Suzanne Carvell~Why do you Blame.

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Many only light in very predictable patterns.Disasters and Earthquake  Let us say. God lets this happen! Jesus lets this happen! Then the same question used through out time is WHY! God why do you let this happen? but no one questions Humanity. Humanity need to answer this question. People need to take responsibility  for life on Earth.

You blame God because it is an easy out, you do not have to look within yourself and see the truth of a given situation that may have been the beginning of the domino effect that is happening within this world right now. Many years have gone by and humanity has forged along with inventions to make life easier or so they think. The only ones who really benefit from these new technologies are the Military systems around the world should this not be your first question WHY! Many have no work and sit around feeling sorry for themselves when there is much work that needs to be done  within the environment, within the community and family structures to bring them back to a sense of worth a sense of love for one another.  Your next question should be . what has caused the breakdown that separates us from one another.Once you get past the control of this system and step back looking from the outside as many star seeds are now doing you see what seemed to be progress was anything but.

Through out History many Ascended Masters have lightened upon this Earth to try to bring one message and this message has been meet with ridicule, anger and violence because no one wants to look at the bigger picture. People have this notion that I! did not have any part in this situation or It does not affect me so I will just carry on as I have always done. What each and every one of Humanity fails to grasp is that Earth is home to us all what happens in any part of this our home affects the all and this Earth. She can only take so much before the Earth begins to say enough is enough. We are in these times right now. Earth is cleansing herself by shaking the very foundations of Humanity. Do you not hear or see what she is trying to tell you. The wars on her lands have contaminated her grounds and water systems. The extraction of minerals and oils have polluted her airs and ripped gashes so deep that need refilling.  When you become ill your body racks you with fever and you begin to shake. Your lungs cough and sneeze to rid the body of the germ that has taken up residence within your cells where a battle is raging to eliminate the germ while keeping the body intact. Earth is also a body that is now eliminating while trying to keep the life that is upon her in tact.

It is time for each and every one of us to step back  from what seems to be a crisis on a massive scale and look at it for what it really is. Governments around the world know they have lost control of the people so they will try in every way to instil fear around every corner making you believe the only way to survive these times is by putting your trust in them. Why do you not put trust in each other. When the playing field is level you all work together to make sure you have shelter,food warmth. The three basic thing Humanity needs to survive. When you stop  working to put money back into  consuming corporations goods you are able to gain back control.  Look at what you outlay for power, rentals, mortgages, food, clothing. Then look at what you pay for insurance, consumer goods, toys, electronics this list is endless. Is this the way your  life was intended to be.

Now back to God, Jesus Ascended Masters, Angelic Realm,Star Seeds, Light bearers, Light Workers,  Star Brothers and Sisters. All are here in service to Humanity and Gaia because we want to be here. We cannot do all the work for you we can only advise, listen. When humanity begin to open to the fact that all are a part of the problem then and only then will they realise they are also a very important part of the solution.

A child learns by making mistakes along its path into Adult hood. Your Father is there to guide and comfort you in times of stress and hardship but he will not and cannot do the work for you because then you would go through life having never learnt a thing always wanting him to clean up your mess. So next time you ask WHY! think about what you can change.
