Study Finds WHOLE Foods (Not Supplements) Harness Amazing Protective Properties

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Natural Society, By: Christina Sarich, 11/14/2013

fruit veget heals 263x164 Study Finds WHOLE Foods (Not Supplements) Harness Amazing Protective Properties

Synergistic combinations of phytochemicals can greatly reduce cancer, according to a study published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. All this means is that eating more WHOLE fruits and vegetables, from apples to dragon fruit, oranges to kale and more, can reduce your risk of a number of diseases, including cancer, stroke, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease and even premature aging. So start eating your non-GMO spinach today.


The phenolics and flavanoids in fruit help to reduce cancer risks. The phytochemicals in all fruits and vegetables are also anti-cancerous since these strong antioxidants help to reduce carcinogenic effects on the cells of our bodies. The Department of Food Science at Cornell University is just one of countless studies that prove the efficiency of fruit and vegetable compounds at reducing numerous diseases. This particular study shows that a combination of different phytochemicals from fruit and vegetables act like a perfect, non-pharmaceutical ‘drug’ to combat illness. Furthermore, foods in their whole form were found to be more effective than expensive supplements.


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