TAUK Private Message from Higher Self 16 Nov 2011 ~ Today’s Energies
Mother Earth is continuing her journey towards Ascension. She is being born into the higher dimensions. She too has a Higher Self, you know. Just because you do not think of her as a living being, as an intelligent life form, it does not mean that she is not just that. She is a highly evolved, loving, intelligent being. In fact, perhaps if one really wanted to find an intelligent life form apart from humans in space, one would find that Mother Earth is the oldest, the most conscious, and the most intelligent life form on your planet. Indeed, there is no need to go very far in order to find intelligence and universal consciousness.
The search for extra-terrestrial life is an old game, being used to confuse you all, and play with your mind. There are many words scientists refuse to accept without proof. The truth is that proof and evidence is being withheld from any serious scientists. Life is in abundance around you, it is enveloping you and Mother Earth, like the water surrounds a baby in its mother’s womb. The fine particles feeding your being are invisible to the naked eye, and to the highest precision measuring devices. Indeed the Universe is feeding you as we speak now, and as your readers read these few lines. The Universal God all loving energy is omnipresent, and in many ways omnipotent. It is all loving, embracing and comforting.
As you sit here today, you know the tiredness your muscles hold within. You know the blockages of energy flow building up, preventing the connection to all that is. Your body is a well-oiled machine, very sophisticated and performing. It feeds from physical food, does it not? It also requires air for energy exchange, and it also requires this invisible constant nourishment I have been speaking of. One aspect of this nourishment is to nourish your Higher Being Bodies. Me, in other words. I require different nourishment than your physical seeming nutrients. Although appearances can be deceiving, as all can be broken down to molecular levels and the world of materiality is also only an illusion for the mind. .
My dear physical mirrored image, I wish to remind you today that you need to keep a strong connection with me, even when you feel overwhelmed by all that you can think of. Remain aware of your muscular tensions, they are immense and it is painful to witness the body become as hard as a rock. It is painful to feel our connection dim when your density is so heavy. The vibrations travel very difficultly inside of you under these conditions, and are stopped very rapidly without reaching the relevant parts that require the higher energy vibrations in order to sustain our connection, and to allow me to guide you. Sense your weight when you walk, feel your fingers type on the keyboard, be aware of your facial expressions, and be aware of your breath of live. Do not give into the ease of mechanical movements of your body, of your emotions and of your mind.
The days ahead of you are going to be a big challenge, you all need to become more sensitive to your own moods and to each other. The energies directed towards Mother Earth now can have a strong effect if not processed correctly. Have fun every day, maintain calm, and balanced. Avoid any draining activities, and try to sense you being present in your life on a regular basis. Perhaps close your eyes every hour, and listen inside. Close your eyes and connect with your heart, and to Mother Earth’s beating heart. Make contact with me, your inner life and allow me to regenerate you. The more refined the energy that you use throughout the day, the more present I will be. Inhale me with your breath, and through the pores of your skin.
Your entire world is being transformed; the entire Universe is being renewed. Can you feel this? Can you hear your inner song resonate with the song of the Universe? Can you feel the other life forms surrounding Mother Earth? Can you feel the connection between all of you, and between all the beings from higher realms? The veil is thinning, we are drawing nearer to your world, and you nearer to ours. Soon we will reunite again. Until this is possible, feel your heart beat, feel Mother Earth rotate, feel her breath and feel her loving consciousness for you all.
I am your Higher Self
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