The shortest day of the year, Winter Solstice, is today. A most remarkable New Moon is occurring on the solstice at 0 Capricorn! Both luminaries will be on the true cusp of Sagittarius and Capricorn today, as evidenced by each disk of the Sun and Moon, exactly conjunct at 0 degrees 6 minutes Capricorn, partly in tropical Sagittarius and partly in tropical Capricorn. What this means is a bit beyond the scope of my newsletter, but it might contribute to an edgy month. The ingress chart, pictured above (or below if you’re seeing this on my Facebook page) has Apollon-Saturn-Sun forming aspects to one another. “Delayed multiplication of consciousness” could be a theme for this month, along with the edginess (which could be a plus, well used) and Mars and Uranus playing ping pong in mutual reception. What a cacophony of energies on the first day of the solar month!
The holiday theme still seems consistent with Sun in Saturn’s sign, Capricorn. Although initially I associated Christmas with Jupiter/Sagittarius, the idea of Father Christmas, and the new year on January First, is Saturnine. I don’t know much about the history of Father Christmas, besides the obvious symbolism of a father, but the image of a Saturn-like figure on December 31 and evaluating the past year, and setting goals for the new year, fits the Capricorn imagery and energies well.
Please bear in mind, also, that I am raising my rates after December 31, 2014. If you want a reading or know someone who does, I will still be one of the best bargains around after December 31, but the prices for my services will increase.
Saturn is a fascinating planet, astronomically and astrologically. Every so often I hear or read about people saying that they dread and dislike Saturn. He is a bringer of pain at times, but considering the reasons for his functions is often helpful in understanding his methods. Ultimately he helps a person expand his or her limits. So the usual keywords associated with Saturn – discipline, authority, responsibility – might initially sound unappealing in various situations, but a choice can be made to productively apply Saturn to all areas of life (physical, mental, spiritual activities, relationships, work, et al) in order to increase capabilities and consciousness in various ways. Hence, I think, the association of ambition and achievement with Saturn and his home sign.
Let’s see what the transits might bring this month.
Saturn’s ingress into Sagittarius on December 23 is very important. Behind the scenes authority is less emphasized and authority becomes more concerned with the abstract, ethics, and perhaps looking forward. December 28 to January 8 is a strong period with Saturn aspecting Apollon. Structuring various efforts to make something multiply can be very effective during this time and hard work directed in an intelligent, efficient manner might pay off well during this time. The Mars-Uranus theme of extremes can also be of benefit if a person can act at an opportune moment…so identifying opportunities and acting quickly can pay off this month, I feel. This will change abruptly when Mars ingresses into Pisces on January 12. So January 8 seems to be a deadline for projects and career moves that require a lot of energy (Mars), brilliant ideas and insights (Uranus), and being public and well-liked (a combination of Saturn, Sun in Capricorn, and Apollon).
I have the image of Mars in Pisces as walking through a swimming pool filled with water. He is a “spiritual warrior” when he manifests via Pisces. So Mars can be very fervent and dedicated in Pisces, but I’m not sure that he handles the diffuse energy so well. He does aspect Apollon for a few days (January 12-13) which is certainly a plus (and Apollon therefore is quite active this month). Perhaps this is the silver lining in the cloud, due to Mars both squaring Saturn and conjuncting Neptune in force after his ingress on January 12. So some caution is in order regarding dealing with authority figures and navigating collective groups from January 12 until the end of the month. December 26 and 27 are fantastic days for actions requiring precise focus, creative efforts, and organization, especially in intellectual work (Mars trines Zeus on those days).
Sun conjuncts Pluto exactly on January 3. Pluto (transformation, power through perspectives) is a bit out of the loop by that time with Saturn having exited Capricorn. If you require personal power or need to “borrow” power to initiate projects or achieve various goals December 30-January 7 approximately is a good time to consider it. Sun in Capricorn is a useful window to access the Transsaturnians (Uranus/Neptune/Pluto), and this month, Pluto/power especially. Using prudence and caution (Capricorn) of course is in order with the Transsaturnians.
Overall this month can be very rewarding in terms of what you receive in exchange for how much hard work and effort you contribute, particularly at work.
