When you take a stroll in your backyard you most likely reprimand yourself for not weeding this week, but did you consider that those pesky weeds might have some beneficial properties and make your gardening life less of an uphill struggle?
Stop weeding immediately, and start seeing these ferocious plants for what they really are, powerful healing herbs. There are three common kinds of therapeutic herbs that can be found almost everywhere, particularly during their respective seasons, and are often mistaken as just weeds.
Let’s take a look at these three plants and why you should avoid zapping them with weed killer and start cultivating them and using their incredible properties:
Rosa Rugosa
AKA Rugosa Rose, Japanese Rose and Beach Rose, or the wild rose, Rosa Rugosa grows literally everywhere, it cannot be stopped. Found in your backyard, on the side of the road, on the beach and all over wild fields, the Rosa Rugosa’s petals and fruit (rosehips) can be used as a mild sedative, antiseptic, antiparasitic, and anti-inflammatory, as well as supporting the heart, lowering cholesterol and improve circulation.