From Dr Moe
I'm not sure why I'm writing this post. I just feel I have to say something. It seems the upheaval going on around the world is happening 'out there' but it actually is a reflection of what's going on inside each and every one of us. We are feeling empowered to rise up, to declare ourselves present, to say "No" to the ruling class and to take back that power we gave away and redistribute it amongst ourselves in a fair and balanced manner.
The fear mongerers say we can't have it that way. That ability was lost long ago when Atlantis sank beneath the waves. But the actions of many protesters acting in concert around the world say something vastly different. Whether in protests at a gold mine in Bulgaria, on the streets of Egypt or at the Beltway in Washington DC, there is a rising spirit at work here, something unsettling for those in power for they know of no other way to be. So attached are they to this fictitious power they claim as theirs they are willing to commit political suicide in order to continue clinging to it as if it were being ripped from their arms.
Witness the Tea Party in the US congress. So obssessed are they with holding on to power they are willing to hold an entire nation hostage so they can have their petty childish trantrum acknowledged as a legitimate course of political action. They are essentially holding their breath to get their way.
While they are turning blue with self-generated outrage the rest of the world stands with mouth wide open watching this calamity unfold. It's like witnessing a car accident in slow motion. You simply can't turn away.
I for one suggest we let them hold their breath until they collapse, then we can clean up this mess they created for the rest of us and be done with it once and for all. The idiots who claim to be Tea Party elites can have their temper tantrum to their heart's content. Let's be like the sensible moms in the grocery store watching their 3 year old child spin around on the floor declaring they just must have that piece of candy lest they die. We know the child on the floor won't die and we also know the Tea Party members are ultimately only hurting themselves. But their actions have consequences for the rest of us, so as adults we must prevent them from hurting the wider social group.
How do we do that? By shutting them down, that's how. We let them know NOW that there will be No Votes for them next year if they continue this publicity stunt and we will do everything in our power to put them out of work for good. Meanwhile, they are more than welcome to continue holding their breath and we'll just wait them out.
Eventually that child rolling around on the floor gets tired of no results and stops his dramatic posing once he sees the audience has walked away, including Mom. No audience, no show. It's that simple. They said on the news today that the Republican party is now down to 24% in the polls. Let's drive that down to below 10% or lower. In fact let's make it a challenge to render them so obsolete they have nowhere to go but home now. Their tempest in a Tea Party pot is not registering with anyone any more, especially with registered voters.