Finance is a close second for order of topics this month. Saturn is a very earthy planet and considering how to provide for one’s self and family, both in the present and future, is amenable to Saturn. Based on the buying frenzy and recent volatility in the markets, finding and listening to the right authority is critical, in my opinion. So is a disciplined approach to saving and investing. Notice the very Saturnine ideas in my previous two statements (authority, discipline). Also, of great interest is Jupiter – one of only two planets retrograde this month. (Uranus is also retrograde.) “Re-evaluating” return on investment is appropriate this month (credit to Michael Munkasey for Jupiter’s role in finance). Creating a concrete plan and initiating it this month fits the symbolism of Sun in Capricorn well.
I am still trying to wrap my mind around the Fed holding $5 trillion on its balance sheets. The concept of karma (Saturn) obviously is prominent regarding such a vast sum! I do not specialize in financial astrology, but I do have an Economics degree. I wonder what the buzz about the Fed might be in Economics departments across the country and world right now. At the moment, the S&P is just shy of its record high.
This month is reasonably good for having items repaired or restored. I also have the impression that various shocks and swings might crop up in personal finances, such as emergency repairs or greater than average swings in income. I have the impression that it’s a reasonably good month for buying goods and services as well, especially electronics and intellectual advice/consultations. I don’t have particular dates in mind, although if possible, I would suggest buying large ticket items before the Mars ingress (January 12).
Mars opposes Juno earlier in the month, and Venus later in the month. January 3 to 6 is an active time for marriage and family matters, and generally favorable for togetherness. The month has more of a “friendship” type feel with close relationships and romance is a bit on the dour side until January 3. This month is also very much about meeting of the minds with a significant other, especially after the January 3 date. So January 3 is quite a shift of energies in relationships. Concrete plans, and more concrete activities, are appropriate before January 3 this month. After January 3, flashes of insight between and with significant others and surprises in relationships are probably going to be more common. The end of the month is more of a spiritual time in relationships as well. Jupiter meanders backwards a bit closer to Juno all month, so relating to others is still going to have Jupiter’s blessing for quite a while.
Be cautious of past waste and muck entering the picture in relationships from about January 15 to 17. Being assertive and making a clear assessment of relationship issues becomes more difficult, on average, after January 12 as well. Relationships might feel a bit bogged down and restrictive from January 3 to January 8, offsetting Cupido’s influence a bit. Overall, relationships have ups and downs this month, but relationships appear perhaps slightly better than average in the larger picture this month. One interesting item is Sun conjunct Pluto this month – considering how you might change your self, or your role, in various relationships via discipline and effort might be apropos.
Uranus (knowledge) goes direct this month, but he aspects Poseidon (wisdom, insight) for most of the month. I love this potent combination of knowledge and wisdom, culminating in “instant spiritual insights”. Of course, the key to meeting Uranus-Poseidon is Saturn – how convenient with as many as five planets in Saturn’s sign this month. So the opportunity to discipline one’s self, particularly the mind, to reap spiritual insights is very strong. Spiritual breakthroughs can occur more often than average this month. The Sun (consciousness) adds to the spiritual returns on January 1 and 2 (“insight conscious spiritual insights”).
This is quite an exciting month in the spiritual realm. The Moon’s nodes continue to retrograde in Aries/Libra and will aspect Poseidon by the end of the month. So past work and actions will tend to reap results (whether the manifestation from a person’s perception is “positive” or “negative”, essentially neutral events filtered through accumulated experiences) and set future direction for spiritual endeavors. I will attempt to make a better interpretation of the Moon’s nodes aspecting Poseidon on my Facebook page and in the Sun enters Aquarius newsletter.
Difficult though the Mars-Neptune conjunction at the end of the month might feel, Mars provides an energetic boost to Neptune’s spirituality. Neptune is stronger by sign; so Mars (unwillingly, no doubt) plays a subsidiary role to Neptune’s bliss. Perhaps Mars in Pisces signals the end of some type of cycle regarding spiritual actions. We might see a new direction implemented by the Roman Catholic Church and Pope Francis with the next Mars ingress into Aries, or a different approach by various parties to other religious issues on the world stage. More personally, considering what spiritual actions have been accomplished over the past two years is in play.
Thank you for joining me again this month and happy solar return to Sun in Capricorn friends! See you when Sun enters Aquarius next month. Mike
Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this newsletter, as the newsletter is not intended to replace them. This is for informational purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to my email address.