Surprising red aurora captured over Manitoba, Canada

Galactic Free Press's picture

Night-sky photographer Alan Dyer captured a surprising red aurora over Churchill, Manotoba, Canada on February 14, 2015.

The image below is his single, 25-second exposure at f/3.5 with the 180° fish-eye lens and Canon 6D at ISO 4000. It is part of a time-lapse sequence, taken at -30° C.

Taken by Alan Dyer ( on February 14, 2015 @ Churchill, Manitoba (via SpaceWeather)

"The curtains appeared mainly red at the start," Dyer writes. "Then the green auroral curtains seen here off in the distance in the northeast, moved from east to west, from the horizon here to overhead over the next few minutes. The aurora then took on the more normal appearance with green curtains topped by fringes of red. Jupiter is at right."

Red auroras occur some 300 to 500 km above Earth's surface, much higher than ordinary green auroras and...
