Triple Water Astrology – The Anaretic Degree! Sun in Aquarius 2015 newsletter

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Welcome to Sun in Aquarius! Two titans beyond Saturn elevate their status in the transits with the Sun’s ingress. Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, assumes renewed importance with the massive core of the solar system entering his sign. Of great interest is Neptune in Pisces returning to central importance in the transits, perhaps unexpected with Sun’s emphasis on Uranus. The Uranus-Neptune prominence recalls the slow, progressing struggle between Uranus and Neptune via the transition from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. I am reasonably convinced that we are still in the Age of Pisces…but with every passing day, the Age of Aquarius draws closer. Neptune’s current preeminence symbolizes the need for the end of a Great Age to retain its power and hold on society. So we have entrenched implements of the current age (government, large corporations, major religions, other institutions) attempting to “reach into” the next age to retain its power: namely, internet, communications, and other advanced technology (Aquarius) used to serve the purposes of the current age. I wrote a short article for an NGCR newsletter about the Pisces-Aquarius transition and it’s a topic worthy of serious research and various articles or a book. Anyhow, a rich topic with many theoretical extensions and practical applications and observations.

Once again, as with last month, the Sun’s disk will have not completely entered the tropical Aquarius sign as the New Moon occurs! So both Sun and Moon will be on the true cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius. The stage is set this month for a very odd and paradoxical month…which doesn’t have to be “bad” at all. Variety is the spice of life. Keeping your hardware and software “tuned up” is a good idea with Mercury going retrograde in Aquarius this month.

Uranus is a liberator, an innovator, and the genius of the zodiac. To break free of convention, intuit brilliant ideas, and advance humanitarian causes, Saturn (structure) must be faced! How often I witness or read about various people or groups protesting and attempting to tear down current structures with nothing better to replace them. I think “improving structures” and revolutionizing outmoded ideas in a constructive manner reflects a productive manifestation of Uranus.

I enjoy Sun in Aquarius because the transiting Sun is in the same sign as my natal Jupiter and Sun will also cross my natal imum coeli. How can we make best use of the airy Aquarius energy this month? Bear in mind, as always, that the transits must be compared to the natal promise in addition to general observations.


Saturn (career) is reasonably comfortable in the Aquarius sign sign, indicating an emphasis on career this month. Although Saturn classicly rules Aquarius, I like using Uranus as ruler of Aquarius. The Sun-Moon conjunction squares Apollon on January 20, which can be a catalyst for a terrific start to the solar month in terms of career. Sun in Aquarius also sextiles Saturn for about the first week of the month (until about January 27). So it seems the first week of the month is ideal for organizing, paying attention to authority, and self-discipline in the context of attempting to reach larger goals. Sun is opposite Jupiter by sign all month, and makes the strongest opposition aspect on February 6. Concentrating energy and constructing various ways to reach objectives have the best chance of reaching fruition around February 6, assuming that is a feasible time frame. Projects that require flashes of insight, brilliant ideas, and not so much initiating projects but following them through to completion and concentrating energy on finishing projects is a strong theme for this month.

I have Mercury retrograde natally (as does about 20-25% of the population). This probably makes me less convinced of the usual proclamations of unpleasant events associated with Mercury retrograde. Backing up your data, making sure that you take a bit of extra time to communicate well, especially via chat and email, and reviewing proper operation of various technological devices will probably go a long way in helping to navigate Mercury retrograde this month. He does not make it back into Capricorn with the retrograde. He goes direct again on February 11. I would say that his stationary period at about 1 Aquarius and then turning direct again is quite fortunate with the square to Apollon (multiplication, expansion). The opportunities for expansion present themselves throughout the month, and timing your projects to coincide with the Apollon and Jupiter aspects might pay off well. January 20, February 6, and around February 11 therefore are critical dates to consider.

Venus enters the Pisces sign on January 27, and Mars remains in Pisces throughout the month. Venus does very well in Pisces – think empathy and other strong Venusian qualities in the transcending Pisces sign – but Mars does not do so well in Pisces, I believe – application of energy has trouble finding direction. So accomplishment at work might be best attained via teamwork rather than being independent. This is a bit paradoxical with Sun in Aquarius, although Aquarius is a social air sign. “Independent teamwork”, in other words, a closely-knit group a bit outside of a larger structure, appears promising this month in terms of productivity and reaching various work-related goals. January 31 to February 15 is outstanding for opportunities to be creative within a larger social group and be productive. Based on the transits this month, I like the various opportunities and potentials at work and in career.


