Stunning Images of a Mongolian Tribe Who Ride Reindeer and Hunt With Eagles

Galactic Free Press's picture

When one first glimpses the photos below, they’re struck with a profound sense of awe and wonder. Surely, such a tribe couldn’t exist – one that naps with reindeer and trains wolves to hunt for them, right?

Well, modern man in his limited thought might not be able to conjure such a way of living, but to the Dukha people in Mongolia, such is a well-accepted way of life.

 Hamid Sardar-Afhami

As The Plaid Zebra shares, the nomadic Dukha people of Northern Mongolia share a fascinating connection with the region’s animals and landscape. Embracing the rugged terrain, they’ve made a life herding and riding reindeer, training wolves, and teaching golden eagles to hunt for their clan.

As the photos captured by photographer and researcher Hamid Sardar-Afhami convey, they have a lot – in spirit and in health – to show for such efforts.
