Tiny Texas town opens its homes to 76 children in need (Video)

MomT's picture

As seen on Today News Posted 12/14/12 By Scott Stump, TODAY contributor

The tiny Texas town of Possum Trot has no stoplights, no street names -- and one huge heart.

Over the last 16 years, 25 families in the working-class community have adopted 76 children in need, opening their homes in a town that is struggling financially to the point where the local food bank is empty and has been closed for months.

To read the rest of this story and view the video visit Today News



It's a beautiful thing to be

Nageetah IsRaeL arit NZinga's picture

It's a beautiful thing to be able to have examples of how we should conduct ourselves, when we are trying to please Source.


Love Geeta


Guy's picture

Thats something i love to hear about,helping someone in need,it brings great joy in my heart seeing the smiling face,it has no price .