Suzi: Enjoying our Best Behavior

Lia's picture

Suzi: Enjoying our Best Behavior

2012 August 5
 by Suzanne

I think that now is a spectacular time to be on and enjoy our very best behavior. With every word we speak, every action we take and every feeling and thought we have, we reveal our hearts and our levels of consciousness to God.  I always want to do my best, and from day to day what I call my best will be different.


Knowing that the attention of our Star Family and the Company of Heaven is on each of us individually really ramps up my focus on being my very highest and best.  That means staying in my heart, and knowing that all is exactly as it needs to be, whether I agree with someone’s vision or I don’t.


It occurs to me that we all may have a different experience of the coming days in accordance with our perceptions and expectations.   As I write that, I wonder how it could work, with so many people potentially creating the same event to one degree or another…how could it be different for each of us?  The answer is that it just isn’t that important for me to know how.  I couldn’t possibly understand how that works from my currently limited 3D perspective.


However, I’m very excited to say that I am noticing a marked leap in my psychic and visionary abilities.  It feels like an integration of all of my parts into this physical form, and a claiming of the skills I possessed in past incarnations.  In conjunction with the massive amounts of love and light energy flooding this beautiful planet we live on, it’s no wonder that there are quite a few of us who are actually feeling pretty good these days.


I’m looking forward to waking up tomorrow with that wonderful feeling of peace and joy I’ve been having for the past three or four days. Every cell in my body knows that what I long for is finally happening.  It matters not if a date comes and goes, or if people who think of themselves as lightworkers are sniping at one another over details.  I think we just need to make friends with the fact that we aren’t getting details yet.  There’s no need to dissipate our energy by making anyone else wrong for what they see.

Yes, there’s a great deal of information to sift through in order to find our own nuggets of wisdom.  Someone else could read the same message and come away with different gems.  Or they might come away shaking their head and wondering what planet you came from. That’s alright, too.


I’d love to see all those who write in to say they’ve adjusted their lives and behaviors to accommodate loved ones who don’t share a vision with them find their song and sing it.  Our friends and family don’t have to see what we see or feel.  I know it gets kind of lonely when we can’t sit face-to-face with someone to talk about the kinds of things we post on the 2012 Scenario.  It’s also true that we can always put it out to the Universe that we wish to draw to ourselves those people in our soul group, that we were meant to work with in these end [of 3D] times.


I’ve seen amazing things happen when we get clear on what it is we want.  Time spent focusing on how much of a drag our family can be when we’re trying to meditate may be better spent creating a time and space to meditate anyways.  Or maybe we have exciting news about disclosure or containment, or a channeling that really sat nicely in our bones and we want to share it with someone who will be excited with us.  (1)


It isn’t easy to feel isolated in our understanding of the world around us but I think we can surely do it for a little longer.  Maybe it really is true that the Galactics and the Company of Heaven are waiting for us to be ready. The very last thing I want to do is delay meeting my beloved Star Family and being my full Divine self, so I’m enjoying what feels to me like the last days of living our limited half-lives.  I’m really not going to worry about exactly when we have our reunions…my heart is already rejoicing in them.


(1) We can share it with our soul group on the 2012 Scenario discussion group, at



Your Welcome We Love You

Lia's picture

All Our Love!!!!!!!!!

Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!

It means so much to me to

Carey's picture

It means so much to me to read this, to know that I am truly not alone in this!  It does get very lonely hiding my thoughts from others for fear of rejection, then transmuting the emotions of needing acceptance.  Thank you for sharing this as it reminds me to keep asking to meet others in my "soul group". 

I'm starting to feel the

Tryak437's picture

I'm starting to feel the 'emotional waves' of people's reactions to things, particularly laughter, before they actually physically react. It's produced some awkward moments of me laughing at a joke that was told out of earshot, before those hearing the joke laugh at it. Haha. The ridiculousness of time!!