So you thought it might be a good time to hear from your friends in the otherworld, did you? We are ready to have a hearty talk with you, of course! As we ever are, we are here to answer what we can and what we can not answer, we will give you insight into so you can find your own entry into knowing. The facts are what they are for all to see. That is, the world is slowly coming into a time of degradation of life, the people on it are waking up to their lighted divinity within, and the love of the universal service corps is giving you the attention you need wherever it is needed. We are with you as you read this, and we are with you in other ways as well. It is for you to discover them, and it is your great adventure undertaken with the soul-inspired passion of the you that exists in timeless thought outside of the dimension you are currently participating in. We are as well participating in the game of dimensional tic-tac-toe, so to speak, and it is our secret of getting all the tics and tacs lined up in a single manifold that we have left to share with you. So listen closely and read carefully, the next few lines of thought may help you decipher a way out of your current stalemate of sorts.
From time immemorial we have shuttled across the universe seeking a home away from home. You are not unlike us in this way, on your earthly home on Terra. You have many lives and many multidimensional personas weaving and appearing out of nowhere, making your yearning to establish a home base a not-quite-possible task the more you become aware of extraterrestrial lineage and extradimensional awareness. We understand this all too well and have some solace to share with you in that regard. As you become more and more aware of the outer limits of your perception taking a dive into the further-outerness of the beyond of what you previously knew, you begin to see yourselves as the explorers we know you to be. It is easy to become complacent in your earthly hut, your comfortable reality, your network of family and friends and habit. When you start to venture out into the matrices outlying the edges of the familiar, you find yourself imagining all sorts of things. Things like, is this what it feels like to be an alien on Earth? Is this what a time slip feels like? Do ETs have the same sort of feeling when the spaceship lands and they enter into the matrix of our world? Oh dear ones, these are things we are very in tune with! You see, we have by necessity ventured into a beyond of extra-worldly space long ago, during the time of our ancestors and the beginning of the troubles that are reaching a climax point on Earth at present. We have traveled among star systems and encountered civilizations of strange and wondrous character... like you will do when your planet comes to terms with its place in the galactic retinue of worlds. This is the final fold in your reality matrix leading to the totality of being more fully in the game of evolving through dimension. When it is done, you will have a new understanding of who you are, and we will have begun the task of integration into a greatly expanded and elevated totality in the matrix system of love. You will find another way to do more, via another fold in the system that creates more of everything, before that crowningly glorious step is fully taken. We will be there for that, too, as we are with you now, and even more so.
The next phase of planetary gasping will come into view in a short time from now. You are already in the seconds of time before it tick-tocks fully into focus, and the world will not be the same after that moment. We are not talking about total destruction of the environment, although many of you are suspecting this to become the case. The way things are moving, we understand how you could be seeing this as the next possibility. However, we are present and are working to keep that from happening totally. The world is already sending out stellar-oriented distress signals, and already there is more help than you might imagine ready to step in and take the sting out of the bite of environmental holocaust. We are all working together to keep a balance between your planet’s evolutionary movement and the temporal seismicity caused by ne’er-do-wells in places of supposed power. Well, there are problems, to be sure, but they are not too much for the earth to bear, and not so heavy that the forces of light, of which we are a part, can’t heave-ho into another state of being... all without tripping up the soul-path expansion of the human civilization positioning itself for its own next movement into the great experiment in being. Many of you believe the earth will not survive much longer, given its current set of circumstances. In large part, you are right. It can’t. It doesn’t want to. It wants to move into a new mode of being and it wants to take the life-force matrix with it. You are the human component of that matrix now, and you will become the meta-human component of it post-expansion. What are you in the meantime? Well, you can look at each other and see... you are becoming, and you are losing the between-ness that is the no-man’s-land ‘twixt who you were and who you are yet to be. It is a time of compression and a time of intensification for everything that is within the earth’s matrix. In that matrix is a component of time and that, too, is undergoing some pressure-cooking. Our best advice to you as your experience takes you through this accordion fold of the continuum of physical reality is to let go of your ideas of the past and the future, trust your soul and higher understanding to place your feet and your head in the right orientation to the star of origin, and just let things flow. You will be on the other side of the period of movement before you know it, and you won’t want to have missed a moment of it! This is the stuff galactic epics are made of, and you are living the climax point of the long story. It is time for the hero to unfurl his cape, for the damsel in distress to turn into the strong life-affirming goddess in full power, and for the page to turn and create another secret fold in the tic-tac-toe timetable.
This is another secret: Take the long way to get through the shortest distance. The outer edge of your reality is one of great wonder and discovery, yet it is the inner realms that hold the most treasure for understanding. You will have nothing to gain by reaching further out into the cosmos to find something new and exciting to write a flashy science news story about if you don’t get into the nitty-gritty of the inner universe of interior dimensional space, fathomable only by the conscious application of direct observation, meticulous data scavenging, measurement within the strict gradations of experiential time-based observable perturbations within the matrix of x, y, z, and t, and the dutiful application of basic scientific rigor when it comes to understanding what you have hitherto relegated to the fringe areas of learning and knowledge-gathering. Your inner world of experience is as quantifiable as your exterior spaces measured in swaths of time, speed, and distance. If you are able to compute such variables as where a potentially habitable planet might be, what the composition of terrestrially nascent planets is, and where to find them based on tiny wobbles of light in interstellar distances incomprehensible just a short time ago, why then not turn your attention to manufacturing a way to navigate the space which consciousness makes within your own experience within the matrix of form? Is it so outlandish to turn a telescope inwards and see what you may see? How far does your experience reach, if you take into account that time is merely one dimension of many, itself navigable through the application of awareness of it? How far can you see when you turn your eye inward toward the mind, inward into the network of mind of which your individuality is a part, into the experience of yourself being part of an organism of intelligence and measurable variety of life-stuff? It’s a direct route to the heart of all matter, yet it remains unexplored by the mental corpus of scientific academies save for a very few brave explorers of the natural world.
Once you have acclimated yourselves as a communicative body of intelligence to understanding the experience of being human within the matrix of Earth’s dimensionality, you will be able as a people to undertake a greater adventure in understanding beyond the covers of your elementary scientific texts. You will enter into a science more elaborate, more fundamentally understandable, and more easily accessed than you ever thought possible. We’re not talking about rocket science. That is only one facet of the physics of 3D-plus-time that won’t take you very far, in the end. Our science is participatory, yet completely objective regarding what it is we are investigating. When you cease to see yourselves as separate from the whole of everything, when you become the observer from within an expanded understanding of space, time, and dimension, you will have accessed the crux of a new fold of understanding in the cosmic game of naughts and crosses that can launch you inward and outward simultaneously. We are here to tell you it is so, but you must discover it for yourselves in order to really grasp the meaning and reality of it.
by Maryann Rada
posted on Renegade Thoughts,