Tax fraud, the Minister Corrado Passera investigated by the prosecutor in Biella (a small Italian town)

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Alleged tax offenses as alleged, as reported by the newspaper "La Stampa", allegedly committed by the current head of the Department of Economic Development as CEO of Banca Intesa and then CEO of Intesa Sanpaolo after the merger. The facts date back to 2006 and 2007.
He signed the tax return for tax year 2006. That Corrado Passera, current Minister of Economic Development, Government Monti, is under investigation by the prosecutor in Biella.

Alleged tax offenses as alleged, as reported by the newspaper "La Stampa", allegedly committed as CEO of Banca Intesa and then CEO of Intesa Sanpaolo after the merger. The facts date back to 2006 and 2007 and the complaints concern that an international tax arbitrage transited through Biverbanca, Biella institution at the time controlled by Banca Intesa and then transferred to the MPS. The operation was under investigation according to the Inland Revenue designed and implemented to achieve the benefits of a fiscal nature. Taking advantage of the "asymmetry" between the Italian and British tax system would be formed acquired a tax credit for taxes paid abroad.

The survey, which began after an audit conducted by the Guardia di Finanza in Milan, had ended in a process verbal notification to the Inland Revenue. A year ago the tax documentation was submitted to the court because they would be drawn to the Piedmont offense. In the file open in Biella we assume the "fraudulent misrepresentation by other devices" and misrepresentation, which according to Article 3 and 4 of Legislative Decree No. 15 of 2000 respectively, shall be punished with imprisonment from one year and six months to six years and from one to three years. For an operation by a similar outline, the judge for preliminary hearing in Milan indicted Alessandro Profumo, currently president of MPS, but at that time CEO of Unicredit, for tax fraud and obstruction investigative activities. The tax part of the story was strictly controlled by Intesa Sanpaolo at the end of 2011.