Looking through the rays of light coming through the window I see the tiny specks floating around me. It is clear evidence of the tiny specks of miracles that surround us all.
There may be some saying , “No, those aren’t miracles. Those are dust motes and shed skin.” To those I say, open your eyes and witness the tiny specks of miracles that do in fact surround us all.
When we think of a miracle we contemplate big life changing events like healed disease, surviving an overturned vehicle with only a scratch, finding a $100 bill inside a pair of old jeans. And yes, these can in fact be miracles. But in no way are these super sized occurrences the only definitions of miracles.
A neighbor called the other day to tell me that my street living cat who gave up residence and all but emancipated himself from us 3 years ago was limping so she took him to the vet. This neighbor who shared her love not only with our shared cat, but also with my family is a miracle.