Dan's picture

Today i was tested by high beings. Today one of the bugs i find disgusting ran across from i think my couch to my bed. And i felt like killing it... but i didnt. I learned what was happening. The lesson they taught me is that if i kill, i will enter Negative energy. And i shouldnt kill something just because of what it looks like, so i received this message and let the bug pass by. I learned that i should stay within positive energy. They were testing me to see how much positive energy i have. I thank them for this test =)
Love & Light
=This is coming from a 16 year old= AGE is nothing




Guy's picture

My daughter always freaks out at spider,she says go kill it,i said she as the same rights that you have to be here,i take a kleenex and put it outside.

If age means nothing why do

Bianchi's picture

If age means nothing why do you mention it so much.


Your 16 and you didn't kill a bug. Wow, what a prodagy. 

I guess this is a test too

Dan's picture

I guess this is a test too .... hmm? Maybe like the bug, i shouldnt acknowledge you, To avoid negative energy. Love you

love is not only passive....

grailheart magi's picture

love is not only passive.... do as ye wish... Michael uses a sword to separate the truth from fiction... there is no one way of the ONE.... find out for you what works.  growth is about stretching the limits of who you are.... not finding that "perfect" place to sit in.  Test who you are.... 

Call everything a test and

Bianchi's picture

Call everything a test and the word loses all meaning. Same with love. Besides, I don't see everyones problem with the negitive. Without negetives, positives wouldn't exist. Also, two negetives make a positive. You cant disern things in complete darkness, nor can you in blinding light. People think that negetive is evil, but I think its the other way. I think evil is negetive.


My point still stands though, if age isn't important, then whats the point of even mentioning it? You DID acknowledge me, just not the point.

you were starting to make

grailheart magi's picture

you were starting to make sense to me.... but PLEASE explain how two negatives make a positive other than in numbers.


And yes, I agree about the age thing, but see, from a human behavior standpoint people are more apt to listen to him because they are suspicious of us adults, yes?

Well, it doesn't not work in

Bianchi's picture

Well, it doesn't not work in English as well. 


From my own experience on this very website it is quite the opposite. He's not saying anything anyone on this site would disagree with anyway.


Anyway I would just like to say, THANKYOU for considering what I'm saying, cuz no one here ever does. Its refreshing.

I consider what you say, I

will's picture

I consider what you say, I just don't necessarily agree with everything you say.


As to needing a "negative" to know the "positive", that's just a dualistic human perception. It's the way the mind functions, not the Universe. It's humans that divide things into negative and positive, with some belief about "opposing" forces. Polarity exists, but duality is nonsense.


There's male and female, but those are complimentary force, not opposing ones like beliefs about "positive" and "negative" or "good" and "evil".

        Complementry colors

Bianchi's picture

        Complementry colors are opposites that blend together or show up brightly next to each other I dont see how opposites can't complemnt one another. Upon obeservation, I've noticed how the universe doesn't seem to work, and that is everthing being the same and united into a giant hivemind like I see discribed on this site so often. Teamwork, yes, but also competition can be observed in nature even apart from humans, and while some people seem to think it is the bane of existence, it is the reason WHY we exist. Also the reason why we thrive. Both are the reason actually. Compitition, to prove your genes are the best.Teamwork to make a baby. Opposites, yet complements. Life is the spark caused by fricton (Literaly and metaphoricly).



Complementary colors are not

will's picture

Complementary colors are not "opposites", and like I pointed out before, that's just human perception. Is a photon with a wavelength of 650 nm (red) the "opposite" of one with a wavelength of 510 nm (green)? Of course not, you're drawing conclusions based upon limited perception, which is why duality exists in the first place.


Opposites are not complimentary, opposites oppose each other. Opposites and compliments are not the same thing, one is the way the Universe functions, the other is an illusion Humanity stubbornly clings to. With competition, you want the other person to fail, with cooperation, you want everyone to succeed. Which one do you think is healthier for Humanity? We've been testing out the competition model for thousands of years, and all it has created is enormous amounts of pain and suffering.


To say that we want everything the "same" tells me that you don't really understand the messages on this site. We live in a society where people are very much the same, with a "Coke or Pepsi" kind of "uniqueness". Do you think all "your" ideas came from you? Your idea that competition is healthy is shared by billions of people. We don't want people to be the same, we want them to be Themselves. We promote true uniqueness, where everyone is an individual while realizing they're all part of the same Oneness. Different parts of the same Whole, and each with a different and unique perspective.

this is for Bianchi, you

grailheart magi's picture

this is for Bianchi,

you better update your resume soon.... your next check will probably bounce!

My son Dan is 16 years old

LuasDeAlmeida's picture

My son Dan is 16 years old also. Ill show him your amazing words... Thanks. Love & Light <3