A Time of Transformation and Living Alongside the Dead, by Caroline K.A.

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Written by Caroline K.A.

A Time of Transformation

I can’t help but marvel at how the universe works with us in every way imaginable.  Some of the changes which have occurred in my life are down right astounding, and long over due, while others scared the wits out of me for a while until I began to understand the meaning behind it.

It’s as if everything that was up in the air, unresolved and troublesome suddenly settled in its rightful place.  Now I see myself, and everyone around me, particularly my family also feeling the “rightness” of these changes, and it truly brings joy to my heart.  The running joke in my family is, “Why didn’t we think of this before?”  A new understanding has been brought into our consciousness.  It’s called clarity, and it comes to us on so many levels.

My 80-year-old mother recently had heart surgery.  Although against my wishes, she had been living alone for a long time.  My job carries me away from the city on weekends, and away from all communication via telephones or computers for a minimum of four days. It’s fairly easy to understand why this stressed me so with constant worry about her health and well-being.

She insisted for years she was fine, and although bound and determined to maintain her privacy, and independence after this heart surgery, I decided it was time to draw the line.

These past few weeks, my house has literally been in upheaval, as my husband and I changed rooms, my daughter as well, so we could accommodate my mom.  Twenty years of accumulation of “things” were thrown out, bags, and bags, boxes loaded with “stuff” and trash are gone.  It was a cleansing of space, and energy like no other I’ve ever experienced, and as I said before, long overdue!  This was yet another weight on my mind, and how grateful I am this has cleared too.

If I remember correctly this change with my mom, and her surgery came around the time when the great waves of clarity swept the planet.  I’m sure they still are, but I’m also wondering if the wave touched upon my consciousness because suddenly I knew, no matter what, she could not live alone anymore.  No matter how much she retaliated, this was it.

I cannot begin to express how wonderful it been for all of us to have her here with us in our home.  It’s as if all those loose ends suddenly came together, and there is great comfort and peace.  The stress has subsided financially, emotionally, and for her physically.  I am so grateful for this.

The blessings are continuous, and I’m seeing them everyday.  If we consider what is happening in our lives as we look into our hearts, we will see them.  We just have to keep our hearts open, listen, and feel.

There is no end to my amazement as to what we can accomplish, and the help that is fully accessible when we open up our hearts, and ask for it.  The universe wants to work with us, for us.  Our guides, angels and compassionate Allies want us to succeed.  They want us to climb out of the mire, and return to our true nature as beings of love and light.  We must believe……….

A new paradigm is forming.  Our world is changing, and as we have heard before, it all begins with us.  Within each individual, and within each heart.  Compassion, unity, forgiveness, understanding and love are the main components for bringing our new world to reality.

Living Alongside the Dead

As rebellious circumstances in my life continue to settle, I’m able to put more attention on another pressing matter, and this is one I can’t ignore, no matter how hard I’ve tried.

I used to think I was being punished for making a stupid mistake back in March when I pushed the door a little too hard, and I was not prepared for what was on the other side.

Since March, it’s been a bumpy road, but gradually everything is ironing out. This is due to my growing willingness to work with it, rather than against it.  I believe the universe will always guide us towards the path of our greatest good.  Sometimes it takes time, and even when we don’t understand what’s happening, if we remain diligent in our faith, we will soon see the truth of what is occurring, and there will be light again.

I can feel the dead when they are around me.  Somehow, back in March when I threw myself off the edge of the cliff, I opened a gateway to the spirit world which was already there, and intended to open eventually, only without realizing it I forced it open, too soon.

I was told by my wonderful teacher and healer, this was  meant to happen as in my astrological chart, if one believes in those things, psychic ability is in my ancestral line.  By the way, she is yet another example of the universe guiding us along, because without her help and guidance, I think I would have lost my sanity.

As a clairaudient, I can channel.  We all can, this is nothing new.  We all channel our higher selves, higher beings of light, our galactic families, all who are so eager to communicate with us as well, but I can literally feel the presence of the dead.