I’m not so sure that the markets are as rosy as the career possibilities this month. Will Saturn’s demands to face reality win over Neptune’s illusory fog? The Saturn-Neptune square seems to loom large in questions of market direction this month, in addition to the emphasis on Uranus suggesting volatility. Uranus is exactly conjunct South Node, to the degree and minute, in the Sun enters Aquarius ingress chart. Uranus is a futuristic planet, and South Node is directly about past karma. I am interested to see what returns the markets might bring this month with all of the clashing in the heavens. I am not a financial astrologer, but I’m sure they’ll be working overtime this month! Whether the Fed chair Janet Yellen and the other members of the Fed committee will be working overtime I don’t know, but deciding what to do with the $5 trillion on their balance sheet surely must be an area of concern.

This month is just not the month to buy technological items. I would also avoid having them fixed, unless it’s absolutely necessary. With cars, appliances, and other unsuspected items actually using more and more technology, this month perhaps is a better month to save for future (Aquarius = future!) purchases than make them. If you must buy a large ticket item, especially a technological gadget type item, it’s best done before January 22 or after February 11. If you need to wire money, I suggest being very certain that you understand the conditions of the transaction and that you communicate well with the bank or financial entity sending it, and verify thoroughly. This is also a good month to reevaluate your finances in terms of how much credit you have, making sure your online accounts are secure, and protecting email, Facebook and social media accounts, and securing passwords. Also, anticipating ways to avoid large variations in income and expenses, if possible, might bring a sense of needed security.


Venus becomes much stronger after January 27 and she slowly draws closer to conjunction to Mars all month. Venus is stronger than Mars in Pisces. This month is not ideal for initiating and reaching various goals in relationships, although it’s a very good month for adapting to your partner and various people in other relationships, and feeling empathy for other people. Imagining and envisioning where you want to be in your relationships is a good exercise this month. Also, practicing spirituality with your partner can be very productive. The vibe this month in relationships seems to be “let it flow”.

Juno (relatedness) and Jupiter are both retrograde, and Juno starts to drag away from conjunction with Jupiter this month. Still, the wide conjunction for the first half of the month between Juno and Jupiter is a plus for relationships. Sun, Juno, and Moon’s Nodes form a mystic cross pattern, strongest around January 30, reiterating the spiritual theme in relationships. An awesome opportunity to consciously (Sun) determine future direction in terms of past experiences (Moon’s Nodes) in relationships (Juno). This can be a very productive, uplifting exercise based on the characteristics of the mystic cross rectangle pattern. Of course, the Aquarius/Uranus emphasis can contribute significant thoughts and flashes of insight in this regard, and in fact Uranus is also part of the mystic cross pattern.

The Aquarius influence suggests various surprises and disturbances might occur more than usual this month, and relationships are no exception to this. However, a sense of friendship and kinship is also heightened with the Aquarius energy. Cupido (Transneptunian) is drawing closer to the Galactic Center, so Cupido will be very significant soon. For now, watch for greater than average feelings of companionship in marriage and family around February 13-17.


This month highlights a very direct manifestation of Neptune in his home sign, Pisces. The merging, creative, inspirational, and transcending qualities of Neptune are more accessible than average. Yet the Saturn-Neptune square is a direct reminder that despite the very appealing qualities of Neptune, he can also be very difficult to reach and manifest various unpleasant qualities: deceit, delusion, addictions and escapes, and a nebulous cloud of fog that seems not to have a beginning or end. The Saturn-Neptune square very much implies that discipline, structure, and following authority is part of the spiritual path this month, and within a larger context, throughout our lives. Having faith is important and in this month of paradoxes, Neptune so prominent and appealing in his home sign right now is also apparently more difficult to reach! Considering the meaning of this paradox itself is probably a productive spiritual exercise.

Moon’s Nodes aspect Poseidon (Transneptunian/wisdom, insight) for a large chunk of this month. Considering past spiritual experiences and intentions is important, therefore, in considering future spiritual direction. Experiencing spirituality and spiritual insights in relating to other people is a strong theme for about the first week of this month (until about January 26). Spiritual empathy, admiring and wearing objects of spiritual significant and beauty, and advancing spiritually by serving other people is a strong theme around February 4-6. January 30-February 1 is an opportunity for fully understanding something in a conscious way. All of the personal planets – Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars – will aspect Poseidon at various times of the month. I have the inclination that with the overarching Neptune influence, as one person among billions on earth as part of a larger collective, spirituality can still be individually expressed in a productive way with the personal planets influenced strongly by Poseidon this month. So perhaps Uranus is asserting himself in Neptunian issues, in this example, as we draw closer to the Age of Aquarius.

Happy solar return to friends with Sun in Aquarius! Have a great month and see you when Sun enters Pisces. Mike

p.s. Special offer while Sun is in Aquarius in 2015 - two page readings are only $22! Professional readings at great prices. Know your self, see your future. If you want a reading or know someone who does, please visit

Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this newsletter, as the newsletter is not intended to replace them. This is for informational purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to my email address.
