Transcendence in Life – Effervescence to Natural Spirituality and Freedom

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People fall prey to conditioned responses unknowingly.  As a result, their reactions to others become robotic. They can release themselves from this sad state of affairs through transcendence brought about by simple awareness to inner freedom.

The writer was exposed years ago to the matter of mental conditioning by the messages of a few Enlightened Masters.  That brought in an inwardly moving self-awareness in him.  As a result, some obsessive-compulsive reactions which were trying to enslave him were washed away.

Freedom from conditioning has many redeeming by-products. One of the most important of them is the release from a warped state of mind due to fears and disturbances in childhood.  Conditioned responses can gradually push one into a rut from which it becomes very difficult to release oneself as years go by.  Sensing this, one moves towards an inner freedom that augments vibrant living.  Add to this the exposure of some spiritual paranormal phenomena, we  have the joy of candid living with no psychological or physical addictions.  The writer wishes to share such a joy with the readers.
