~Three Days With St. Germain~
Suzanne Lie, Multidimensions.com, September 18, 2011
Day One
Dear One, I am ready to hear more about whatever information you deem as important at this moment?
It is I, St. Germaine. El Morya and I are pleased that you, our earth masters, have returned to us here at the completion of your third dimensional life cycle. At this phase of your process of ascension you have the opportunity to see every thing, every thought and every emotion, that you have gathered into your consciousness in your long journey into the third dimension. Many of you are feeling insecure. How could you not? You are moving into a new reality. Hence, you are being called upon to release all that you cannot or choose not to take with you.
When you move to a new house, you must go into the closets, cellars, attics and garages to open boxes that have likely not been opened in decades. Some of these boxes have been carried from house to house without ever being opened. In a similar manner, you have carried myriad illusions in your unconscious storage bin for life after life. These illusions have been accepted without reflections, as you were too busy with the business of survival.
Now you are moving into a new house/life, but this new life is not in a different place. Instead, it is in a different frequency. The boxes of unknown content that have been carried in your aura for life after life must finally be opened. You can no longer lug them in your unconscious, for your “unconscious mind” is closing. This storage place is no longer an available place to hide whatever it is that you don’t want to look at. Furthermore, you cannot just leave these boxes on the curb, nor can you give them away just because it is too much work to open them. These are your boxes and only you decide what you want to keep and what you are ready to let go of.
However, these hidden places in your mind must be opened because they create fear; fear of confrontation, fear of truth, and fear of fear. Therefore, these storage places must be emptied because they lower the frequency of your consciousness. Entering another third dimensional vehicle and lugging around the unopened boxes one more time is not possible, for this “move” can only be accomplished by releasing ALL that lowers your consciousness. The good news is that you no longer need to open the boxes, look through all of the contents, and decide what to take and what to release.
Our ascending ones have come to the End Game now. Hence, if this box of hidden memories has not been opened for decades, all you need to do is let go of it. Our ascending ones no longer have to process their darkness. All you have to do is transmute the fear back into its Source, which is Light. Darkness is only light that has taken on too much fear. Therefore, once you transmute the fear—ALL FEAR—the darkness simply falls away as the Light returns to its Source. There is only ONE Source, and that Source is the pure, light energy of the ONE.
Transmutation is the process of raising the frequency of a person, place, thing or situation. Once the frequency is raised to that of Light and Love, the issues that have caused you fear-based emotions simply do NOT exist. We know that this is an unusual concept for those of you who have taken myriad lives and spent many years clearing, healing and releasing. It is because of these many years of ‘work’ that you can NOW trust that you can simply release your inner illusions by transmuting their frequency into the Truth.
This transmutation process begins with the identification of your lower frequency thoughts, emotions and reactions. Because you, our earth masters, have decided to look inside to truly know your self, you have the ability to discern the illusionary energy patterns of the third dimension from the higher dimensional Truth. This Truth can only be found by going within to connect your consciousness to the ONE. In order to make this connection, you have taken a brave look deep into your inner life. Through deciding again and again to look into your self to find the Truth, you have remembered the most consciousness-expanding Truth, which is “We are ALL ONE.”
Therefore, whenever you feel lower frequency energy that feels separate from YOU, remember to go inside to transmute the illusion of separation into the Truth of Unity with ALL Life. In this manner, you can remember that YOU are the creator of your life, for YOU have the ability to keep your consciousness within unity consciousness within the Flow of the ONE. Through transmuting your consciousness from the third/fourth dimensional expression of separation, to the fifth dimensional consciousness of unity, you will begin your “move” into New Earth. This fifth dimensional unity consciousness is NOW embracing Gaia and ALL Her inhabitants.
I wish to remind you that you, dear humans, serve as the inter-dimensional portals through which Gaia can pull in the ever-expanding rays of multidimensional light and unconditional love. Because of this, it is important that you keep your Portals clean. The care and maintenance of your Portal means to clean out all the residues of illusion in your consciousness so that your Portal can be filled with the pure truth of your multidimensional consciousness. When you were first born, you were filled with the light of this multidimensional consciousness. However, your light was tainted by the fear of your third dimensional world. Fortunately, to clear your Portal, all you need to “do” is to release your third dimensional dualistic thinking of light and darkness and simply return to the unity of your multidimensional consciousness.
