very different focus.
While the remaining vestiges of my 3D “self” would like to describe the devastation, tragedy, and what it “felt” like, my 5D “Self” is moving me into position to share a higher perspective. The message is not to focus on what the dark had done or is doing, but to focus on the Light. To be balanced while knowing on the one hand what is going on and on the other hand what the Light is doing to counteract the dark.
Two things occurred as Mom and I braced for the “hit”. One, in a flash I knew exactly what it was going to feel like and sound like seconds before it hit. And, two, there felt like a physical “dome of protection” over us. We felt complete and total peace without one second of hesitation or fear or trepidation. There was a calmness that was indescribable.
Mom’s home was constructed in 1964 and the foundation structure was built by an uncle from New Orleans who knew how to “hurricane proof” houses. It felt like a fortress and was built on a concrete foundation. Never once had we ever felt a need to relocate during a storm or go below ground. That day was no different although we both felt something “ominous” was about to happen.
It took less than 30 seconds for the entire house, outbuilding, fences, trees, landscape to be completely destroyed. Some of the men in town later reported it took 10 seconds while storm chasers in the area clocked it at 8 seconds. Either way you get the idea that it was a powerful event packing winds of over 208 mph. Storm shelters that are supposed to support winds of up to 250 mph were blown over on their sides.
It sounded like a living, breathing entity.
In the days and weeks to follow we went through many processes of change and metamorphosis so to speak. Our reality had changed in seconds and processing that change was both challenging and enlightening.
After two and a half weeks of “camping” we relocated to a rental property. Without communication with the rest of the world-no phone, TV, computer, internet-we finally had the quiet stillness that we needed to be alone with our Guides to get cleared, grounded and receive insight into what had just happened.
The vibration from the ground as the storm had ripped through our space felt “stuck” in my solar plexus and it took a focused clearing to resolve it after two and a half weeks. Once I did the clearing and asked for healing of my chakras, and auric field it resolved immediately.
The message became loud and clear that Mom and I both had received a “full karmic clearing” and that we would not comprehend the full extent of what that meant until after the landings.
The night that I was able to borrow a laptop for a few moments when I emailed Steve I also quickly sent an email to another friend who happened to be online and replied immediately, “Wow! You and Mom have been born again. The Phoenix rising out of the ashes!” That is exactly what it felt like!
Mom and I have spent the greater part of the past 21 years getting to know and face ourselves, clearing the remaining vestiges of the “old” in order to embrace the “new”. Our perceptions of who we are, why we are here and institutions such as religion, government and “reality”, in general , has been a metamorphosis of change and “aha” moments.
We both felt as if we had entered another dimension that day as we stepped out of time and space. That feeling continues to this day. While I do not have the vocabulary to accurately describe it as others more seasoned in multi-dimensional existence, hyper-dimensional physics and concepts, I just know that we experienced a major shift!
I would have only ten minute segments of computer time when someone let me borrow their laptop or I had access to a library or internet café. So, I was not reading the messages and updates from SaLuSa, Lisa Renee, Lauren Gorgo, Matthew, Steve, Denise Le Fay and others that I usually read. However, when I would get a chance to log on and read I would discover much to my joy that what I was being shown was right in line with what others were reporting, describing, sharing. It was a major way of building my confidence in my own inner knowing and connections. In many cases, the words were verbatim and that was exciting for me.
When the words “Learning to Live in the Now Moment” kept coming to me as the title for this article I logged on and saw that Steve had just written a series of articles on the subject. The synchronicity was exciting for me and very healing as I continued to reach consciously for the Higher Dimensions and connections with my Galactic Family, Ascended Masters, Angelics, Elementals and those who have transitioned such as Matthew and others (who I fondly refer to as “The Coalition”.).
Six weeks after the storm a friend who is a Reiki master and does other energy work contacted me to offer to work on us at no charge. I was most grateful and accepted the offer. Mom and I drove to her healing center and while I was on the table a wonderful being sat at the table and worked on me. Neither my friend nor I spoke, but as the session came to a close I asked the being to identify himself (I perceived him to be male.). In the course of the next few minutes he shared his identity. My connection with this higher dimensional Andromedan being has been maintained and I recognize him from many past lifetimes.
A member of “The Coalition” came forward the next morning in our Sacred Circle and joyfully reported that by this being coming forward and allowing me to know of my connection with him was a signal to me that “we are nearing the end of the race.” This source confirmed what this being had disclosed to me. The primary message that I am allowed to share is his repeated message that, “We are here now! As you learn to live in the now moment and experience us now as we are cloaked you will find much comfort and support. As long as you are waiting for us to land to see us with physical eyes you are missing an opportunity to get to know us in the now moment.”
Another very significant part of the message was to not go back to the old paradigm, but to fully embrace the new. This was especially clear to us as we observed our entire town wiped off the map. There are those who in anticipating the rebuilding process clearly want to remove the old foundations and build a new and better place and then there are those who want to go back and reconstruct the old and familiar on the old foundations. This has been a perfect example of what those who are choosing to ascend are co-creating vs those who do not desire ascension at this time, but continue to embrace the old.
I share these steps in my process with those who are experiencing adversity to encourage you that we are being assisted in every way allowed. This is it! This is not a dress rehearsal! The end of this solar cycle is drawing near and we are here for such a time as this to usher in the Golden Age!
The challenges we have had to face relationally as well as “losing everything” in the storm have been daunting. Those who we rarely see who emerged on the scene with all of their unresolved issues in tow were some of the most daunting and intense challenges that we have faced during this “recovery” time.
It is easy to read the works of those who have consciously been on their ascension path longer than us and wonder if we will make the leaps! Yes! We are indeed making quantum leaps and it can ALL change in the “blink of an eye!”
Our 3D reality changed on April 27, 2011 “in the blink of an eye!” In seconds a lifetime of building, planting, growing, accumulating was all gone! Yet, something much greater and eternal is taking place. We are making our quantum leaps! Lisa Renee recently wrote about “surrendering without submission to negativity”. That pretty much sums up what I have been experiencing in these past weeks! It is a balancing act that I/you/we are being assisted with by every means allowed.
As I declared to Mom as soon as the storm passed over, “Mom, our soul contracts aren’t up and we are on a mission!”
Thank you for allowing me to share a piece of this process.
Much Love to Us All and Namaste!
Links to Starseed’s past articles: