- 10 Steps to Making Choices and Decisions with the Help of the Angels
- Magnetic Storm [March 15, 2012] & Sunwatching101 as an Intro...
- Listening to Solar Storms
- The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies
- Enlightened Beings ~ You Are The Supreme Reality
- Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3~15~12 The Moment is Drawing Near for us to Appear~
- Lucas ~ The Great Spirit In Ourselves ~ Thinking Love ~ 15 March 2012
- Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-15-2012...
- JP MORGAN CHASE WHISTLEBLOWER TELLS CFTC OF MANY FRAUDS ~ 14.3.12 ~ by The 1st Whistleblower of Many
- AMERICA IS GONE!! Listen to this... It is over! WAKE UP PLEASE!!!.
- ~Is the Sun Speaking Through Synchronicity?~
- ~The Path of Earth Service~
- ~More Strange Events Happening~ Update~Shadow Passes Over SDO/Magnetopause Reversal.
- What is fear?
- James Gilliland: The Collapsing Empire & ET
- Gillian Macbeth~Louthan: Solar Activity Illuminates Consciousness
- ~The Transformative Touch of Awareness~
- “Let’s not go into overtime.” ~ Michael by Ron Head
- Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Orderliness
- Image of the Day: Colossal Coronal Hole Blasting Solar Winds Toward Earth
- Ashtar says: Time to Get Serious! (plus additional Ashtar Command Details) channeled through Janisel of Sananda's Eagles Now
- Indiana UFO lights again 3/11/2012
- ~Here is Looking at You Humanity~ Brilliant Capture of One of Our Cleaning Crafts~
- ~Channeling of Toisheeba from the Galactic Federation, through Maria Bertram, Stockholm, Sweden
- Extraterrestrial Life Is A Censored Subject Says Famous Professor
- ~God's Copyright infringement and other tales....~ by Predrag/Saint Germain~
- ~ Walls of illusion collapsing Right Now ~
- Australia's climate warming at alarming rate
- 2012: WHEN THE BIBLE DOES NOT MAKE SENSE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bdi9MD9HPDo
- THE SUN TODAY: 16 March 2012 - Solar Eruptions
- The taste of Fear by Sophia
- Oracle Report ~ Friday March 16 2012
- ~Space Weather Update~ Growing Quiet~ wins Speed 647
- Imminent Televised Event ~ Mass Arrests of 10,000 Global Cabal Members – 2012
- Visionkeeper ~ What We’ve Been Taught
- About Disclosure...
- Heavenletter #4130 To Life
- ~Love=Mother Earth=Heart, Melt's Humanity into Love~ Upcoming Event~
- Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/15/12
- EARTH ALLIES 15.3.12... Not Much is Happening in our Golden Rose Galaxy, exept ego is Gone...
- ~ Love has Truly Become Unstoppable On Planet Earth=Heart~
- The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~15~12 We Have Now Kicked this Mission into High Gear Mode~
- Finding Your Way Through The Birth Canal
- ~ We Stand With you In All Love IS~ This Is Love's Moment's NOW~
- The Marriage
- ~Mother Earth=Heart Say's To Humanity~ We are In Heaven~
- ~ Mother Earth=Heart Has Chosen Love~ Manifested Love is Arriving~
- Message from the Elohim March 15, 2012
- What Can We Bank On?
- Djwhal Khul ~ “Spring Forward in Mercury Retrograde”
- ~ Journey To The Unknowable ~by Heather
- American Kabuki ~ 358 Resignations From World Banks, Investment Houses, Money Funds ~ 16 March 2012
- The Evolution of a Day and Sexual Energy! Rated PG16
- Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Simplify
- ~ Big Brother Watching All Of Us … If You Love Freedom, YOU BETTER STAND UP NOW!
- SaLuSa 16~March~2012 The Light is Now Dictating what Happens~
10 Steps to Making Choices and Decisions with the Help of the Angels
~10 Steps to Making Choices and Decisions with the Help of the Angels~
Should I move? Quit my job? Leave my relationship? These are questions I’m frequently asked on my radio show and at my workshops. And no wonder, as we’re all in a time of great global and personal change. The angels say that the key to enjoying these changes is to stay flexible and keep your sense of humor. It’s also helpful to know that you’re not alone and many people are having similar experiences.
The changes can seem frightening because of insecurities of future unknown factors (“Will I be financially secure?” “Will I be alone?” “Will this change make me feel happier?”
By Predrag/Saint Germain
reply on beautiful comments and questions from Little Phoenix about Lucifer and His twinflame...
Dear Little Phoenix,
I am truly honored you found US GFP as one of sources that resonates with your heart... And I can feel you have quite beautiful understanding that messages are only here to trigger our deep cellular remembrance... to provoke feelings, to engage in discussion, to create Love...
Enlightened Beings ~ You Are The Supreme Reality
Enlightened Beings ~ You Are The Supreme Reality
“You are the Supreme Reality – all there is. Just trust and remember that. Wisdom lies in never forgetting the Self, the Supreme Absolute as the ever-present Source of both the experiencer and the experience. I am beyond consciousness and so in consciousness I cannot say what I am. Yet I am…
Lucas ~ The Great Spirit In Ourselves ~ Thinking Love ~ 15 March 2012
Lucas ~ The Great Spirit In Ourselves ~ Thinking Love ~ 15 March 2012
Sometimes there are some special moments in our lives we are feeling the great spirit in ourselves stronger than ever. Even as we suffer now and the last bashing of the dark is felt we as human beings see the light shine in our hearts as we think love. The love that irreversibly concurs all and brings live and creation. It is our basic vibrational tone. We being love lights.
In an hour of darkness barely having income and just having bread on the table. Not knowing if the last bits are taken from you it is the thinking love and compassion that makes the great spirit in you overcome all. It says to you there is no lack. You are not lost. You just are love and light and came here upon this earth as one of the strongest souls in this infinite-dimensional universe to withstand all challenges. You have taken upon you the roles you had to play in this ending cycle of duality. You played it well. Your role in theatre is played over now. You are asked to take the applause and get ready for your price. Prepare for what is coming. And Help awaken others in being light.
It is the linking up of Minds which lets you feel the Healing Energy through the Computer. TRULY AMAZING!
Worldwide Live Streaming starting Friday March 16th from LA.
Tickets are only $3 per viewing and the computer will automatically tell you the time difference in your area.
Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-15-2012...
Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-15-2012...
...as not seen on the mainstreem media
by ANdReA
Another day at full gear! Energies of Love are entering the Planet Consciousness at High Speed, therefore illusion is trying to find somewhere to hide… maybe deep deep… useless. I twill soon have nowere left to hide apart from lower dimensions. But that’s not where the Planet and Humanity are heading to. We’re heading to Truth=Love! And this takes All onboard no matter what! Unless One decides not to come onboard. And I will not get bored saying it… we’re not kidding! Time IS Now! All these years of preparation… of learning… awakening… have been done for NOW. NOW Is The Moment to Shift. And the Shifti s happening, regardless of egos=illusion=ignorance desire to hold on. Come toghether as ONE NOW… for Love Is ALL That IS. Any other Choice is a Choice of isolation.
JP MORGAN CHASE WHISTLEBLOWER TELLS CFTC OF MANY FRAUDS ~ 14.3.12 ~ by The 1st Whistleblower of Many
By GLR The 1st Whistleblower of Many
Through Anne Bellringer
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Greetings, Chela. This is Aton speaking to you. I AM WHO I AM. I am Creator God Aton of the Lighted Realms and One with Creator Source. I have come to speak to you at this time. My message is brief, but it is Truth. What I have to say is not an easy “pill” to swallow, especially for those, who believe everything that is a spiritual writing floating around on the Internet.
~Is the Sun Speaking Through Synchronicity?~
Is the Sun Speaking Through Synchronicity?
By Chris Bourne
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World
We are cherished beyond measure by the divine.
As unsettling as it can sometimes be, I deeply admire the way benevolence speaks to us through synchronicity. Of course the matrix view is that everything happens by chance, there is no guiding flow in a particular direction, we are not cherished beyond measure by the divine. Fortunately some of us know different! So when this latest solar storm strikes earth right on the very anniversary of the Fukushima Tsunami, whether the wider world takes note or not, it spikes in my awareness and makes me sit up and take notice. I believe very firmly the soul of the sun – the solar logos – is speaking to us. What might ‘he’ be saying?…
~The Path of Earth Service~
For more information about the Path of Earth Service and The Seven Paths, visit: http://humanityhealing.net/2010/08/traveling-the-path-of-earth-service
Video Information
©2010 Humanity Healing. Partial Rights Reserved.
Music: Enya, "Hope Has a Place"
Images: Google/Photobucket
We Honor the Unknown Artists
This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.
What is fear?
What is fear?
I've heard many times that we "need fear", but do people really know what fear is? Many experience fear every day, but do they really look at their fears for what they are? People try to avoid fear, yet avoiding fears just makes them stronger. Fear is avoidance itself, people make it into something big, complicated, and scary with their minds, but seen from a larger perspective fear is none of those things. A fear is simply something you don't want, something you're trying to avoid, and avoiding the fears themselves just encourages more fear. It's like the opposite of a desire, though the two are really the same, and a fear is a desire to not have something.
James Gilliland: The Collapsing Empire & ET
James Gilliland: The Collapsing Empire & ET
James Gilliland: The Collapsing Empire & ET
March 11, 2012
We begin the interview talking about disinformation in the UFO community.
Gillian Macbeth~Louthan: Solar Activity Illuminates Consciousness
Gillian Macbeth~Louthan: Solar Activity Illuminates Consciousness
Solar Activity Illuminates Consciousness
By Gillian Macbeth-Louthan
March 2012
As we enter the turning point year 2012, Earth has been motivated and propelled forward into solar generated ascension light in the forms of solar emissions and solar activations. Solar Cycle 24 is expected to peak in 2012 and to subside around 2020.
Solar cycles play an important part in the upgrading of human cell structure and consciousness. Solar activity is a catalyst for our evolutionary process.
~The Transformative Touch of Awareness~
~The Transformative Touch of Awareness~
It’s been many years since life changed for me, from the scrutiny and examination of things outside myself to the scrutiny and examination of things inside. I can remember the process back in 1976, while on a three-month encounter group at Cold Mountain Institute on Cortez Island, B.C., when I realized that nothing satisfied me these days more than watching my feelings arise, persist and pass away.
The process of self-observation had become more enjoyable for me than watching movies, sports, or anything else I could imagine. And the peace I felt when a troublesome feeling had been observed until it lifted and passed away, leaving space was more desirable than anything else.
“Let’s not go into overtime.” ~ Michael by Ron Head
“Let’s not go into overtime.” ~ Michael by Ron Head
March 15, 2012
Let us talk about power today. We will look at power in a new way. One three dimensional perspective is that there is good and bad power. That has been, until today, a fine teacher. We would present another view for your consideration. There is only divine power, as all is Creator’s energy. If one perceives only the results power may cause in a finite amount of time, it is possible to place a value of ‘bad’ upon the results of power. Bad would mean having less than desired results. If, however, one were to rise above the temporal view to see from the divine perspective, one would see that only Creator’s intent can result from the use of power which is all derived from Creator’s energy. Any use of power which leads to bad results leads inevitably to lessons learned and an eventual rise in consciousness.
Kind compassion listen from sounds so sweetly mixing within healing wonder weaving perceptions changing enlightening Peace. Isn’t noise so deafening that any sweater would exercise tearing holes in drafty castles lofty? What rat but ego would be so blind not to clear away such confusion that glazed eyes see only fumes from busy traffic? Can breathing me so slow freshen the breeze of gentle magic; and is it light in me that hears the gentle flow of love that clears my eyes to sound like so?
Reverse the time of clock’s perception, fake around the end of aging linear space so tragic, and lilt Peace if retire can mean aspire, so we speak with such gentle attire. Tone marks love’s relationship coming together within such kind compassion; even animals begin to trust when we are willing to vibrate higher. Sweet beloved learning to live loved, love to learn and love like fire; drink in responses higher from the call of letting go magic.
Image of the Day: Colossal Coronal Hole Blasting Solar Winds Toward Earth
Image of the Day: Colossal Coronal Hole Blasting Solar Winds Toward Earth
Thanks to Vina from 2012 Scenerio
Image of the Day: Colossal Coronal Hole Blasting Solar Winds Toward Earth
March 14, 2012
http://www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/ 2012/03/image-of-the-day-colossal-coronal-hole-blasting-solar-winds-toward-earth.html
Ashtar says: Time to Get Serious! (plus additional Ashtar Command Details) channeled through Janisel of Sananda's Eagles Now
Time to Get Serious

with Energy Transference to all Planetary Light Servers!
First Transmission ~ New Moon ~ March 22, 2012
During 2012, the Foundation of Children of the Sun is sponsoring Group Expeditions deep into the Amazon Jungle in which group participants will undergo an intense bodily purification program to initiate the greater metamorphic processes of physical body transfiguration.
Serving as prototypes, participants are placing their bodies in service to the collective. At the end of each shamanic program, mass energy transference will be conducted to transmit the experience, together with realizations and self actualizations, to a wider reach and network of Planetary Light Servers.
Each of these journeys will also assist to open a Portal of Light for the upper Amazon region of northern Peru and reaching into Brazil, Columbia and Ecuador.
~Here is Looking at You Humanity~ Brilliant Capture of One of Our Cleaning Crafts~
~Here is Looking at You Humanity~
~We will Validate that indeed this is one of our Craft~
This is an atmospheric Cleaning Craft
~Love Your Earth Allies~
~Channeling of Toisheeba from the Galactic Federation, through Maria Bertram, Stockholm, Sweden
Channeling of Toisheeba from the Galactic Federation, through Maria Bertram, Stockholm, Sweden, May 9th 2011
~God's Copyright infringement and other tales....~ by Predrag/Saint Germain~
Oracle Report ~ Friday March 16 2012
Oracle Report ~ Friday March 16 2012
~Space Weather Update~ Growing Quiet~ wins Speed 647
GROWING QUIET: A sharp drop in solar activity is expected now that sunspot AR1429 has rotated onto the far side of the sun. No major flares are in the offing this weekend.
CME IMPACT: As expected, the flank of a CME hit Earth's magnetic field on March 15th around 1300 UT. The impact sparked a moderate (Kp=6) geomagnetic storm with perfect timing for sky watchers in New Zealand. "The CME arrived at 2 o'clock in the morning here in Queenstown," says photographer Minoru Yoneto. In the dark, he drove to his favorite spot on a mountain overlooking the city and recorded the storm:
"The auroras danced until sunrise," says Yoneto.
The CME also sparked aurora australis over Antarctica. "Our overwintering at the German Antarctic Research Station Neumayer III has just begun," reports Stefan Christmann. "We were watching a movie when, all of a sudden, our meteorologist coes in with the news. We rushed outside and experienced our first auroras of the season with green and red lights dancing across the moonlit sky."
Visionkeeper ~ What We’ve Been Taught
Visionkeeper ~ What We’ve Been Taught
Posted on March 16, 2012
by GLR Gillian
One World Rising
If you stand back and look closely at the world today it amazes me how much negative thinking we have been brainwashed into believing. Way back when, men ruled the world and women we were told they had no rights. They were inferior. How long did we go along with that one before women’s rights reared its glorious head and fought back? We were taught to believe that the African-American race was inferior and should have no rights. Not long after we were taught they were to be feared, they were violent murders. We are still dealing with this fantasy today. Aren’t cats supposed to hate birds and kill them?
About Disclosure...
About Disclosure...
For how long have you all waited?
For how long have you been looking out for disclosure?
Oh no, not for 10 and not even for 20 years… it’s been 13'000 thousend years, since the last fall.
All these millennia to get to the exact point where we are Now.
Quite a long time isn’t it?
A long long Jurney into a deep deep dream.
A dream You asked to be part of, to experience what it would be like to forget Who You Are.
Heavenletter #4130 To Life
Heavenletter #4130 To Life
March 16, 2012
God said:
There is no knowing in certainty specific aspects of what life holds for you. I am going to tell you, however, that life holds many wonders for you. Life itself awaits you even as you are already in it, moving in it, living it, masquerading in it.
For much of life in the world, as it has been, you have been marching in a parade, and you have been on the sidewalk watching the parade as well. Life is, indeed, something to look at.
~You cannot fight what is meant to Be~
~Love Your Earth Allies~
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/15/12
The number 144 has been spoken of on many occasions, and we at this time would like to clarify the properties of this energy. The number 144 denotes energy properties of a higher structural frequency. This number is the building block for higher dimensional structure and form, and based upon this number, your new home will be designed and constructed.
Much of this universe has been created through mathematical systems, and your world today is no different. Your world today is a product of a lower dimensional mathematical formula, and your experiences here are a direct result of this equation. The mathematical structure of your world is now changing, breaking down and being reconstructed through the use of a greater mathematical formula. The result will be that you will begin to experience higher dimensional states and experiences, and these will be based on the number and its accompanying energies of 144. This is why you are seeing this number often at this time, and seeing and recognizing this number will assist in your restructuring process.
EARTH ALLIES 15.3.12... Not Much is Happening in our Golden Rose Galaxy, exept ego is Gone...
By Predrag/Saint Germain
Indeed, what is really new in our Galaxy?... besides name and some frequency adjustments, our Solar Planetary system location, our awareness, our conciseness, our financial system, government system, our environment, our seas, our air, our land mass, our food, our knowing about Galactics, our look, our centeredness......
Not Much... Indeed Not too much...
Yet, if you following regular inner observations, you feel something is disappearing... Something is Missing...
There is something missing... yet I cannot even pronounce it... What this emptiness is from?... How and with what I fill this in?...
You say: I feel loss?... and I say: I feel space for growth...
~ Love has Truly Become Unstoppable On Planet Earth=Heart~
~Thank You for choosing Love Humanity~
Love Your Earth Allies, We are WITH You AND Love Has WON~ Lighthouse Shining~
The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~15~12 We Have Now Kicked this Mission into High Gear Mode~
~The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~15~12
~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~
~We Have Now Kicked this Mission into High Gear Mode~
Greetings Love Beings, We have Now Kicked this Mission into High Gear Mode.. YEEHAW!! From today on, its going to begin getting very exciting for the awakened Ones, even more so, then it is already. We are Moving Very quickly, as an unstoppable Energectic Flow of Love, Reality,Oneness,Truth and Joy. We ain't Kidden. If You thought we have been moving fast already.. Be Aware, as all Boosters have now been ignited.~ What this means is, we are shifting everything into High Energetic Mode to reach our Goals and Prepare for the Magical energies of April.
Finding Your Way Through The Birth Canal
16 March, 2012
The Marriage
The Marriage
At this chime, within this particular moment,
the White Fire Light and the
Violet Fire Light are neck and neck; shoulder
to shoulder in theirdeliberate action
here on Earth, and within all life. This is the long
awaited moment of Prime Creator showing up
in full interface with life as it is on Earth:
Without having to go through major upheaval on the
atomic//cellular level. Contemplate this, if you will.
Y-our cells, which is to say your memories have
recorded several collapses
of “golden ages,” physical perfection of
~Mother Earth=Heart Say's To Humanity~ We are In Heaven~
~And I am Standing With You In all Love is, Thank You for Standing With ME, Love Mother Earth=Heart +~
Message from the Elohim March 15, 2012
What Can We Bank On?
What Can We Bank On?
I’m watching discussions in certain places take a turn towards fear and chaos and I’m puzzled. I would have thought we’d be pulling out of discussions such as that and instead we seem to be going deeper into them.
I respond by doing what I often do and that’s to look more deeply within myself and see what’s most basic. What is the ground I stand on? What can I rely on when fear and chaos mount?
In looking, I encounter the problem that I have no certain knowledge of anything, really. There simply are no absolutely certain things in life that I’m aware of so the answer doesn’t seem to lie in what I know for sure.
I cannot know for certain that Ascension will take place on Dec. 21, 2012 or that it will take place at all. I cannot know for certain that all is as the galactics represent it or as anyone represents it. Not absolutely. Not for certain.
Djwhal Khul ~ “Spring Forward in Mercury Retrograde”
Djwhal Khul ~ “Spring Forward in Mercury Retrograde”
Terri Newlon | March 15 2012
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi delek.
Alright. We have a Leap Year, Spring Equinox and a Mercury retrograde all going on at the same time here along with a few other influences which I think make this particular week interesting, most of which are solar flares and, as I noted in the Quarterly Forecast, a few expansive energies happening.
Most fortunate time to focus on expanding the world, expanding your consciousness, expanding your soul’s design and then keep in mind planetary energies are doing the same thing. So I am expecting more quakes and things like that that tend to separate or expand the energies. Strange weather patterns connected with solar flares, and perhaps an expansion of emotions connected with the solar flares and the Mercury retrograde.
~ Journey To The Unknowable ~by Heather
~ Journey To The Unknowable
Sacred Scribe
American Kabuki ~ 358 Resignations From World Banks, Investment Houses, Money Funds ~ 16 March 2012
American Kabuki ~ 358 Resignations From World Banks, Investment Houses, Money Funds ~ 16 March 2012
FINAL UPDATE 3/15/12, This is the last update on banker resignations for a while. I’ve made my point. I’m in danger of giving myself carpal-tunnel syndrome with all the clicking and pasting. I may make another post at the end of the 2nd quarter and I will pull that data from the Edgar database at the SEC. It won’t have much of the UK data – but its a far more efficeint way to get this data. I didn’t know it existed when I started. I learned all kinds of things about banking I never knew before! Perhaps there is an online database for the UK somewhere too. I may post some statistical analysis and graphs on this existing data. If you want to copy this data and use to continue this research, feel free to do so as long as you say a portion of it came from American Kabuki and promise to share the results with this blog so we can share it with the world.
The Evolution of a Day and Sexual Energy! Rated PG16
The Evolution of a Day and Sexual Energy! Rated PG16
I should have known when I looked at the field yesterday (March 15th) something would have been different, after-all, I have been seeing a gold lightning bolt hit the field of energy called March directly in the middle (which I figured was about the 15th)… but never got clarity as to what it meant. God forbid!!
I still don’t have the clarity (smile)… but something huge is underway!
My first reading was at 8am… as I tried to find her thru the reading, once again the entire field completely changed. There was no longer the top of the Mesa Cliff or the ground where I read “The Field.” All of it was one whole energy field… an intermingling of white and soft golden energy. This energy was so thick that I could not see my client… I could sense she was somewhere in the midst of this energy… but that is about all. Since I had a light schedule, I asked her if we could attempt this reading again in two hours. I have seen the field change before quickly… where I couldn’t see at first then by the next reading, the details cleared. I was hoping this was the case again.
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Simplify
Has your energy has been fragmented?
Perhaps it's time for an adjustment. Angel wisdom suggests it is time to take drastic measures to simply your life. This means clearing your home of unnecessary items, canceling subscriptions to extraneous publications, saying no to demands on your time, getting organized, and being more efficient with respect to your schedule.
~ Big Brother Watching All Of Us … If You Love Freedom, YOU BETTER STAND UP NOW!
Big Brother Watching All Of Us … If You Love Freedom, YOU BETTER STAND UP NOW!
Shift Frequency | March 16 2012
Gillian Update | This happened to Bill when he attempted to post a link to his FB page on March 15. It has not happened before and is likely linked to the latest police state legislation signed into law by President Obama. I have chosen to post his email (minus personal email address) in its entirety.
~ ~ ~
SaLuSa 16~March~2012 The Light is Now Dictating what Happens~
SaLuSa 16~March~2012
You have an amusing expression, about the boot being on the other foot, and that is how it is as the Light is now dictating what happens, although the dark Ones never give up trying to exert their control over things. Soon they will be forced to surrender to our demands, and since they now have no means of escape there is really no alternative for them. It means we along with our allies can go pressing ahead with our plans. Each project is underway and that will result in a sudden wealth of information reaching you. Events are such that the facts can no longer be kept hidden, and with that there will be an explosion of people coming forward to tell what they know. It may take longer where the Vatican is concerned, as it is akin to a secret society that has kept its dark secrets hidden well away. However, nothing will remain concealed for too long, as you are entitled to know the truth and the extent to which you have been deceived.