Once you remember that YOU are ONE with all life, you can FEEL the light and love as it courses through your consciousness and is grounded into Gaia through your earth vessel. With the feeling of this light and love inside of you, you will instantly recognize whenever lower frequencies of fear attempt to invade your Portal. When you feel this invasion, instantly transmute ALL Shadow into Light with the Mantra I have been using for eons, which is:
Blaze, Blaze, Blaze
The Violet Fire
Transmuting ALL Shadow Into
Light, Light, Light
I wish to now remind you that because of your great advancement into the Light, you no longer need words to transmute an energy field into its higher expression. The above Mantra carries great energy as it has been used since the peak of Atlantis. However, you can now KNOW that your frequency has expanded beyond the need for separate words that are sequentially strung out into a sentence. Since that form of communication will lessen in the threshold reality of New Earth and become extinct in the mid-fifth dimensional realities, I encourage you to expand your transmutation process into a format that is free of words.
Since this is a typed message, I will need to use words. On the other hand, I ask you to release your attachment to the words and listen with your heart. Your heart will hear our communication as pictures, tones, feelings and sensations into which you can easily merge your consciousness. Therefore, whenever your feelings direct you that a lower frequency is stemming from anyone or anything, remember that you are ONE with ALL life. Therefore, any uncomfortable feeling can only come from you. If you are ONE with ALL life, then all life feels like you and you feel like all life.
This unity of life is only found within, as the doorway to the ONE is only inside your SELF. Hence, if you are ONE with All that Is, whatever you transmute inside your SELF, you transmute every where and every when. Since you are ONE with ALL life, ALL life is within you. Consequently, when you go inside your SELF to find all frequencies of reality, you find both the lower and the higher resonance of life. Then, remembering that you are a Multidimensional Being, encompass the lower frequency with your higher frequencies of multidimensional light and unconditional love.
While you encircle the inner fear with your own unconditional love, FEEL how the unconditional love transmutes the fear back to its Source of multidimensional light. Fear is only the lowest frequency of multidimensional light, and this fear can only adhere to the third and lower fourth dimensions of reality. Therefore the enemy that was so awesome to your third dimensional perceptions is only a tiny fraction of your multidimensional reality. Envision yourself as a mighty being of light and fear as only the lowest resonance of your many-layered SELF. In other words, in order to clear this fear, simply brush off the bottoms of your “feet,” the part of you that stands upon a physical reality.
I know that the last sentence can be quite confusing for those of you who still struggle with third dimensional thinking. Within your third dimensional thinking, the “bad” energies originate from the lower dimensions and the “good” energies originate from the higher dimensions. First of all, your third dimensional thinking is likely to have difficultly identifying the “bad” as an energy field, for you still perceive life as “form that holds energy.” It is not until you have adapted to your multidimensional thinking that you can realize/remember that energy does not follow form. Instead, form follows energy. Therefore, fear is just the lowest frequency of your energy, which took a fearful form.
When you regain your expanded vision you will easily see that it is the energy that is causal for all form, whether that form be a person, place, thing, or even a situation, thought or emotion. As you regain your expanded perceptions you will be able to actually see how the energy coagulates itself into a form. When you can see energy before it creates its form, then you can change situations before they even happen, by transmuting that energy into its higher frequency of expression before it takes a form. Then, when the energy does create its form, it will be a beautiful form of multidimensional light and unconditional love.
While limited to third dimensional thinking, you may not remember that thoughts and emotions have a form. Many thought forms are initiated in the fourth dimension, which is also ruled by polarity and emotion. These thought forms are created by your emotion. It is the energy field of your fourth dimensional self that is creating your reality on the third dimension. Of course, this sentence is a bit obsolete because so many of you are now operating within your fifth dimensional unity consciousness. However, we see that while you are still holding a third dimension earth vessel, it is almost impossible to always create all your reality with your fifth dimensional consciousness. This is the greatest challenge for our earth masters.
Many of Gaia’s energy fields are more polarized than ever because the energy emitted from Her humans has split into the two forms of “embracing change, which is Letting Go into the Unknown” and “holding on to that which is familiar, which is Holding On to the Known.” Therefore, there are strong opposing energy fields, which initially become fourth dimensional thought-forms filled with emotion looking to create a physical form. You can identify the polarity of these thought forms by trusting how they FEEL within your heart and your High Heart.
