This Mercury retrograde is quite potent! Not only is Mercury in his home sign, Gemini, but he’s also forming a square to Neptune in Pisces as he retraces his steps in the Gemini sign. I have the feeling that I’ve been forgetting things more than usual with this retrograde. Another side effect is a slightly late newsletter! I hope everyone still finds it of use.
I am raising my rates again. However, if you mention my newsletter and purchase a reading with Sun in Gemini this month I will charge the “old” rates for any reading. No worries about my ability to do sharp, insightful readings even with Mercury retrograde, because I have natal Mercury retrograde and also, my natal Saturn helps to mitigate Mercury’s mischief when he’s in Gemini. Mercury retrograde has nice opportunities for those willing to acclimate to his pace. Care and caution, and even “re-doing” tasks or “re-thinking” various strategies might yield better results than a one-shot deal. Indeed, Mercury is about learning.
The yod pointing to Pluto in the Sun enters Gemini ingress chart suggests “thinking about expanding power” and the outlet is Venus in Cancer. Thus considering how to develop a “home base” this month for developing your personal power and handling projects and goals with enthusiasm and a penchant for learning is a strong theme for this month. Even with the Mercury-Neptune square as the center of the ingress chart, the feminine energies hold sway with Moon in her home sign, Cancer, conjunct Venus and both trining the powerful Neptune. The entire gamut for reaching a greater collective is present: looking deep into the unconscious core and emotions; harmonizing with other people and in groups; and striving to become part of a spiritual collective. The tense aspects in the chart are almost overwhelming, but serve as a reminder that the greatest growth comes from the fiercest obstacles.
Let’s see what the heavens portend for this month.
Neptune goes retrograde on June 12, while he’s still squaring Mercury in Gemini. How interesting that Mercury’s retrograde ends the day before Neptune’s retrograde begins. The struggle between the mischievous Mercury and effusive Neptune tends to dominate the entire month. It suggests that the way to meet spirituality, use imagination, and join a greater collective is through earnest use of the mind. Sun in Gemini tends to encourage use of the mind as well (conscious thought) and Mars is also in airy Gemini throughout the entire month. Three personal planets squaring Neptune by sign…energy, passion, and will to use logic clashes with Neptune’s spiritual bliss. This gives the impression that a lot of soul-searching and looking for answers will be a theme this month. June 12 will be a day to start reflecting more. Spirituality will either be very front and center, or very much in the background based on the symbolism of Neptune retrograde. Mercury retrograding in his home sign Gemini is an opportunity to “re-think” concepts and taking extra time to gain understanding of intellectual problems and issues. Neptune retrograding in his home sign Pisces will be an opportunity to reflect and look inward. The June 11 and 12 dates are very important for intuiting a shift in how you might approach spirituality. The Mercury-Neptune square is also a symbol of religion meeting science – a slow and arduous process – so that can be one way to approach spirituality this month if that sparks your interest.
Feeling “at home” in a formal church has its best days this month from May 21 to May 25, with Venus trining her spiritual teacher Neptune in water signs. This theme is still rather powerful until June 4, until Venus leaves the Cancer sign. Accessing a greater collective via a close community, at home or elsewhere, tends to work well with the watery Venus-Neptune connection. May 31 and June 1 are also opportune days for practicing spirituality. May 31 and June 1 have Sun aspecting Poseidon, a time to focus on using the mind to gather conscious insights and gaining greater understanding of yourself through spiritual insights.
Juno (relatedness/asteroid lady) will draw further away from Jupiter in the Leo sign after quite a run of the two conjuncting. Enjoying abundance in close relationships is still a strong theme this month. Juno also makes a trine to Uranus, so while close relationships can have some jolts and shocks, a sense of spontaneity can also be a nice benefit. Venus also has a nice influence on the home environment until June 5, giving her sense of ease and harmony amongst families and households. Mars and Venus will not make a major aspect this month, however, Venus moving to a fiery sign and Mars in an air sign all month gives relationships an more outgoing feel, especially after Venus moves into Leo on June 5. Meeting goals and ambitious endeavors have a greater chance of success when couples use a more cognitive approach. I have Venus in Leo and I think she is a bit more independent in the Leo sign, but some definite pluses for her placement in Leo include more romance, creativity, and a focus on children, if applicable. Venus also makes what I term “the nicest of conjunctions” with Jupiter by the end of the month. Thus, watch for some good times in relationships this month, with Jupiter’s blessings and Venus’ ease active in relationships rounding out the end of the month.
The end of the month also shows Juno making a nice trine to Cupido (Transneptunian). June 13 to June 18 can be very uplifting for marriage and close relationships within your extended family or “clan”. I have the impression of this aspect of a couple attending a fancy gala. While almost no one will do this over the June 13-18 time frame, the idea matches a fun, creative time to be seen with and function as a close member of a unit with your significant other. I suggest that a day to mark on your calendar is June 15, with Sun directly aspecting both Cupido and Juno. The trio creates a half-kite pattern with Sun at the focal point. Harmony with a significant other can be achieved by intellectually adapting yourself to them. A lot of work and play might be accomplished around those days – think increasing returns!
Saturn retrogrades back into Scorpio at the end of the month – one last time in Scorpio in his current cycle. The “on or off” feel to authority suddenly moves behind the scenes. Saturn and Pluto once again, relatively briefly, in each other’s signs, raises the importance of using and responding to power in the workplace. The Mercury-Neptune square is probably most influential, however. Taking extra time to ensure deadlines are met and that you have all of the information you need to complete a task or give a presentation is a good idea this month. Mars conjunct Mercury until early June gives Mercury a flavor of Mars. So people at work might seem a bit on the aggressive side, or argumentative. Mercury retrograde in Gemini can be useful for making a task that has to be redone better in the final version than if it had been completed in one try. Mercury’s square to Neptune is probably a greater challenge than Mercury’s retrograde. Establishing a clear direction for your energy is tougher than average this month, but critical. Mars gives a sense of “ready, fire, aim”, especially earlier in the month, so planning ahead, strategizing, and tenaciously adhering to a task can be of benefit.
Saturn starts to make an aspect to Apollon (Transneptunian) around June 6. This is the halfway marker through the month – the second half of the month can be very productive for expanding your influence at work, working simultaneously on two projects (perhaps), and even starting or working on increasing a side business. Saturn reverting back to Pluto’s sign can be a useful time to gain perspective on your own role in the workplace, and how to increase your personal power and influence. Not a bad topic to bear in mind as the month wears on, especially at the end of the month.
Just as soon as Mercury stops retrograding, he’s making his strongest aspect to Saturn, an opposition. The square with Neptune is also tough, but Neptune goes retrograde almost as soon as Mercury goes direct. With all of the planetary “noise” in the heavens this month (tense aspects seem to crop up a lot, especially towards the beginning of the month), I’m not sure that this is the month to buy big ticket items. Buying “something you’ve always dreamed of” might work at the end of the month, after Saturn moves back into Scorpio (June 14). As always, being very sure of what you’re obtaining or signing is important with Mercury retrograde.
The planets in Gemini and Leo give me the impression of monetary “outflows”. The Fed’s difficult task of determining when to raise rates has markets near record highs ready to move up or down on a dime (or better said, $5 trillion!). Vesta changes signs this month, from Pisces to Aries. Perhaps this portends bolder and more decisive action from the Fed.
Happy solar return to friends with Sun in Gemini! Have a good month and see you when Sun enters Cancer. Mike
Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to triplewaterastrology@yahoo.com.