Synchronicity and the 6-27-12 “Green Light” Message…

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Synchronicity and the 6-27-12 “Green Light” Message…

Kauilapele's Blog


Posted on 2012/06/28

Before I retire,* I wanted to show you the numerical synchronicities that “showed up magically” yesterday.


I awoke, fed kitties, then went back to bed, and looked at the stats page, using my iPhone. At 7:27 AM, here’s what I saw (below).

Wow… 8888 views, on 6-27 at 7:27 AM. Now to me, the 8′s speak of prosperity, “lucky” Chinese numbers, and so on. More on that in a moment.


Okay, then. Next, please…


During the 6-27-12 show, as the show progressed, I recorded the call live, then, at each break, saved the file as an MP3, then went back to recording after the break., then posted it on the blog.

So I posted the first hour. And what came up for the size of the file? Look below.


Wow! 11.1 MB!!! A “111″.


Just after that, at the beginning of Part 2, Drake announced the fabled, “Green Light”, and the internet caught a “Green Light” viral condition, the Internet World of Tubes expanded, and Ascension almost happened right then and there.


All I can say is, there is no accident that this synchronicity displayed itself. 111, a new beginning, with an 8888, which to me represents a grand prosperity number for the planet. Interestingly, the “8888″ also represents “The 8888 Nationwide Popular Pro-Democracy Protests” which occurred in Burma (Myanmar) on 8-8-88. This was also known as the “People Power Uprising.”


Could it be that this 111 new beginning is coupled with a 2012 version of the “People Power Uprising”?


I’m leaving the comments open here. Please feel free to add your own take on this set of events.


* Whatever that means, because it seems like I’m (we’re) traveling all over the place in my (our) so-called “sleep” state (and I’d have to add, “Sleep my a$$! Then how come I wake up feeling like I’ve been working all night???”


Commentary from the Galactic Free Press~ Intersting during the Love Party on 6~27~12 we Annnounced Father God and I 's Divine Marriage Date which was 8~8~8, then we had Drakes announcement shortly after this. The Following Morning we recieved information of a 24 Hour notice. Our Entire team did. We will have to see what all this means and how it unfolds. Remember all Events which Unfold Synchronostically means they are Real. Love the Earth Allies
