Three Tips to Help Transform Your Energy from Obligation to Joy

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“If you do something out of duty it will deplete you, but if you do something out of love it will energize you.” ~ Unknown

There are several things that motivate us as human beings to want to change, reach our goals or achieve our aspirations. One of the main motivators to better ourselves is often other people. How many times have we heard or even said ourselves, “I am going to stop drinking for my kids,” “lose weight for my spouse,” “stop smoking for my parents,” etc… And while it may sound noble to use our loved ones as the fuel behind our fire, it actually may end up working against us rather than for us.

When we use other people as our “reason” to stop or start doing something we come to an energetic fork on the road of personal development. Down one way we have the energy of duty/obligation and down the other path is the energy of love/joy. The energy behind our actions makes all the difference in the world. As time passes, and we use obligation as our reason for our actions we will begin to feel depleted energetically.