When you experience the higher frequency feeling, allow that wave of light and love to share its gift with you. On the other hand, when you experience a lower frequency feeling, move into it with your multidimensional consciousness to bask it with your own multidimensional light and unconditional love. Remember, if it is in your world, it is YOU! For, YOU are ONE with All Life. It is this Unity Consciousness that assists Gaia because you have chosen to fill your Portal, your earth vessel, with Unity. This Unity instantly travels through your Portal and into the Core of Gaia’s body Earth. In return, Gaia instantly shares her planetary version of Unity with you. In this manner, you begin to remember that that YOU are the Planet.
Being a Planet
We, the members of your Galactic Family, wish to continue the wonderful words of St. Germaine to assist you in “Being a Planet.” You chose to take on your physical shell largely to learn the many lessons of third dimensional emotions, and you chose your current era because the darkness/fear and light/love have NEVER been more polarized. It is at the end of a paradigm shift that polarities become the most extreme. In this way, the choices “in-between” are greater. Also, because energy/light travels in circles, the further you are willing to delve into your darkness, the higher you can flow into your light when the circle comes into completion.
Furthermore, the greater the separation between Light and Dark that you can experience and still find your Center Path, the more power of emotion you will master. It is this Power of Emotion that was the primary lesson of planet Earth. Gaia is such an expanded Being that only the form of a planet is vast enough to contain Her consciousness. She volunteered to take on the form because She wanted to teach Her inhabitants, who are the myriad expression of her Multidimensional SELF, the power of creation.
Earth has always been a reality filled with myriad creative expressions of Gaia’s consciousness. Therefore, many civilizations began, grew, then ascended or fell. Those of you, who have been able to align your emotional body with Gaia, have come to know Her, not as a rock covered with growth and water, but as a sentient being who has served the ONE bravely for millions of years. As She comes to the close of Her third dimensional expression, She invites Her humans to go with Her into the higher frequencies of reality.
We know that many of our grounded ones have come to deeply love Gaia and Her planet. However, did you know that Gaia deeply loves Her people, in return? Because of Her love, She does not want to leave even one of Her humans behind. At great risk to Her planetary body she has been patient with the needs of her humans to discover their ability to create their reality. However, she now is flowing into these higher frequencies of space to complete her cycle of physical manifestation. In the higher dimensions, form is the product of consciousness rather than consciousness being the result of form. Therefore, if you hold an intense feeling in your consciousness, it will create a form to encompass it.
The lost ones, who have used their manifestations in a selfish or power-over-others manner, have lowered the frequency of Earth to the point of near-extinction. She now calls upon all of her friends who have taken form on Her Earth for life after life, to join Her as the circle of Her journey into form is completing. To the extent that you, our grounded ones, feel separate from your expanded form of Earth, your power of creation is limited. However, once you fully understand and accept that your human form is as much a part of Earth as a lake or a mountain, your power of creation expands exponentially.
Your earth vessel does not belong to your consciousness alone. It is a vehicle that you share with the third dimensional elements and fourth dimensional Elementals of Gaia’s body. The Earth is like a Mother Ship, and each person capable of inter-dimensional travel is likened to a Scout Ship. When your consciousness soars into the higher dimensions, your experience is instantly saved to the fourth dimensional Akashic Records (etheric records of all life on Earth), fifth dimensional Unity Consciousness, sixth dimensional Divine Matrix and your seventh dimensional Oversoul. In turn, all of these frequencies of your experience are available for your fellow inter-dimensional travelers to read.
Are you are beginning to understand that when we say that you are the planet, we mean it literally. Are not your many organs your body? These organs could not exist without your body to embrace them any more than a tree could survive in outer space. It is true that you have come to Earth to learn the power of your emotions, but this power is not to be used just for creation. This power is, also, to be used for bonding. When you are bonded with Earth, what you create for your self, you create for your much-loved planet.
There are those who have not yet remembered that they are an extension of the Earth, as well as a portal through which the frequencies of Cosmic Space can enter Gaia’s core. Therefore, they may not realize that whatever they do to others, they do to themselves and to the planet. These people will not be able to tolerate these ever-accelerating frequencies, and the experience of being a Planet will be too overwhelming for them.
On the other hand, you who have remembered that since YOU are the eyes and ears of Gaia, the consciousness of Earth. Therefore, everything that you perceive, Gaia perceives. Therefore, just as whatever Gaia creates for Her planet, she creates for Her every inhabitant, everything that you perceived is instantly perceived by Gaia.
Your Personal Consciousness has expanded into Planetary Consciousness. Just as once you perceived yourself as a person who was a member of a planet, you now perceive your self as a planet, who is a member of a Galaxy. When you go to a new town, members of your town may give you a welcome gift and offer to show you around the area. In the same manner, as you enter this new frequency, we, the myriad members of your Galaxy, are offering to show you around. Partnerships are being formed to create a reality based on unconditional love. The process of ascension is underway, and you are NOT alone!
-The Arcturians and the Galactic Federation
Day Two
Dear St. Germain,
I feel like there is more to your message than I was able to receive the first time I communicated with you. I know this is a multidimensional message, and I often only get the lowest frequency while I am busy typing. Then, after the first edit and once I have had some distance from it, I find that there is more information at a higher frequency of expression. In fact, right now I feel such a high frequency of consciousness inside of me that I can barely stay awake to my 3D self. Is there more to your message today? And if so, should I take that message now or tomorrow morning when I have more energy?
Dear St. Germain,
I guess the answer was to come back tomorrow, as I fell asleep shortly after that last sentence. Actually, I fell asleep to that wonderful, high frequency, which is exactly where I would like to wake up. In fact, it is the frequency in which I would like to always live. I want to live in the frequency of reality that is so high that I can barely stay “awake” to the third dimension. Is this feeling a component of transmutation into the fifth dimension?
Dear Suzille,
Yes, transmutation is a two-part process. It is the process of transmuting reality from a lower frequency of expression into a higher frequency of expression. Just as I have spoken of transmuting that which appears to be dark into its original frequency of light, for all energy comes from the multidimensional light of the ONE. I will now assist you in remembering how to inhabit the higher frequency, which you have created via your transmutation process. All Ascended Masters have learned this ability of inhabiting that which we have transmuted back to its true form of light, for that was our Final Initiation.
We, the Masters who have ascended from Earth, have gone through everything that our dear earth-bound brothers and sisters are experiencing now. Hence, we are communicating with many of you in order to nudge your memory. Your process of ascension begins by recognizing that there is only the ONE. Thus, no person, place, situation or thing is outside of you. If the life you perceive is not outside of you, then ALL life must be inside of you. Hence, any transmutation is done by going inside of your SELF to use the power of your unconditional love to transmute fear and darkness into its higher frequency of expression of light and love.
Once the energy field of dissonance is transmuted back into its original harmony with the ONE, make sure that you disarticulate the thought form that once held that energy. To disarticulate a thought form, simply outline that now-empty form with light and say, “Re-distribute.” At this point, the thought form will disappear as the particles of life that once created it are returned to Source to be used for further creations. Since all life is within your SELF, you can now enjoy a reality that is free of that lower manifestation of form. Since there is no separation from the ONE, when you transmute your inner reality, you have transmuted all reality. When you FEEL this higher frequency of reality within, your consciousness expands to experience higher expressions of the ONE. It may appear that you have entered a higher frequency of reality. The Truth is that you have BECOME a higher frequency of reality.
In other words, you have aligned your consciousness with a higher expression of the ONE, which appears to be a different world. However, if there is only ONE, how can any part of that ONE be different? It cannot. What you are experiencing is a higher frequency expression of the same ONE. There is only the ONE, which has infinite expressions. You have created a form in a resonance of reality that is calibrated to that frequency of your consciousness. Once you expand your state of consciousness to embrace higher vibrations, you are able to experience higher frequency expressions of the ONE.
In order to remain awake to that expression of reality, your form must resonate to that frequency.
Therefore, remembering that there is only the ONE, you go inside of YOU, who is inside of the ONE, to transmute your body/form into a higher expression of life.
If you are visiting that reality in preparation for ascension, you will leave your physical form in a protected place, protected by your multidimensional light.
When you decide to permanently ascend into this reality, you will surround the lower frequency encasement of your consciousness (your body) with light and say, “Re-distribute,” so that those molecules of life can be released into Source.
The perceptions of this frequency of form are calibrated to perceive and interact with this version of the ONE’s infinite expressions of form.
You move into and through this reality via your multidimensional consciousness to see, hear and feel this expression of the ONE in your heart and mind.
Know that YOU are a component of the ONE. Know that everything you perceive is YOU, hence, all transmutation is within YOU. As you transmute the darkness into its higher frequency expression of the ONE, you realize that ALL is Light, All is love, but some of this light and love has taken on the costume of darkness and fear. Fortunately, as you remember that YOU are ONE you can easily perceive the light within that costume. In this sense, transmutation is the process of selective perception.
