In these times of intense change and shifting of frequencies, Remember, that You are ever cared for and looked after, to the nth degree, by Divine Decree, by Your Highest Self

Lia's picture

Sananda ~ Takeli~


Message from Sananda for November 30th, 2012:

In these times of intense change and shifting of frequencies, Remember, that You are ever cared for and looked after, to the nth degree, by Divine Decree, by Your Highest Self.

You are being given Your individual journeys to now fulfill, in readiness for the immense changes and transitions that will flow to Mother Earth and all of her inhabitants in the coming times.  

Rest, in the deep Embrace of Love, that is Your Higher Self for You:  it has You fulfilling, all that is needed by and from You.  

Be assured, that My Light is ever with You, and may be called upon for additional Love to Guide Your processes at any time.

I AM Sananda...and so it is.       

Love and Blessings in All Weaves of Love,

Takeli MMagdalen