They are Earthbound Spirits who are still here with us, and believe me they are everywhere.  They too, are suffering, as many of us have suffered through dealing with life’s pains, hurts and disappointments, only they continue to do so even if they have transitioned from physical form.

These spirits are still attached to their former lives because of strong emotional ties to family and loved ones.  Some may feel they transitioned to soon, and still have work to do here, while others don’t realize they’re dead.

Feeling their closeness scared me beyond belief.  I’ve never felt such fear where I was absolutely frozen, unable to move.  I lied awake at night crying, and pleading with anyone who would hear me to make them leave.

Since then, my teacher has taught me how to protect myself from the Earthbounds attaching to me because they are attracted to my energy, why I don’t know, but they are. When I feel them close, I ask them in a firm but polite voice to move out of my energy field. I have now discovered they can hear me too.

Everyday, I take the precautions to protect myself, clear my space, house and the grounds.  At first I thought, what a nuisance this is, and for life!  That was months ago.  Now as I learn, and understand more, I’m seeing things in an entirely different manner.  Here I am trying to make lite of the situation, but Espom salt, sage, and Florida water are my new best friends! By God, we can’t lose our sense of humor!  As Archangel Michael says, we must laugh, and find the joy in our lives.  I take his words to heart every day.

My wonderful teacher has helped me retrieve my power animal, and soul parts which had left me at an early age.  I’m building a strong foundation now by journeying with my power animal, and I’m learning how to connect on a deeper level to my higher self, my Compassionate Allies and yes, my ancestors, for guidance and support.

My teacher and I have emailed back and forth daily for the past 5 months, and while my mom was in the hospital I was able to meet with her personally for healing sessions, and more training, all to which I am so grateful for.  More blessings!

As I write this, I feel that familiar pressure on my upper back, but I’m not freaking out like I used to.  Sometimes it feels cold, and drafty.  Other times it’s a presence, and I always hear the buzzing in my ear.  It’s also hard to sleep sometimes.  When they are really close, it gets louder.

Halloween is coming.  A time when the veil between the two worlds are extra thin.  This will be my first Halloween with this new situation, and I have no idea what to expect.  I think I will sense their presence even stronger so I’m mentally preparing for that.  I’ve been through a few full moons, the equinox and eclipses, all are times when the veil is thin.  It was rough, but I’m learning to work with it. I feel more in control of the situation and myself.

Since I don’t have the experience to journey to them in the spirit world in order to meet them, and help them move on, my teacher has programmed a Crystal Waiting Room where I encourage them to go.  It’s a place of comfort where they will start to remember, and also where they will find their loved ones waiting for them.  My power animal sometimes escorts them there, and guards my gates.

The best, and most miraculous fact of this whole experience yet, is that I am able to connect at a deeper level with my soul, my guides, and really open my heart.  More wonderful blessings!

Instead of living in fear I’m looking at my new way of life, and my new way of being with love, and compassion not only for those physically here with me, but for those souls who are in the spiritual planes as well.  The seen and unseen.   Although these people, the Earthbound Spirits are not here in physical form, they are very real, and they too are suffering, or simply lost.

Earthbound Spirits are attracted to water, like ports, lakes, streams,public areas with lots of people, and public bathrooms as well. They are everywhere, in hospitals too.  When my mom was in the hospital, I had to force myself to stay there for my mom’s sake, even though the presence of the spirits was so strong, I felt nauseous, with a heavy metal taste in my mouth.

We may meet the nicest people, but sometimes, even if they are not aware of it, they have spirits attached to them, and often these are their ancestors who have unfinished business to tend too, or energies they picked up from other people, or places.

Change is everywhere, and the multidimensional world is absolutely real, and quite literally at our fingertips.

I wrote about my experiences not to brag or boast, but simply as a way to provide further evidence of the big changes which are taking place!  I just hope within our world, on our beloved planet Gaia, we will see the changes we need very soon within our new world, and in this Golden Age to which we have all entered upon.

With Love and Light, and many blessing to you all,