Your perception becomes selective because you refuse to perceive the illusion of darkness, which is the costume, and choose to perceive only the light, which is wearing that costume. Through selective perception, you choose to experience the light, and as you make that choice, the light expands beyond the costume of darkness. Then when the costume is released, all that remains is the light. To assure that this process does not become one of human denial, but instead of a process of mastery, you realize that you are inside of your reality, which is inside of your SELF.
Day Three
Dear St. Germain,
I feel like there is a part three to our communication. Last night I had a horrible dream. I tried to forget it so that I would not go back into that dream, so I can’t remember it too well. What I can remember is the feeling of being totally trapped. I was with a huge group of people, and we were being herded around like cattle. There was no chance of escape and we had no personal freedom. When I awoke, it was the middle of the night, and all I could think of was that I never wanted to go back to that dream, or to that reality. When I look at it this morning it seems that it was like far, far too many of my earthly incarnations.
I did what you told me the day before (to be posted later when I have put it in the computer) about owning that darkness and giving it unconditional love. I guess it worked because I fell asleep again and did not return to that awful dream (reality). Is there more that you think I can gain from this dream?
Dear Suzille,
As you have stated, this dream was an opportunity for you to personally experience how many, many humans feel at this time in your reality. Therefore, the dream offered you an opportunity to feel deep compassion and to transmute their/your suffering. You took that opportunity, which allowed you to serve as a Master. We, the Ascended Masters, wanted you, as well as all the earth masters who will read this message, to see part of the work that we do every day. In order for us to fully transmute reality into a higher frequency of expression, we must personally experience that reality prior to our transmutation.
It is because of this work that we are able to keep our consciousness free of all judgment, for once we experience a given situation, we understand completely how it feels for those trapped in that version of reality. As you know, there are many versions of reality and many versions of life on Earth during this point of the ascension process. These versions are actually different states of consciousness. Do you recall how your state of consciousness was so low in that dream that you could find no solution to your entrapment? Then, when you used the power of your unconditional love, your consciousness expanded into the higher frequencies. It was then that you were no longer trapped by that situation.
In fact, your consciousness rose so far above it that it was no longer a reality for you. There are two things that you learned from this dream. One, is that you actually experienced how ascension will feel when you bless ALL life with unconditional love and transmute yourself into a higher reality. Two, you were actually doing “rescue work” in your night body, as you assisted many of those who were trapped to follow your lead and expand their consciousness beyond the confines of that reality.
Our grounded earth masters will be doing a great deal of this work as we move into the conclusion of the ascension process. For every person that you assist, you assist yourself and you assist Gaia because you are all ONE. Therefore, anything you do for, or to, anyone, you do for everyone. It is the realization of this truth that prepares you for life in the fifth dimension where your every thought and feeling instantly returns to you as a form of manifestation. The dream also reminded you how you have felt trapped in far too many of your physical incarnations and how much you are ready to ascend into the fifth dimension.
However, ascension is a two-part situation. First, you transmute your every thought, feeling and deed into multidimensional light and unconditional love. Then, you need to maintain that state of consciousness. Ascension is a hot air balloon. If the frequency of the air (your consciousness) gets too low, it cools down (your consciousness lowers) and the balloon can no longer remain at that altitude (dimension). However, once you are fully in the fifth dimension, even in the threshold world of New Earth, there is no longer the polarity of light/dark and love/fear. Therefore, the fear that lowers your consciousness in your physical world does not exist in that reality.
Fear is a very low frequency, and it cannot take hold even on the threshold of the fifth dimension. Therefore, once you return Home to the fifth dimension and beyond, you will be free forever! We, the Ascended Masters of Earth will embrace you with our unconditional love. In fact, we embrace you NOW, for here there is no time and you are already with us.
Asention, the continued chapter.....
We are at a wonderfull time, when everything around us is in fear, and tormoil. We are the ones to send the light on to the world and all its people and the cycles of time, light, and energy, converge. Wow, I do feel the changes in my heart when reading this. Our words are so powerfull, with just one word it was created......and we can change the darkness to light, so that it goes too. The dark vibrations, cant hold on we move to fast..... :) Let us light up the world, right now, one person at a time, all over the world. <3