For Those Behind...Follow Me!

d'tewa's picture

Greetings Dear Lightworkers, Indigos, Starseeds and Wanderers!

     What a ride, huh?  We're getting to the wire, Dec. 12th and Dec. 21st just days away now. 

     For those of you who are still stressing and feeling depressed, I  hope that my lesson concerning a doomed relationship with nowhere to go will help those of you who may be in a similar situation. 

     As many of you know here at Galactic Free Press, I was headed for Arkansas's Pinnacle Mountain for the 11-11-12 energies.  I never made it there.  As a matter of fact, I didn't even get out of Georgia!  Instead, I met a new friend with whom I stayed with for about a week or so.  After leaving there, guess where i ended up?  Home again!  Back to the place I've tried to get away from so many times.  I went into deep depression.  So, I did some deep soul searching and asked for guidance.  I asked Jesus to help me leave this unloving home and what I got was a very valuable lesson.  He said I would meet someone.  A couple of days later I met a man with a spare bedroom, but was really no different than the man I lived with. That made me realize that it didn't matter where I was or who I needed to be with for the time of my awakening,  I just needed to "BE".  BE without restrictions or distractions.  All that was required of me was to BE in peace, and feel the Love being beamed to me.  

     As for my dying relationship, again, I asked for guidance.  So, the other day, the power went out in our home.  I knew that that was a sign for my resolve.  As we sat on the couch just talking, it was easy to ask a very simple question; "if i was to ascend and disappear from your view, are we okay?  Would there be any hurt feeling or issues unresolved?  He thought a moment and said "No".  That was it.  Problem solved!  All that time of leaving at least a half a dozen of times or so, it was so simple just to bring it out into the open and ask what was in my heart and to receive the answer I'd hoped for.  What a relief!  All I have to do now is go to my peaceful spot I've chosen for myself and just BE to receive.

     So, this is for all of you who are struggling in a doomed relationship and feel unloved and you have nowhere to go.

    1. Go inside yourself and ask for help. (Higher Self, Angels, Spirit Guides, Creator.)

    2. Listen.  Listen.  Listen.

    3. Follow your heart and know you're being guided for your highest good.

    4. Talk about what's wrong and come to a common ground of resolution.   

    5. Then find yourself a place that feels good to receive the Light energies that will change your life forever. 

     For me, it's a no brainer.  My porch swing.  That's where I find my peace.

And, also, all of those times that I worried that I had missed my chance for my ascension, I was wrong about that too.  I learned that they were simply "opportunities" that were presented if I chose to awaken earlier than my soul contract.  So, I'm still on track and no longer am I worried about where to go or be.  All I got to do is BE.

Love and Blessings to you all.

Happy to Be Back!
