Support Independent Journalists and Bloggers!

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free press action fund


This is for all those of you who have lend their voice:

Thanks for speaking out last week to protect journalists like Glenn Greenwald and their families from government intimidation.

The fight for true press freedom is long from over. Right now Congress is debating a bill designed to strengthen protections for journalists. But here’s the problem: Congress wants to decide who counts as a “real” journalist.

Help Us Ensure That Congress Protects All Journalists. Donate $20 to the Free Press Action Fund Today.

The Free Flow of Information Act, which is moving through the House and Senate, defines the term “journalist” so narrowly that it excludes many bloggers, freelancers and citizen journalists. This includes many independent journalists we depend on to ask the hard questions, get at the truth and deepen debate.

We have bloggers covering trials like the Manning case, citizen journalists covering disasters like Hurricane Sandy and freelancers covering wars and statehouses. It’s outrageous that Congress could take steps to shut out so many powerful voices.

Help Us Protect the Watchdogs Who Hold Power Accountable.

We can’t stand by and let Congress decide who qualifies as a journalist. The Free Press Action Fund’s legal team is already on the case — but we need your support to move forward.

In an era of runaway media consolidation, we need independent journalists more than ever. We must do everything in our power to ensure that independent journalists are protected in the same ways as those working in traditional newsrooms.

Help Us Protect All Forms of Journalism.

Thanks for your support—

Josh, Jen, Amy and the rest of the Free Press Action Fund team

P.S.You can count on Free Press to fight for press freedom. We don't take money from business, government or political parties and rely on the generosity of people like you to fuel our work. Please consider donating $20 (or more!) today. Thank you!



The Free Press Action Fund is a nonpartisan organization building a nationwide movement for media that serve the public interest. The Free Press Action Fund does not support or oppose any candidate for public office. Learn more at

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