Transcript from the White Cloud Easter message 2017.'s picture


April 13th, 2017
Transcript from the White Cloud Easter message 2017. ( Transcribed by Isabelle Harford. Many thanks.)




A very warm welcome to each one of you who has taken this opportunity to listen with your hearts, not just your ears to these words that I offer this day.

My friends, I understand as I have worked with Blossom now for many many years, that you can sometimes feel despondent about the way things are going. And it seems that we, helpers and guides, offerers of wisdom from other realms, are continuing to relay the same old message, as you sometimes put it.

Indeed the message is old. It is from when Love, Life, Energy, formed.

These messages that come forth from me and others in Truth come from the beginning. And in the beginning, there was Love.

And throughout, into infinity and beyond, my friends: the only message is


No matter what is taking place upon your Planet, no matter what is happening in your own personal understanding of life itself. Whatever trials, whatever tribulations, whatever Joys, whatever happiness is your way:

Love is the thread throughout all that is.